English: A
pie is a baked dish, with a baked shell usually made of pastry that covers or completely contains a filling of
cheeses, creams,
nuts, or other sweet or savoury ingredient.
<nowiki>pay; baka; pan suwi; pai; pie; пай; turta; paj; пиріг; 西式餡餅; torto; 파이; Pajo; páj; tourte; Pai; pita; пряка; pie; пита; torta; pie; pai; pai; Pai; ಪೈ; pie; فطيرة; 批; pay; pastel bete; empanada; coca farcida; бәлеш; pei; пірог; پای; 西式餡餅; pie; Piirai; パイ; pâté; פאי; crustum; 西式馅饼; ਪਾਈ; Pie; pie; pirukas; พาย; бәлеш; პურ-ფუნთუშეული; torta; pita; pirg; pita; pióg; կարկանդակ; бәлеш; prăjitură cu fructe; pita; pay; pie; пита; pastei; ciasto; pàidh; 西式餡餅; Kuchen; piirakka; tarte; пита; pastel; пірог; πίτα; пирог; tipo di torta formata da una pasta e da un ripieno; plat cuit; тып выпеку; хлебобулочное изделие; сөсө йәки әсе ҡамыр эсенә ит фаршы йәки туралған ит һалып, өҫкө яҡтан мотлаҡ тишек ҡалдырылып майҙа ҡурылған ҡамыр ризығы; Gebäck; baked dish; מאפה של בצק ממולא; maträtt; madret; meyveli pasta; tipus de plat que es fa al forn; alimento cozido ao forno de recheios variados; matrett; อาหารอบ; rodzaj wypieku; тонке хлібне тісто, пісочне та листкове тісто з солоною або солодкою начинкою, запечене або смажене; gevouwen deeggerecht met inhoud; 구운 과자의 일종; plato horneado. Fina masa de pan, masa quebrada u hojaldre rellena con una preparación salada o dulce y cocida al horno o frita; ಬೇಯಿಸಿದ ಖಾದ್ಯ; suolainen tai makea leivonnainen; baked dish; baked dish; druh anglosaského koláče; храна; sformato; 批; sütemény; pite; пируг; pasteitje; pastei; курник; пляцок; 派; 批; empanada; pastís; бәрәмәс (перемяч); 派; 批; bánh ngọt; 🥧; 🥧; 派; пируг</nowiki>
pie baked dish |
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mmmm... Apple pie
Fromage blanc pie
storebought rhubarb stalks
cleaned rhubarb stalks
strawberries cut for pie
mixed rhubarb and strawberries
dry ingredients for filling
mixed fruit and dry ingredients for pie filling
dry ingredients for crust
added butter
blended butter
with added water
dough rolled into a ball
dough on a lightly floured board
dough flattened
dough rolled out
rolled dough compared to pie dish
crust in pie dish
crust filled with fruit
top crust laid over filled bottom crust
3/4" overhang
how crust is folded over
edge completely folded over
edge of crust decoratively crimped
finished pies
milk brushed on top crust and sprinkled with sugar
ventholes cut in top crust
pies in the oven