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Palmi is a municipality in the province of Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy.

<nowiki>Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; 팔미; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; بالمي; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; پالمی; 帕尔米; Palmi; パルミ; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Parmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; پالمی; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Պալմի; Palmi; Пальмі; Палми; Palmi; Palmi (kumasipala); municipio italiano; község Olaszországban, Reggio Calabria megyében; cumuna taliana; Āltepēcalpōlli; udalerri italiako; municipi d'Itàlia; komyun Italyanong; italienische Gemeinde; comun italian; komunë italian; یک کومونه در ایتالیا; италианска община; şaredariyeke Reggio Calabria, Kalabriya, Îtalya; 'nu comune tagliáne; コムーネ; municipalitate italian; kommun i Italien; муніципалітет в Італії; cumòn italièn; कोमूने; komuna u Italiji; Italiya kommunalari; kumun italian; komunumo de Italio; obec v provincii Reggio Calabria v oblasti Kalábrie; ståd in Itálien; chemun de la Talia; monicípiu italianu; commune italienne; ইতালীয় কমিউন; Talijanske općine; Italian comune; δήμος της Ιταλίας; Italian comune; Italiae municipium; 'nu comune italiano; nu cumuni di Tàlia; comuna italiana; Italian comune; کمونے; munisipaliteit in die Italiaanse; komuna Italijoje; kommune i Italia; comune italyano; коммуна Италии; İtalya'nın Calabria bölgesinde, Reggio Calabria iline bağlı ilçe (komün); munisipyo; włoska gmina; kommune i Italia; Italiaanse gemeente; 意大利的一个市镇; comuna italiana; comună din Italia; kunta Italiassa; comuna italiana; كومونا; comune itałian; comune italiano</nowiki>
Italian comune
Palmi vista da monte Sant'Elia
 locator map image 
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Instance of
Patron saint
LocationMetropolitan City of Reggio Calabria,Calabria, Italy
  • Palmi
  • 17,920 (2023)
  • 32.12 km² (2011)
Elevation above sea level
  • 228 ±1 m
official website
Map38° 22′ 00″ N, 15° 51′ 00″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q54633
VIAF cluster ID:131402045
GND ID:4355446-5
Library of Congress authority ID:n84155984
NL CR AUT ID:ge1153723
J9U ID:987007539038305171
OpenStreetMap relation ID:39617
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Insignia and Maps

  • Land use map of Palmi

    Land use map of Palmi

  • Map of the railways in the territory of Palmi

    Map of the railways in the territory of Palmi

  • Map of main roads in the territory of Palmi

    Map of main roads in the territory of Palmi




  • Landscape of Palmi by Mount St. Elias

    Landscape of Palmi by Mount St. Elias

  • Landscape of Palmi by Mount St. Elias

    Landscape of Palmi by Mount St. Elias

  • Old town of Palmi

    Old town of Palmi

  • public garden of Palmi

    public garden of Palmi

  • resort of Motta

    resort of Motta

  • new suburbs of Palmi
    new suburbs of Palmi
  • new suburbs of Palmi
    new suburbs of Palmi
  • Il teatro all'aperto della città di Palmi, in località Motta.
    Il teatro all'aperto della città di Palmi, in località Motta.
  • Foto aerea dell'Ospedale Civile "Francesco Pentimalli" di Palmi
    Foto aerea dell'Ospedale Civile "Francesco Pentimalli" di Palmi
  • Ingresso principale dell'Ospedale Francesco Pentimalli di Palmi
    Ingresso principale dell'Ospedale Francesco Pentimalli di Palmi
  • Ospedale Civile "Francesco Pentimalli" di Palmi
    Ospedale Civile "Francesco Pentimalli" di Palmi
  • colonna romana proveniente dai ruderi dell'antica Tauriana, collocata in piazza Matteotti a Palmi
    colonna romana proveniente dai ruderi dell'antica Tauriana, collocata in piazza Matteotti a Palmi

Palmi beach

  • Spiaggia Scoglio dell'ulivo
    Spiaggia Scoglio dell'ulivo
  • la cima dello Scoglio dell'Ulivo
    la cima dello Scoglio dell'Ulivo
  • rock Ulivo
    rock Ulivo
  • beach of Palmi
    beach of Palmi
  • Spiaggia Scoglio dell'isola
    Spiaggia Scoglio dell'isola
  • Rada of Lido di Palmi

    Rada of Lido di Palmi

  • beach of Palmi
    beach of Palmi
  • village of Pietrenere
    village of Pietrenere
  • Panorama di Taureana di Palmi e del porto di Palmi
    Panorama di Taureana di Palmi e del porto di Palmi
  • molo di sopraflutto del Porto di Palmi, zona nord ovest della struttura
    molo di sopraflutto del Porto di Palmi, zona nord ovest della struttura
  • Il lungomare della Tonnara di Palmi e il porto turistico.
    Il lungomare della Tonnara di Palmi e il porto turistico.

Mount St. Elias

  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias
  • Landscape of Mount St. Elias
    Landscape of Mount St. Elias




  • Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
    Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
  • Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
    Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
  • Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas by night
    Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas by night
  • Church of Our Lady of Succour
    Church of Our Lady of Succour
  • Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
    Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
  • Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
    Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  • Church of the Holy Crucifix
    Church of the Holy Crucifix
  • Church of Worship
    Church of Worship
  • Church of St. Elias the Prophet
    Church of St. Elias the Prophet
  • Church of the Immaculate Conception and St. Roch
    Church of the Immaculate Conception and St. Roch


  • Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
    Co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
  • Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
    Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  • Church of Worship
    Church of Worship
  • Church of Worship
    Church of Worship
  • Church of the Holy Crucifix
    Church of the Holy Crucifix

Stazione ferroviaria

  • Stazione ferroviaria di Palmi
    Stazione ferroviaria di Palmi


  • Wooden crucifix of the seventeenth century
    Wooden crucifix of the seventeenth century
  • statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the church
    statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the church
  • Spire dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
    Spire dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  • statue of St. Anthony of Padua
    statue of St. Anthony of Padua
  • statue of Our Lady of Succour, in the church
    statue of Our Lady of Succour, in the church
  • statue of Our Lady of Sorrows in the church of Our Lady of Succour
    statue of Our Lady of Sorrows in the church of Our Lady of Succour
  • statue of the Immaculate Conception, in the church
    statue of the Immaculate Conception, in the church
  • mosaic of the Immaculate Conception, in the church
    mosaic of the Immaculate Conception, in the church
  • statue of San Roch, in the church
    statue of San Roch, in the church
  • statue of St. Elias, in the church
    statue of St. Elias, in the church
  • painting of the Madonna of the Letter, co-cathedral of St. Nicholas
    painting of the Madonna of the Letter, co-cathedral of St. Nicholas
  • Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, co-cathedral of St. Nicholas
    Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, co-cathedral of St. Nicholas
  • Chapel of St. Nicholas, in the church
    Chapel of St. Nicholas, in the church
  • statue of Our Lady of Assumption, co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
    statue of Our Lady of Assumption, co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
  • statue of St. Joseph, co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
    statue of St. Joseph, co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
  • statue of Saint Lucia, in the church of Our Lady of the Rosary
    statue of Saint Lucia, in the church of Our Lady of the Rosary
  • statue of Our Lady of the Mountain, in the church of St. Elias
    statue of Our Lady of the Mountain, in the church of St. Elias
  • painting of Our Lady of the Rosary in the church of worship
    painting of Our Lady of the Rosary in the church of worship
  • statue of Our Lady of the Sea, in the church of St Fantino
    statue of Our Lady of the Sea, in the church of St Fantino
  • fountain of St Roch
    fountain of St Roch
  • war memorial in Palmi
    war memorial in Palmi
  • war memorial in Palmi
    war memorial in Palmi




  • Map of comune of Palmi
    Map of comune of Palmi
  • Mappa Diocesi Oppido - Palmi
    Mappa Diocesi Oppido - Palmi
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