<nowiki>Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; 팔미; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; بالمي; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; پالمی; 帕尔米; Palmi; パルミ; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Parmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; پالمی; Palmi; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Palmi; Palmi; Палми; Պալմի; Palmi; Пальмі; Палми; Palmi; Palmi (kumasipala); municipio italiano; község Olaszországban, Reggio Calabria megyében; cumuna taliana; Āltepēcalpōlli; udalerri italiako; municipi d'Itàlia; komyun Italyanong; italienische Gemeinde; comun italian; komunë italian; یک کومونه در ایتالیا; италианска община; şaredariyeke Reggio Calabria, Kalabriya, Îtalya; 'nu comune tagliáne; コムーネ; municipalitate italian; kommun i Italien; муніципалітет в Італії; cumòn italièn; कोमूने; komuna u Italiji; Italiya kommunalari; kumun italian; komunumo de Italio; obec v provincii Reggio Calabria v oblasti Kalábrie; ståd in Itálien; chemun de la Talia; monicípiu italianu; commune italienne; ইতালীয় কমিউন; Talijanske općine; Italian comune; δήμος της Ιταλίας; Italian comune; Italiae municipium; 'nu comune italiano; nu cumuni di Tàlia; comuna italiana; Italian comune; کمونے; munisipaliteit in die Italiaanse; komuna Italijoje; kommune i Italia; comune italyano; коммуна Италии; İtalya'nın Calabria bölgesinde, Reggio Calabria iline bağlı ilçe (komün); munisipyo; włoska gmina; kommune i Italia; Italiaanse gemeente; 意大利的一个市镇; comuna italiana; comună din Italia; kunta Italiassa; comuna italiana; كومونا; comune itałian; comune italiano</nowiki>
Wooden crucifix of the seventeenth century
statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the church
Spire dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
statue of St. Anthony of Padua
statue of Our Lady of Succour, in the church
statue of Our Lady of Sorrows in the church of Our Lady of Succour
statue of the Immaculate Conception, in the church
mosaic of the Immaculate Conception, in the church
statue of San Roch, in the church
statue of St. Elias, in the church
painting of the Madonna of the Letter, co-cathedral of St. Nicholas
Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, co-cathedral of St. Nicholas
Chapel of St. Nicholas, in the church
statue of Our Lady of Assumption, co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
statue of St. Joseph, co-Cathedral of St. Nicholas
statue of Saint Lucia, in the church of Our Lady of the Rosary
statue of Our Lady of the Mountain, in the church of St. Elias
painting of Our Lady of the Rosary in the church of worship
statue of Our Lady of the Sea, in the church of St Fantino
fountain of St Roch
war memorial in Palmi
war memorial in Palmi