Deutsch: Das M16 ist seit Jahrzehnten das Ordonnanzgewehr der US-Streitkräfte und gleichzeitig noch immer strittiger Meilenstein der Infanteriewaffenentwicklung.
English: M16 is the US Military designation for the Armalite AR-15, an assault rifle which fires NATO standard 5.56 mm ammunition (STANAG 4172). This has been the primary infantry rifle of the United States military since 1968, and is in use by 15 NATO countries.
Français : Le M16 est le fusil d'assaut standard de l'armée américaine.
Italiano: L'M16 è un fucile d'assalto utilizzato dalla NATO e dagli alleati USA
한국어: M16 - 유진 스토너(Eugene Stoner)가 설계하고 1967년에 미군에 채용되어 전세계적으로 널리 쓰이고 있는 제식 돌격소총이다.
Polski: M16 - skonstruowany przez E. Stonera karabin szturmowy. Obecnie przepisowy karabin armii amerykańskiej.
Português: M16 é a designação militar dos EUA para o Armalite AR-15, um fuzil de assalto que dispara a munição padrão 5,56 mm NATO (STANAG 4172). Este foi o fuzil de infantaria primário dos militares dos Estados Unidos desde 1967 e está sendo usado por 15 países da OTAN.
Bahasa Melayu: M16 diperkenalkan semasa peringkat awal penglibatan Amerika dalam Perang Vietnam, bagi menggantikan raifal M14 yang digunakan sebelumnya.
日本語: M16はアメリカ軍のアサルトライフルでNATO標準の5.56mm弾を使用する。1967年に制式化され現在はNATO加盟の15ヶ国を始め80ヶ国以上で使用され、各国でライセンス生産される。
US Marines training with M16 rifles
U.S. Army Soldier cleans hisXM16E1 rifle during the Vietnam War in 1966.
An early M16 rifle: note "duckbill" flash suppressor, triangular grip, and the lack of forward assist and brass deflector
Bruneian soldiers with M16
AKMS and M16A1
Australian soldiers in Vietnam, 1967.
Israel boy holding a M16A1
Malaysian Army soldier equipped with M16A1 and
M203 grenade launcher
A Republic of Korea (ROK) Soldier aims his 5.56mm M16A1 rifle with 40mm M203 grenade launcher attached
A recruit aims his M16A1 rifle
M16A1 rifle rear sight
Marines on a training exercise with their M16A1s
A Philippine marine aiming an M16A1
Several marines of the Philippine Marine Corps are training during
BALIKATAN 2004 exercise
M16A2 Semiautomatic Rifle with M203 Grenade Launcher
M16A2 rifle without magazine
M16A2 rifle with
M203 grenade launcher
A U.S. Marine takes aim with an M16A2 fitted with the
M203 40 mm grenade launcher.
German Army soldiers of the 13th Armored Division qualify with the M16 at
Würzburg, as part of a partnership range with the U.S. 1st Infantry Division
New rear sight, brass deflector and forward assist of M16A2
A Marine with an M16A2 on a training exercise at Camp Baharia,
Iraq, 2004. An
M1 Abrams tank is in the background
M4 Carbine (foreground) and two M16A2 (background) being fired by U.S. Marines during live fire exercise: though adopted in the 1990s and derived from the M16A2, the M4 Carbine was part of a long line of short-barreled
AR-15 used in the U.S. military
US Marine in an arctic environment with M16A2 with
M203 grenade launcher mounted.
Marines training with M16A2s.
Two Marines trains with bayonets attached at M16A2s
A Israleli 8th grade girl is aming with an M16A2
A radioman armed with an M16/203 rifle
US Marine training at a shooting range with an M16A2
M16A4 without magazine
Two Marines in Afghanistan; the one in front carries an M16A4; the one in the rear is armed with a
Marine with an M16A4 with ACOG, similar to the "West Coast SAM-R."
A U.S. Marine carrying an M16A4 in Gharmah,
Iraq, 2006. His weapon is fitted with an Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight and a front handgrip.
US Marines aboard the
USS Essex zero their M16A4 rifles
Marine aiming his M16A4 that has an attached
M203 grenade launcher
US infantry on patrol in Iraq, the solder on left is using an M16 and the solder on the right is using a
M4Iraqi soldier with an M16A4
US Marines (right) using M16A4s with Malaysian Army soldiers during a joint amphibious landing exercise for Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Malaysia 2009.
A Marine introduces Japanese soldiers to the M16A4