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This is agallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected withIron, seeCategory:Iron.

<nowiki>hierro; járn; شؠشتٕر; besi; ӕфсӕйнаг; iron; اوسپنه; لوہا; لوہا; železo; fèrre; iron; кшни; Iise; temir; লো; железо; Eisn; आइरन; ပသီႏ; fer; željezo; besi; σίδηρος; raud; кшни; लोखंड; ferro; ଲୌହ; ഇരുമ്പ്; iron; gelžis; гвожде; insimbi; iarann; երկաթ; ijzer; Eisen; jern; jern; dəmir; aironi; demir; 鐵; ryevdi; żelazo; حديد; кӧрт; fier; သံ; 鐵; темир; loha; नँ; ruevtie; आइरन; fierro; ferro; тимер; haearn; fer; hekuri; آهن; 鐵; kurugu; რკინა; 鉄; ferro; marad; حديد; fer; යකඩ; ferrum; अयः; लोहा; 铁; rauta; fier; iezer; ruʹvdd; حديد; raud; लोखण; yzer; ਲੋਹਾ; жалеза; īsen; тимер; темір; houarn; fero; ferru; ئاسن; fierro; ракь; желїзо; fier; fè; ħadid; heru; Eisen; เหล็ก; vy; tirse; željezo; beusi; ferru; færo; Iersen; stälj; ܦܪܙܠܐ; fero; ఇనుము; ལྕགས།; 鐵; લોખંડ; ferru; tlīltic tepoztli; yiarn; tiék; ferre; Iesen; bakal; fierro; demir; aiyen; horn; желязо; تۆمۈر; kkalwe; 鐵; ñɩɣtʊ ñɩɣɖɛ; bir; түмэр; ferro; jern; ಕರ್ಬೊದ ಅದುರು; оҳан; fero; ທາດເຫຼັກ; 철; jarn; fero; залізо; heru; fer; লোহা; корт; wesi; लोहा; ދަގަނޑު; fè; iron; אייזן; raud; železo; sắt; кӧрт; რკინა; yster; béésh; аьшк; wëu; utare; airn; төмөр; thih; Eisen; yero; basi; wesi; ಕಬ್ಬಿಣ; ebendé; 鐵; железо; itakandua; aean; wuwate; iron; vas; ብረት; төмр; burdina; diet; жєлѣꙁо; asın; khillay; लोहा; эчиг; жалеза; železo; iezer; hesin; फलाम; dzelzs; Eisen; fé; тимĕр; ayinanii; ברזל; тимер; uzzal; azil; ᱢᱮᱬᱦᱮᱫ; ruovdi; temir; ꯌꯣꯠ; рӯввьт; järn; ferro; izer; kibende; Fere; мах; دمیر; ruovdde; ayan; raudu; iron; hierru; ferro; ferin; željezo; wasi; geležis; železo; bakal; ⵓⵣⵣⴰⵍ; ᏔᎷᎩᏍᎩ; puthaw; chuma; iarann; 鐵; thiet; тимир; لوهه; இரும்பு; ruövddie; rino; 铁; gàn; elemento químico con número atómico 26; frumefni með efnatáknið Fe og sætistöluna 26; chemical element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26; химичен елемент с атомен номер 26; elementul chimic cu numărul de ordine 26; grundämne; хімічний елемент із атомним номером 26; 原子序數為26的化學元素; kemiala elemento 26; 원자 번호 26번의 화학 원소; ৰাসায়নিক মৌল; kemia elemento kun simbolo Fe kaj atomnumero 26; chemický prvek s atomovým číslem 26 a kovový materiál; hemijski element sa simbolom Fe i atomskim brojem 26; bunstoo lesh y chowrey kemmigagh Fe as yn earroo breneenagh 26; ধাতব মৌল; gĭng-sṳ̆k huá-hŏk nguòng-só; kemijski element; एक धातूरूप मुलद्रव्य; chemiski element ze symbolom Fe; nguyên tố hoá học và kim loại trong bảng tuần hoàn có số nguyên tử 26; ķīmiskais elements; chemiese element met simbool Fe en atoomgetal 26; Fе; Појављивање: плочице, куглице, опиљци, зрневље, грумење; Боја: челично сива до гвоздено црна, сребрнасто сива до сиво-бела; Генеза: везује се за базалтну магму;; inhlwa yevanga enophawu Fe nenani lobuchwe 26; elemento químico com número atômico 26; chemical element wi the atomic nummer o 26; cheemescht Element; grunnstoff med kjemisk symbol Fe og atomnummer 26; grunnstoff med kjemisk symbol Fe og atomnummer 26; 化學元素,符號為Fe,原子序廿六。; algâaamnâs Fe; chemical element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26; عنصر كيميائي وفلز انتقالي رمزه Fe وعدده الذري 26; un elfenn gimiek, Fe e arouez kimiek ha 26 e niver atomek; kémiai elem, rendszáma 26, vegyjele Fe; ብረት; 26 zenbaki atomikoa duen elementu kimikoa; elementu químicu de númberu atómicu 26 y símbolu Fe; химический элемент с порядковым номером 26, металл и материал, имеющий в основе этот металл; chemisches Element mit dem Symbol Fe und der Ordnungszahl 26; 原子序數為26的化學元素; grundstof med atomnummer 26; 原子番号26の元素; un elemento chimic de symbolo Fe e numero atomic 26; un chimic element; יסוד כימי בעל המספר האטומי 26; रासायनिक तत्व; రసాయన మూలకం; alkuaine; elemento cimical; alggaaunâs Fe; elemento chimico con numero atomico 26; een element van et Periodiek système; kemial elemente; хімічны элемэнт з парадкавым нумарам 26, мэтал; vuodoábnas Fe; 原子序数为26的化学元素; lömin; 原子序數為26的化學元素; elimentu chìmicu cu nùmmiru atòmicu 26; elemento químico com número atómico 26; hēafodȝesceaft mid ƿitancræftiȝum tācne Fe and þǣm motcræftȝam rīme 26; keemiline element sümboliga Fe ja aatomnumbriga 26; metall; élément chimique de numéro atomique 26 et de symbole Fe; cheminis elementas, kurio atominis numeris yra 26; kemični element z atomskim številom 26 in simbolom Fe; element químic amb nombre atòmic 26; хемиски елемент со атомски број 26; chemischs Element mid dem Symboi Fe und d Oadnungszoi 26; unsur kimia dengan lambang Fe dan nomor atom 26; 26. pierwiastek chemiczny; രാസ ലോഹം. ആറ്റമിക് നമ്പർ 26; scheikundig element met symbool Fe en atoomnummer 26; vuođđoávnnas Fe; chemický prvok s protónovým číslom 26; ڌاتو; sembolü Fe ve atom numarası 26 olan kimyasal element; elemento químico con número atómico 26; maadthhammoe Fe; χημικό στοιχείο με σύμβολο Fe και ατομικό αριθμό 26; Ayidɔkun; लोहा; élément 26; fè (non); elementu 26; феррум; æфсæн; Fe; elemento 26; iren; isern; gelžės; елемент 26; element 26; elemento 26; unsur 26; ferum; grunnstoff 26; jarn; grunnstoff 26; သံဓါတ်; fierro; ferroso; ferrosa; ferro; Fe; 26Fe; Eisen; 쇠; Fe; element 26; elemento 26; ysder; 铁</nowiki>
chemical element with symbol Fe and atomic number 26
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  • 55.845 ±0.002 Da
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Wikidata Q677
GND ID:4014002-7
Library of Congress authority ID:sh85068131
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID:11975665r
NDL Authority ID:00572915
BNCF Thesaurus ID:474
NL CR AUT ID:ph127955
HDS ID:026231
National Library of Spain ID:XX524497
BabelNet ID:00006856n
J9U ID:987007560416405171
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Iron, the pure element

  • Iron, electrolytic chips
    Featured picturesQuality images Iron, electrolytic chips


  • Práškové železo
    Práškové železo
  • Banded Iron Formation specimen from Upper Michigan.
    Banded Iron Formation specimen from Upper Michigan.
  • meteorite
  • rare iron nitride rock
    rare iron nitride rock
  • magnetite
  • samples
  • samples
  • Iron content in sand
    Iron content in sand
  • pyrite
  • Aegirine
  • Arseno pirite
    Arseno pirite
  • Siderite
  • Marcassite
  • Hematite
  • Goethite
  • Chalcopyrite
  • Bornite
  • Andradite
  • samples

Iron production

  • ww2 Germany
    ww2 Germany
  • Minnesota iron works
    Minnesota iron works
  • Australian iron and steel works
    Australian iron and steel works
  • Iron ore pellets awaiting processing into steel
    Iron ore pellets awaiting processing intosteel
  • Iron production at Coalbrookdale, Shropshire (by Philipp Jakob Loutherbourg, 1801)
    Iron production at Coalbrookdale, Shropshire (by Philipp Jakob Loutherbourg, 1801)
  • Italian
  • How Iron was produced in the 19th century
    How Iron was produced in the 19th century
  • Students pouring iron from a hand built coupla at the Wayne State University foundry in Detroit, Michigan
    Students pouring iron from a hand built coupla at the Wayne State University foundry in Detroit, Michigan
  • Electric arc furnace
    Electric arc furnace
  • galvanized coils
    galvanized coils
  • Russian products
    Russian products
  • Chinese production
    Chinese production
  • ductile sample
    ductile sample
  • brittle sample
    brittle sample
  • Austempered Ductile Iron
    Austempered Ductile Iron
  • cobalt alloy
    cobalt alloy
  • rust
  • rust
  • ingot defects
    ingot defects
  • hammer scale dust
    hammer scale dust

Iron usage

  • trains
  • cars
  • Radial engine
    Radial engine
  • water turbine
    water turbine
  • horse shoe
    horse shoe
  • Iron axe from Sweden
    Iron axe from Sweden
  • cast-iron stove plate
    cast-iron stove plate
  • Iron bridge
  • Italy/Venice Ornamental grating

    Ornamental grating

  • vitamin pills
    vitamin pills
  • bridges
  • rebar concrete reinforcement
    rebar concrete reinforcement
  • Rebar
  • tower
  • towers
  • Eiffel Tower
    Eiffel Tower
  • structural steel
    structural steel
  • skyscrapers construction
    skyscrapers construction
  • structural steel
    structural steel
  • staircases
  • staircase
  • container cranes
    container cranes
  • power lines
    power lines
  • shipbuilding
  • submarines
  • portcullis
  • Iron Lion
  • Rick Kirby's "Cross the Divide"
    Rick Kirby's "Cross the Divide"
  • bathtubs
  • prussian blue paint Fe(Fe(CN)6)3
    prussian blue paint Fe(Fe(CN)6)3
  • Metal Fiber used in composite materials
    Metal Fiber used in composite materials
  • Digital TV antenna
    Digital TV antenna
  • rail
  • cable
  • drill pipe
    drill pipe
  • red paint
    red paint
  • paint


  • old tools
    old tools
  • Iron oxide
    Iron oxide
  • The Iron Pillar in Delhi.
    The Iron Pillar inDelhi.
  • Alchemical symbol
    Alchemical symbol
  • Iron Oxide staining
    Iron Oxide staining
  • Iron recycling
    Iron recycling
  • Hydroxid železnatý - Fe(OH)2
    Hydroxid železnatý - Fe(OH)2
  • Uhličitan železitý - Fe2(CO3)3
    Uhličitan železitý - Fe2(CO3)3
  • Fosforečnan železnatý - Fe3(PO4)2
    Fosforečnan železnatý - Fe3(PO4)2
  • Oxid železitý - Fe2O3
    Oxid železitý - Fe2O3
  • Iron meteorite fragments
    Iron meteorite fragments
  • Aqueous ferric thiocyanate (Fe(SCN)n)
    Aqueous ferric thiocyanate (Fe(SCN)n)
  • Tuning forks
    Tuning forks
  • electro magnet
    electro magnet
  • Hematite
  • fools gold iron sulphate
    fools gold iron sulphate
  • earths core
    earths core
  • Mars
  • blood
  • Hemoglobin
  • Ferrofluid
  • laser treatment
    laser treatment
  • sparkle powder
    sparkle powder


  • hydrothermal vent minerals
  • Crystal
  • powder
  • magnets
  • forge
  • structural steel
  • 1912 steel production
  • steel production
  • steel cutting
  • furnace
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