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"Europa" redirects here. For the moon of Jupiter, seeEuropa (moon).
<nowiki>युरोप; Evrópa; یوٗرَپ; Yurop; Европæ; اروپا; IYurophu; Avrupa; یورپ; Euròpa; Europe; Europa; Europe; Evropa; Evropa; Еуропэ; Europe; Europa; युरोप; اۊرۊپا; ଇଉରୋପ; Eropa; Европа; ⵜⵓⵕⵓⴱⵜ; Europa; Avropa; Yúrap; Euroop; أوروبا; Europa; Eurovpe; Europa; Europa; Европа; Evropa; Europa; an Eoraip; اروپا; Avropa; Europa; ევროპა; ヨーロッパ; Europa; Turai; اوروبا; Iurop; Europa; यूरोप्; ʻEulopa; ਯੂਰਪ; Urope; Europe; ஐரோப்பா; Эўропа; Elɔpu; Europa; Yuropa; Europe; Euròpa; Europa; Eropah; ཡོ་རོབ་གླིང་།; Europa; Europa; Europan; Eropa; ma Elopa; Europa; Urope; Europa; Ευρώπην; ᥕᥧᥰ ᥞᥨᥙᥳ; Yurub; Европо; Еуропа; Yurop; Európa; rontu'a; ທະວີບເອີຣົບ; 유럽; Evropa; Eŭropo; Eropah; Europa; Eùropa; Ĕu-ciŭ; यूरोप; Europa; אייראפע; Europa; châu Âu; Аьроп; Europe; Europe; Европ; Europa; ’Europa; ಯುರೋಪ್; Erópa; Europe; Europa; ߋߙߐߔߎ߬; Eropa; አውሮፓ; Европо; Ewropa; Yuurop; Europa; Èropa; Europa; Europa; Ûrope; Yuurooppi; អឺរ៉ុប; ᱤᱭᱩᱨᱳᱯ; ܐܘܪܘܦܐ; Evropa; ꯏꯎꯔꯣꯞ; Europa; Европа; Europa; Европа; Europe; Еуропэ; Tugal; Evropa; Europa; ᏳᎳᏛ; Europa; യൂറോപ്പ്; Europa; ᨕᨙᨑᨚᨄ; Европа; Europa; Ευρώπη; Ojropa; ယူးရူပ်ႉ; Eropa; Yurop; Európa; Європа; Ýewropa; 欧洲; Europa; Yevropa; Еуропа; Европа; Eiropa; ꠁꠃꠞꠥꠙ; Европа; Europa; Европань Мастор; ياۋروپا; IYurophu; Éropa; Europe; 歐羅巴洲; Европа; ဥရောပ; 歐洲; Европа; Ewropa; Êu-chû; ಯುರೋಪ್; Yurop; Europa; Europa; Ewrop; यूरोप; 𐌰𐌹𐍅𐍂𐍉𐍀𐌰; Եվրոպա; 欧洲; Jeropa; Jevrouppu; Eiropaa; Europa; Europa; Iwrupa; ኤውሮጳ; යුරෝපය; O-cuo; 歐洲; यूरोप; 欧洲; Eurooppa; Yawropa; Europa; Europp; Европа; Õuruupa; Eropah; Europa; 欧洲; Ropa; Եւրոպա; Εὐρώπη; Europa; Europa; Europa; Iërupa; Europa; یورپ; Europa; Tuure; Europe; Europa; Europe; Europa; Европа; Ewropa; Iwrupa; iyurupu; Evropa; Europe; Turuft; Ávropa; Europe; Europe; ევროპა; Europe; Yurop; Euroopa; Aêropa; Uropa; Europa; یورپ; Europa; 欧洲; Evrop; Eropah; Ouropa; Burayi; Pakwe Emitikociwi Askik; Urup; Europa; Европа; ఐరోపా; Bulaaya; 歐洲; Европа; Eoropa; Europa; Evropë; Европа; Obodo Békè; 歐洲; Europe; Europa; ياۋروپا; Европа; Avropa; Европа; Oropa; Europa; Ouhcouh; ئوروٙپا; Éropah; ايروڤه; Европ; Léròp; Urupa; Tó Wónaanídi Bilagáana Bikéyah; Ewropa; Vavalagi; Yuroopu; Европа; Eiropa; Europa; Öürobô; Єѵрѡпа; Yurop; Europa; Europa; 歐洲; Аврупо; Europa; اوروپا; Eropa; Euròpa; Европа; ئەورووپا; युरोप; ဥရောပ; युरोप; Европа; Europe; ᐃᐆᕌᑉ; Európa; યુરોપ; ทวีปยุโรป; Europa; Uropa; Ewropa; Европа; Europa; Europa; Европа; Еўропа; Eerɔpʋ tɛtʋ wandamm; Europa; Eropa; युरोप; ইউরোপ; Europa; Ūropi; 欧洲; Europa; אירופה; Европа; yn Oarpey; Europa; Oco; Eurohpá; Euroopa; Europa; Eropa; Europe; Europa; ؤروپا; ইউৰোপ; Ewòp; 歐洲; ဥရောပတွိုက်; यूरोप; Euruopa; Evropa; Mputu; Europa; Evropa; Ewropa; اوروپا قاره; Irupa; Europa; Europa; Awrupa; Hóxovê-hooma; Аурупа; Yurop; Ulaya; An Roinn-Eòrpa; Éropa; यूरोप; Eoropa; يُورَپ; ʻEulope; Europa; Eropa; Èropa; Awrupa; continente bañado principalmente por el Atlántico; heimsálfa; بَرِاعَظٕم; benua; континент; لويه وچه; kıta; براعظم; continent; continenti; মহাদেশ; kontinent; kontinent na Zemlji; တွိုက်; continent; kontinent; аконтинент; قاره; ମହାଦେଶ; continent; континент; ⴰⵎⵏⵥⴰⵡ; verdensdel; Afrikanıñ şimaliyinde, Asiyanıñ ğarbıyında bulunan qıta; eennâmuási; قارة; kevandir; continente; Kuntinent von de Eer; Евразия ҡитғаһының көнбайыш өлөшө; cuntinent; ilchríoch lonnaithe sa Leathsféar Thuaidh agus den chuid is mó sa Leathsféar Thoir; континент; qıta; kontinent i det vestlige Eurasien; კონტინენტი; 大陸、大州; continente; nahiya; continens; महाद्वीपाः; ‘āinapuni‘ole; ਮਹਾਦੀਪ; continint; continent; கண்டம்; частка сьвету; дөнья кисәге; kontinent; continente; lefasana; cuntinente; cemantoc tlālli; ma suli; kontinente; continint; continent; qaaradaha; түби газар; континент; kontinen; ಒಂಜಿ ಬೂ ಪ್ರದೇಸೊ; kontinento; ທະວີບ​ໃນ​ຊີກ​ໂລກ​ເໜືອ; 지구의 대륙; heimspartur; kontinento, norda el Afriko, okcidenta el Azio, orienta el Norda Atlantiko; bawana; Continent; dzél swiata; континент; kontinent; קאנטינענט; kontinent; châu lục ở cực Tây của đại lục Á-Âu; гIара; ziwumbe; continent in Yird's Northren Hemisphere; тив; verdsdel austpå den nordlege halvkula; benua; ಒಂದು ಭೂ ಪ್ರದೇಶ; kontiná; continent in the Northern Hemisphere; yvyrusu; ߜߙߋ ߡߍ߲ ߦߋ߫ ߦߴߝߙߌߞߌ߬ ߕߟߋ߬ߓߐ-ߞߐ߬ߘߎ߮ ߘߐ߫ ߣߴߊ߬ ߦߴߋߙߊߛߌ߫ ߕߟߋ߬ߓߋ ߘߌ߫߸ ߊ߬ߟߋ ߟߋ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߜߙߋ߫ ߘߌ߫߸ ߡߍ߲ ߝߟߐ߫ ߥߙߎߞߌ߫ ߘߊ߫; jiɲɛ jamanaw; አሕጉር; континент; qıta; kantinent; kontinenti; dhârâdhân sè tamaso’ ka dâlem wilayah Asia, namong penduduk èpon ta’ kasokan manabi è sebbhut kalabân oreng Asia tapè lebbi seneng wilayanah è sebbhut kalabèn Benua Éropa. Pamisaan benua ka’dintoh è sabâb aghi parbhidâân bhudâjâ tor âdat.; konitineta; continent; continnent; ᱗ ᱢᱟᱦᱟᱫᱤᱯ ᱠᱷᱚᱱ ᱫᱚ ᱢᱤᱫᱴᱟᱹᱝ, ᱮᱥᱤᱭᱟ ᱨᱮᱱᱟᱜ ᱯᱟᱪᱮ ᱟᱨ ᱟᱯᱷᱨᱤᱠᱟ ᱨᱮᱱᱟᱜ ᱠᱚᱧᱮ ᱨᱮ ᱢᱮᱱᱟᱜ; ܝܒܫܬܐ; kontinent; ἤπειρος; kontinente; kîta; континент; orílẹ̀; континент; महादेश; celina na Zemlji, pretežno v severovzhodnem kvadrantu, v severozahodni Evraziji; Kontinente; ᎡᏆ ᎦᏙᎯ; część Eurazji, czasem uznawana za osobny kontynent; ഭൂഖണ്ഡം; 七大洲之一; nunavissuaq; континент; continente; 七大洲之一; tajla świata; လိုမ်; continent in Earth, mainly on the northeastern quadrant; vam-a̱byin; svetadiel; частина світу в Північній півкулі; kontinent; 七大洲之一; qitʼa; Құрлық; континент; ꠝꠀꠖꠦꠡ; continenti; महाद्वीप; izwekazi; buana; vanua; 地球一大洲,在亞歐大陸西北; တိုက်ကြီးတစ်ခု; 地球七大洲之一,喺亞歐大陸嘅西北部; материк; dawis sa nakatungdan nga bahin kang Ewrasya; kontinen; amazwekazi; cyfandir yn hemisffer gogleddol y Ddaear; մայրցամաք; 歐亞大陸西北部的一區域; kontinint; kuntininti; ክፍለ ዓለም; මහාද්වීපය; barodvip la Phuvyake; 洲; maanosa; paparahi; continente; maaiʹlmkuʹsǩǩ; ทวีปในซีกโลกเหนือ; kontinent; контінент; continente; kontenent; মহাদেশ; континент; kontina; kontinenta; världsdel på jordens norra halvklot; 七大洲之一; قىتئە; kontinente; cuntinënt; bawana; بنوا; werelddeel; kontinan; kontinent tad-dinja, l-iktar fil-kwadrant tal-Grigal tad-dinja; 大洲; 七大洲之一; महादेश; duungal; мувеж; Eirāzijas kontinenta rietumu daļa; kontinente; Ärddääl; Vasteland wat oor die westelike vyfde van die Eurasiese landmassa strek; tɛtʋ wandamm; continente; 七大洲之一; পৃথিবীর উত্তর গোলার্ধে অবস্থিত একটি মহাদেশ, বৃহত্তর ইউরেশিয়ার উত্তর-পশ্চিমাংশ; 七大洲之一; salah saboh nibak tujôh banuwa nyang na lam dônya; қитъа; benua; براعظم; benua; کیشوەر; континент; တိုက် (ပထဝဳ); brastir; ᨅᨊᨘᨓ; ήπειρος; उत्तरी गोलार्ध में एगो महादीप; kontinens; યુરોપ ખંડ; kontinente; kontinente; महादेश; свѣта чѧсть ѥстъ; часть света в северном полушарии, омываемая водами Атлантического и Северного Ледовитого океанов; allpa pacha; Kontinent auf der Erde im nordwestlichen Eurasien; континент; частка свету; قاره‌ای در نیمکرۀ شمالی زمین; kontinint; Parzemîn; पृथ्वीको उत्तरी गोलार्द्धमा रहेको महाद्वीप; पृथ्वीवरील सात खंडांपैकी एक खंड; Kontinent der Erde; قاره; continent; Un continente; kontinente; дөнья кисәге; žemīnā; cuntinente; ఖండం; eatnanoassi; weltdial; cuntinente; maailmajagu; Kontinent; continente della Terra; continende; Afrikanın şimalında, Asiyanın qərbində, Atlantik okeanının şərqində yerləşən qitə; kontinan; 七大洲之一; mahaataapu; continente; قارة; 7 महाद्वीपो में से एक,एशिया के पश्चिम एवं अफ्रीका के उत्तर में स्थित; continent; kontinent; continente; worulddǣl; континент; banua; žemynas; cuntinenti; dönya kisäge; יבשת; continent in the Northern Hemisphere; kontinente; bara; mòr-roinn; kontinente; amenẓaw; asaasepɔn; ڌرتيء جي اترين اڌ گول ۾ کنڊ; braplu; континент; კონტინენტი; gox; mooar-rheynn; continente europeo; 歐羅巴; 歐羅巴洲; 西日洲; 日落之地; 歐; Yuropa; Iwropa; Yoropa; 歐羅巴; 欧罗巴; 欧罗巴洲; 欧罗巴; 欧; continent europeu; Аурупа; Yuropiyan kantinent; Alter Kontinent; Die alte Welt; Europäischer Kontinent; Europa; Evropa; kontinenti i vjetër; toka e vjetër; bota e vjetër; европски континент; стари континент; 欧罗巴; 日落之地; 西日洲; Europa; Avrupa kıtası; 欧州; 欧羅巴; 欧; ヨーロッパ州; يورپ کنڊ; اتر-اولھ يوريشيا; ಹಳೆಯ ಖಂಡ; Uropa; 歐羅巴; continentul european; Europa (continent); bătrânul continent; Ierupa; 歐羅巴; 欧罗巴; ʻEuropa; 구라파; 구주; Iuropi; Ōropi; Ūrapi; Au-chiu tāi-lio̍k; Au-lô-pa; Au-lô-pa-chiu; Au-chiu; ยุโรป; Europe; Stari kontinent; yn Europey; Europey; Oarpey; ইউরোপ মহাদেশ; ইউরোপীয় মহাদেশ; প্রাচীন মহাদেশ; continent européen; Vieux Continent; Еўрапейскі кантынент; Evropa; 歐羅巴; 欧罗巴; Γηραιά ήπειρος; Γηραιά; Ευρώπη (ήπειρος); IYurobhu; Âu châu; Âu; Oropa; continente europeu; det europeiske kontinentet; kontinent; Европа (часть света); Европа (континент); Европейский континент; Europos žemynas; evropska celina; stara celina; evropski kontinent; سوز ٚ قاره; کؤنه قاره; continente europeu; 欧罗巴; Benua Lama; benua Eropa; Stary Kontynent; 歐洲; Europees continent; oude continent; ᨅᨊᨘᨓ ᨕᨙᨑᨚᨄ; éropa; banuwa éropa; Vecchio continente; 歐羅巴; 歐洲; کیشوەری ئەورووپا; European continent; The Old Continent; European Continent; European Peninsula; Old Continent; قارة أوروبا; Europa; ಪರಾತ್ ಖಂಡೊ</nowiki>
continent in the Northern Hemisphere
Еўропа. Здымак з праграммы Celestia
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countries in Europe
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Instance of
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LocationNorthern Hemisphere
Has part(s)
Time of discovery or invention
Highest point
  • 744,831,142 (2024)
  • 10,186,000 km²
Different from
Said to be the same asEurope as a continent
Maximum temperature record
  • 48 degree Celsius (Athens, 1977)
Map48° 41′ 27.45″ N, 9° 08′ 26.23″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q46
VIAF cluster ID:170298814
GND ID:4015701-5
Library of Congress authority ID:sh85045631
NDL Authority ID:00574313
NL CR AUT ID:ge137210
HDS ID:007147
U.S. National Archives Identifier:10035692
BabelNet ID:00031896n
J9U ID:987007558086305171
Omni topic ID:91b75d2efee2c7df812ee2b4f65db848d6f003d9
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Europe, the sixth-largestcontinent on theEarth.


Main category:Maps of Europe
Selected maps are included in the Wikimedia Atlas of Europe.
Barents Sea
Strait of Gibraltar
Norwegian Sea
Mediterranean Sea


  • Satellite view of Europe Main category: Satellite pictures of Europe
    Satellite view of Europe
  • ISS view of North Europe
    ISS view of North Europe
  • World map: Europe (location)
    World map: Europe (location)
  • Orthographic projection of Europe
    Orthographic projection of Europe
  • Climatic map of Europe (French)
    Climatic map of Europe (French)
  • Rainfall map 2020
    Rainfall map 2020
  • Europe countries map with numbers
    Europe countries map with numbers
  • Map of Europe with flags
    Map of Europe with flags
  • Europe population map
    Europe population map
  • Tectonic map Europe
    Tectonic map Europe
  • Alps
  • Europe time zones map
    Europe time zones map
  • Europe's borders
    Europe's borders
  • Borders of Europe (German texts)
    Borders of Europe (German texts)
  • Regions of Europe, no text
    Regions of Europe, no text
  • Regions of Europe, English text
    Regions of Europe, English text
  • Europe's borders with Swedish text
    Europe's borders with Swedish text
  • Map of Europe with the Western part highlighted
    Map of Europe with the Western part highlighted
  • Historical distribution of central Europe
    Historical distribution of central Europe
  • Latin Europe
    Latin Europe
  • Political map of Europe
    Political map of Europe
  • Physical map of Europe
    Physical map of Europe
  • Geopolitical map of Europe (vectorized, in French)
    Geopolitical map of Europe (vectorized, in French)
  • Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Dnieper-Basin
    Russia, Ukraine, Belarus andDnieper-Basin
  • Nations of Europe
    Nations of Europe
  • Trans-European Transport Networks
    Trans-European Transport Networks

European flags


National cuisines



  • Palo Santo Cafe, Aranda de Duero, Spain, Jamón serrano
    Palo Santo Cafe, Aranda de Duero, Spain, Jamón serrano
  • Jamón serrano sevred at Palo Santo Cafe, Aranda de Duero
    Jamón serrano sevred at Palo Santo Cafe, Aranda de Duero
  • Anchovies in Spanish Olive OIl
    Anchovies in Spanish Olive OIl
  • (Spanish Tortilla)
    (Spanish Tortilla)



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Maps of the history of Europe

Weichselian ice age (c. 113,000–9700) ·Neolithic expansion (c. 7000–4500) ·Middle Neolithic (c. 4500–4000) ·Late Neolithic (c. 4000–3000) ·Copper Age – Corded Ware culture (c. 2900–2350) ·Copper Age – Bellbeaker culture (c. 2800–1800) ·Early Bronze Age – Unetice culture (c. 2300–1600) ·Late Bronze Age – Urnfield culture (c. 1300—750) ·Migrations (c. 1000–100) ·Hallstatt & La Tène cultures (c. 800–100) ·Roman Republic (510–40) ·220 ·218 ·200 ·201–100 ·58 ·49 ·39 ·30 BCE–6 CE


14 ·14–37 ·60 ·60 ·69 ·80 ·Migrations 100–500 ·117 ·117 ·125 ·Migrations 150–774 ·Economy 180 ·271 ·293–305 ·337 ·395 ·c. 395 ·400 ·400 ·450 ·457–61 ·476 ·480 ·Franks 481–814 ·Early Slavs 500–700 ·500 ·526 ·526–600 ·Christianisation to 600 ·c. 550 ·650 ·Pontic Steppe 650 ·665 ·800 ·Vikings 800–1050 ·814 ·843–70 ·850 ·900 ·912 ·998 ·1000 ·1000 ·1054 ·1092 ·First Crusade 1095–99 ·1097 ·1135 ·1142 ·1147–49 ·1190 ·1190 ·1250 ·c. 1250 ·1301-1400 ·1301-1400 ·1328 ·1345 ·Black Plague 1347–51 ·1360 ·1400 ·Trade routes c. 1400 ·1430 ·1470 ·1490 ·1492 ·1500 ·1519 ·1550 ·1560 ·Religion 1560 ·Religion 1600 ·Religion 1618 ·1618–48 ·1648 ·1683 ·1700 ·1701 ·1708 ·1714 ·1721 ·1725–30 ·1739–1740 ·1740 ·1748–66 ·1783–1792 ·1787 ·1787 ·1789 ·1799 ·1812 ·1812 ·1812 ·1812 ·1813 ·1815 ·1815 ·1815 ·1818 ·Ottoman Empire 1830–1923 ·1848–49 ·1861 ·1867 ·1871 ·1878 ·1890 ·1905 ·1911 ·1914 ·1914 ·1919 ·1919–29 ·1923 ·1929 ·1930 ·1940 ·1941–42 ·1942–45 ·Cold War 1947–91 ·1950 ·1993–2006 ·2006 to date

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Countries of Europe: Albania·Andorra·Armenia·Austria·Azerbaijan·Belarus·Belgium·Bosnia and Herzegovina·Bulgaria·Croatia·Cyprus·Czech Republic·Denmark·Estonia·Finland·France·Georgia·Germany·Greece·Hungary·Iceland·Ireland·Italy·Kazakhstan·Latvia·Liechtenstein·Lithuania·Luxembourg·Malta·Moldova·Monaco·Montenegro·Netherlands·North Macedonia·Norway·Poland·Portugal·Romania·Russia·San Marino·Serbia·Slovakia·Slovenia·Spain·Sweden·Switzerland·Turkey·Ukraine·United Kingdom·Vatican City
Nations of the United Kingdom: England·Northern Ireland·Scotland·Wales
Specific status: Akrotiri and Dhekelia·Faroe Islands·Gibraltar·Guernsey·Isle of Man·Jersey·Svalbard –Limited recognition: Abkhazia·Gagauzia·Kosovo·South Ossetia·Transnistria·Northern Cyprus·United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus
: partly located in Europe
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