English:Ceviche, cebiche, seviche or ceviche is a traditional dish from various Latin American coastal countries of the Pacific Ocean, where it is native.
Español:Ceviche, cebiche, seviche o ceviche es un plato tradicional de diversos países latinoamericanos litorales del océano Pacífico, de donde es nativo.
<nowiki>ceviche; Ceviche; Ceviche; Севиче; Ceviche; ceviche; Սևիչե; 檸汁醃魚生; ceviche; ცევიჩე; セビチェ; ceviche; סביצ'ה; Ceviche; 檸汁醃魚生; सेवीचे; ceviche; Cebiĉe; ceviche; ceviche; সাভিচে; ceviche; Céviché; ceviche; ਸੇਵੀਚੇ; 柠汁醃鱼生; سویچه; Ceviche; ceviche; севиче; ceviche; Ceviche; 세비체; Севиче; Sevičė; سیویچے; ceviche; Севіче; Ceviche; เซบิเช; Ceviche; ceviche; ceviche; ceviche; سیویچے; Ceviche; ceviche; ceviche; سيبيتشي; Σεβίτσε; Seviche; piatto a base di pesce crudo; plat traditionnel au Pérou préparé avec du poisson cru mariné dans du citron, assaisonné de piment et de sel et accompagné de produits locaux; рыбное блюдо; peruanisches Fischgericht; marinated raw fish or seafood dish of Peruvian origin; 魚介類のマリネ。ペルーの料理; fiskrätt från Peru och Mexiko; מאכל מהמטבח הדרום אמריקאי; ferculum; gjellë e Amerikës Jugore; platillo a base de pescado crudo marinado, tomate, cebolla, ajíes y especias; Plat a base de peix cru, típic de latinoamèrica; eteläamerikkalainen kalaruoka; traditional dish in Peru prepared with raw fish marinated in lemon, seasoned with chili pepper and salt and accompanied with locally grown produce; Peruanische schotel van gemarineerde rauwe vis of zeevruchten; peruánský pokrm; 포 뜬 생선을 향신료에 재워 만드는 스페인어권 아메리카 지역의 요리; cebiche; sebiche; seviche; セビッチェ; セビーチェ; cebiche; seviche; sebiche; céviché; Cebiche; Ceviche de pescado; Cebiche de pescado; Cebiche; cebiche; seviche; sebiche; Cebiche; Seviche; seviche; sebiche; cebiche; cebiche; sebiche; seviche; cebiche; seviche; sebiche; Cebiche; Cebiche</nowiki>
traditional dish in Peru prepared with raw fish marinated in lemon, seasoned with chili pepper and salt and accompanied with locally grown produce