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Category:Lola Bunny

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English:Lola Bunny is a Looney Tunes cartoon character portrayed as an anthropomorphic female rabbit created by Warner Bros. Pictures. She is generally depicted as Bugs Bunny's girlfriend.
<nowiki>Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; 蘿拉兔; Лола Долгоушка; Лола Банни; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; لولا بانی; Лола Бъни; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; ローラ・バニー; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; Лола Банні; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; לולה באני; Lola Sprett; Lola Vemmelsääri; Lola Bunny; لولا باني; Lola Bunny; Lola Bunny; bir çizgi film karakteri; karakter looney tunes; fiktiv karakter; സാങ്കല്പിക കഥാപാത്രം; personage; animirani lik Warner Bros.; personaj fictiv din desene animate; fiktive Figur; personaggio immaginario; Warner Bros. cartoon character; personaje de Warner Bros.; Warner Bros. cartoon character; вигаданий персонаж; Zajčica Lola; Lola; Conilleta; Króliczka Lola; Зајачицата Лола; Lola</nowiki>
Lola Bunny 
Warner Bros. cartoon character
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Instance of
Part of
  • Herschel Weingrod
  • Timothy Harris
  • Leo Benvenuti and Steve Rudnick
Present in work
From narrative universe
  • Looney Tunes universe
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.

Media in category "Lola Bunny"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.

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