English:Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal (born September 25, 1969), is an American guitarist, songwriter, recording artist and producer. He adopted his nickname from the bacterial infection of the same name, which he learned about while helping his wife study for her veterinary exams. The name went from being just the name of an album, to the name of a record label, to a band name, to eventually his name as a solo artist. He was one of two lead guitarists in Guns N' Roses from 2006 until 2014 and performed on their sixth studio album Chinese Democracy.
<nowiki>Bumblefoot; Ron Thal; Bumblefoot; Таль, Рон Бамблфут; Bumblefoot; Ron Thal; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron Thal; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron Thal; ロン・サール; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Bumblefoot; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron Thal; Ron Thal; Bumblefoot; 범블풋; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron Thal; Ron Thal; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron Thal; Bumblefoot; رون بومبليفوت ثال; músico estadounidense; músicu estauxunidense; músic estatunidenc; US-amerikanischer Gitarrist; muzikant amerikan; تهیهکننده موسیقی و گیتاریست آمریکایی; 美國音樂家; amerikansk guitarist og musikproducer; Amerikalı müzisyen; アメリカのギタリスト (1969-); amerikansk gitarrist och musikproducent; מוזיקאי אמריקאי; 美國音樂家; Usana muzikisto; 미국 음악가; usona muzikisto; chitarrista e produttore discografico statunitense; মার্কিন সুরকার; guitariste; Ameerika Ühendriikide muusik; nhạc sĩ người Mỹ; musigan Lamerikänik; American guitarist; musiciste american; muzician american; ամերիկացի երաժիշտ; musisi Amerika; amerikansk gitarist og musikkprodusent; amerikansk gitarist og musikkprodusent; Amerikaans muziekproducent; американський музикант; ceoltóir Meiriceánach; amerykański muzyk; американский музыкант; músico estadounidense; موسيقي أمريكي; 美国音乐家; yhdysvaltalainen muusikko; Bumblefoot; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Bumblefoot; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron Thal; Bumblefoot; Bumblefoot; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Bumblefoot; Bumblefoot; Ron thal; Таль, Рон «Бамблфут»; Рон «Бамблфут» Таль; Рон Бамблфут Таль; Ronald Jay Blumenthal; Bumblefoot; Bumblefoot; Ron Thal; Bumblefoot; Ron Thal; Ron Thal; Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal; Ron Thal</nowiki>
Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal American guitarist |
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Date of birth | 25 September 1969 Brooklyn Ronald Jay Blumenthal |
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