Popular Concepts
The Odin Force
Ancient and vast Asgardian power wielded by Odin and later inherited by Thor.
X-Gene Mutant
The Children of the Atom, mutants are individuals in the Marvel Universe who are born with an X-Gene that grants them superhuman abilities. Mutants mark the next step in human evolution, known as Homo Superior.
Power Cosmic
The Power Cosmic is synonymous with any kind of cosmic forces.
Green Lantern
A Green Lantern is an officer of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps, who have the ability to overcome great fear with the might of willpower. They possess power rings capable of creating constructs characterized by their will and strength to use it. Each Green Lantern is given a Sector of the Universe to protect and it is their priority to suppress any threat against their sector.
Speed Force
The Speed Force is an extradimensional energy source in the DC Universe that lets speedsters travel at otherwise impossible speeds as well as do other nifty tricks without being hindered by physics. In the Post-Flashpoint continuity, the Speed Force is the very cosmic force that pushes time forward.
Anti-Life Equation
The Anti-Life Equation is a formula that saps beings of their free will through an equation that makes life, hope and freedom irrefutably pointless.
Women in Comics
Article covering the role of women in comics throughout the ages.
Bad Girl Art
Bad Girl Art is an edgier version of Good Girl Art, focusing on sexy and scantily-clad female characters who are known for morally ambiguous and violent behavior. Its earliest precursor, Vampirella, has been around since the late 1960's, though the Bad Girl term was not coined until the 1990's when the popularity of the genre reached its peak.
The term "Retroactive Continuity" or "Retcon" for short is used in comic books to define a re-write of a current origin or introduction of new information as if it had always been that way.
Cross Company Character Rankings
General power rankings for characters from different comic universes, like the Marvel , Dc, Top Cow, Image and Wildstorm Universes.
DC Multiverse
The Multiverse is a pivotal concept in DC Comics. Over the years, it has gone through many changes, and has nearly been destroyed on a few occasions, but always ends up intact.
Homage Covers
Covers that pay homage to, or parody, existing covers or artwork from the same or different medias.
Women in Refrigerators
A term that was created by Gail Simone. Women in Refrigerators (WiR) refers to comic book women who have been depowered, raped, murdered and/or had their lives ruined specifically in order to fuel the stories of men.
A sidekick is a superhero partnered with another in a lesser capacity. Used for comedy, to relate to readers, but also to move plot, and in some cases to become an integral part of the mythos.
Strength Level
How much weight a being can lift determines that beings strength level. The following is a list cataloging and categorizing many characters of the Marvel Universe among others of similar strength based on their demonstrated strength. The class number label of each category denotes the range of weight (in tons) a character can lift/press, unassisted, using only physical/muscular strength.
The Source
It is the DC/Vertigo equivalent of Buddha, just like The Presence is the god of DC and Vertigo. It is the "source" of all that exists. Alternatively, it can be considered a description of the Creator of the Universe, a science fiction analogue based on Judaeo-Christian doctrine.
Omega Effect
One of Darkseid's deadliest weapons, the Omega Effect is capable of annihilating virtually anything in the path of its beams. It also has a variety of other abilities.
An anthology is a type of comic book containing a range of stories featuring different characters and situations. Famous anthology titles include 2000AD and Topolino.
Superpowers are abilities uncommon to the average human. There are many different types of superpowers though most are physical, mental, technological, or mystical. Powers can be inherited from parents, bestowed by a higher power, acquired by exposure to an outside force or passed to them by others.
Jutsu is the Japanese word for "art" and sorts of techniques in the Naruto Universe.
The Avatar State
The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, activated when the current Avatar is under severe emotional stress or in danger, or when they willingly enter it after mastering it.
Comicbook Stereotypes
"You cannot escape, so before you meet your doom, I shall tell you my evil plan." Comic book stereotypes can range from personality traits to ridiculous plot lines.
The 13 Artifacts
The fate of the Top Cow Universe balances upon thirteen objects of power. Thirteen artifacts, each in the possession of a bearer. Separately, 13 Artifacts guide the fate of the universe. Together, 13 artifacts will end the universe.
End of the World
The destruction of a world.
Canon, in regards to comic books, is what is considered to be "real," "what really happened" or "what that character is really like" as opposed to events, etc., that happened in comic books, but nobody "counts it" as being "real" or "actually happened."
Public Domain Characters
Today there are a wealth of Golden and Silver Age comic book characters who have fallen into Public Domain. This is a list of such characters.
Gender Change
A look at the other side of the street.
A crossover is when two or more universes collide and characters from two distinct universes interact.
Video Game Tie-In
Comics that are based on video games. They typically come in the form of one-shots or a mini-series to help promote the release of a video game.
Emotional Embodiments
The energies created by the emotions of sentient life are personified as sentient beings comprised of those energies.
Anti-Heroes are characters who perform heroic deeds while often indulging in activities that are considered illegal. Most anti-heroes tend to use methods that are frowned upon by society. Unlike most heroes, many of them do not hesitate killing criminals.
Old Power
The Old Power (or Oldstrong Power) is a source of energy derived from a planet that can be wielded and boost the user's abilities to an incalculable level, as well as give the wielder earth-manipulation abilities and an energy-enhanced strike, similar to that of the Iron Fist.
Photo Cover
Device used in comic book publishing.
Penance Stare
The Penance Stare is a powerful weapon used by Ghost Riders to inflict upon victims all the pain that victim has cause to others.
Swimsuit Issue
An issue of a comic which usually contains pin-up style art.
It is a term created by Carl Jung. Because of its pop-culture presences it is found in some comics, such: as Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, where John Constantine was created as a tribute to Sting. Sting while in the Police wrote a Synchronicity and Synchronicity II.
An Anthropomorphic Comic is one in which one or more non-human characters display distinctly human characteristics.
Modern Age of Comics
An age of comics which has lasted from mid-1980's to the present days.
Substance Abuse
As an industry which has traditionally been focused on a younger audience, certain social statements have occasionally been issued by the comic book companies through stories involving comic book characters. As such drug use is almost universally regarded as a dangerous activity that affects not only the individual but also facilitates a criminal industry.
Black Comedy
Black Comedy is found throughout many forms of fiction and comics have featured plenty of Black Comedy from different writers. A lot of the black comedy in comics tends to be found in mature comics.
A mechanical construct capable of performing tasks by itself.
The New 52
DC Comics' controversial 2011 reboot of its entire line of ongoing comic books following the universe altering event, Flashpoint.After Doomsday Clock, it was redefined as Earth-52.
The most intimate act of any animals (including humans) is often present in Comic Books. According to Freud, along with aggression, sex is what drives every action. Humanity, like every other being on the planet has an ever present urge to reproduce.
The Green
The natural force behind all plant life.
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