Welcome to Coco's portfolio ✨
tech | pop culture | creative | code | zines/books | illustration | about |
👋🏻 Hi, I’m Coco, a storyteller at heart who journeyed through the software world as a quality assurance engineer, and a data quality engineer for eight years before I settled into my true calling: writing. I enjoy blending technical precision and making complex technology accessible and relatable. I aim to inspire curiosity and connection through my writing.
My work spans tech, pop culture, and creative writing, with bylines in outlets like The Mary Sue, the Stack Overflow Blog, and Anodyne Magazine. I love exploring the intersection of technology and creativity, and what it means to be human. I have loved weaving human stories into my writing, both fictional and non-fictional, for years. When I’m not deep-diving into a narrative or learning a new piece of code, I’m scheming ways to create a new story.
Thank you so much for visiting, and welcome to my little corner of the web!