The Cardano Foundation proposes a mechanism for polling Cardano stake pool operators on specific topics. Polls are done on-chain through transaction metadata and authenticated through stake pool credentials (Ed25519 cold key). The goal is to gather opinions on governance matters such as protocol parameter updates. This standard is an inclusive interim solution while the work on a larger governance framework such asCIP-1694 continues.
Governance is difficult. Discussions on CIP-1694 can attest to that quite clearly. There are constant debates within the Cardano community about changing protocol parameters, and the decision ultimately falls -- at this stage still -- onto the three genesis entities: Input Output, The Cardano Foundation and Emurgo. Yet, at this stage, few governance tools are at their disposal to make educated decisions. Besides Twitter polls, newsletter surveys, and SPO town halls on Discord, we have identified a gap and an opportunity to engage with the Cardano community through means currently at our disposal.
Conducting an on-chain poll between SPOs can also be seen as an experiment and an evaluation of the network's participation and engagement in the governance questions. Even though we only propose to poll one particular group of the Cardano community (the SPOs), such events can help to provide actual data to fuel the conversations around CIP-1694.
In summary, the goals are:
Polls will be multiple-choice questions by The Cardano Foundation with pre-defined answers to choose from.
Here's an example of a question and answers:
The serialised question and answers will be posted on-chain and signed by one of the delegate genesis keys owned by The Cardano Foundation. Answers will be provided on-chain by participating SPOs via transaction metadata referring to:
NoteIn this document, every time we refer to aserialized object, we refer to itscanonical CBOR representation. In particular, keys in a map are always ordered alphabetically.
A question is posted in a transaction's metadata using the metadata label94
and the following metadata structure:
question = { 0: prompt , 1: [ * choice ] , ? "_": nonce }prompt = [ * text .size (0..64) ]choice = [ * text .size (0..64) ]nonce = uint
A nonce is optionally included to provide non-replayability should the same question and answers be asked multiple times over different periods. The transaction carrying a questionmust be signed by one of the genesis delegate keys to be considered valid. This genesis key signature isn't captured in the metadata but in the transaction itself as an extra signatory.
For example:
Similarly, an answer to a question is posted as transaction's metadata using the label94
and the following metadata structure:
answer = { 2: question_hash , 3: choice }question_hash = bytes .size 32
Some remarks:
) is a blake2b-256 hash digest, whose preimage is the entire serialised question metadata payload (with the94
top-level label).3
represents the 0-based index of the chosen answer from the available choices (from field1
of the target poll).For example:
The transaction carrying the answer metadata must thenbe signed using a stake pool operator cold key. Because cold key are not payment keys, it is required to specify an extra required signer on the transaction (transaction's field number 14 as perBabbage's CDDL) to prevent malicious nodes from potentially propagating transactions without the necessary key witnesses.
Alternatively, operators that are unable to sign arbitrary transactions due to hardware limitations can opt for stake pool update-registration certificate and attach the transaction metadata to it. Because an update-registration requires a signature from the cold key, the extra required signer field is redundant in that situation.
Regardless of the method, the signature shall be produced in an air-gapped environment only.
Only the first answer to a poll for each credential shall be considered. If multiple answers are found, only the first answer submitted (transaction & block ordering tallying) shall be considered.
It is possible to optionally attach extra context to the transaction as metadata following the procedure described inCIP-0020. Beside the structure specified in CIP-0020, such extra metadata is free-form and can be used to signal an intention behind a choice, or to voice a concern, or simply to give extra context. This is totally optional though we encourage SPOs to use this to inform their delegators of their choices.
A poll starts when a valid transaction with a question is posted on-chain. Answers can be submitted until the end of the following epoch, so there is always at least one whole epoch to answer the poll.
After one or more epochs in which the Stake Pool Operators have cast their answers, there follows a period of one or more epochs in which Cardano delegators may respond: If they disagree with the choice of their current stake pool, they can delegate to another pool. This changes the stake weight and thus influences the result. At the current state, the epochs for the answer and redelegation phase are only defined off-chain. In the future, they could also be defined as part of the signed question.
Indirectly, this results in the possibility of participation for all Ada holders.
The outcome of a poll will depend on its level of participation (interms of stake). It is essential to understand that we explicitly call this apoll /survey and not avote to dispel any possible confusion. So it is akin to1 Lovelace = 1 Voice
although we may chose to interpret data using different equations (e.g. giving more weight to pledged stake). How the data is interpret is deemed out of the scope of this proposal which aims mainly at producing the data-points. Further conversations and debates will be needed regarding interpretation of the data-points.
This proposal does not introduce a change in the current governance scheme: it is still up to the three genesis entities to make a final call based on the poll results. Poll results will provide new data points to feed into the conversation. But, regardless of the outcome, any decision will be explained and motivated by other auditable sources of information. And on-chain polls will provide such an auditable source.
The proposed process will permanently record questions and their answers on-chain by leveraging existing transaction metadata. Note that we consciously do not record any element as datums. There are several reasons for this:
There have been several (on-and-off-the-record) discussions regarding using the cold key (Ed25519) vs the VRF key as authentication instruments; and arguments for both.
On the one hand, some prefer the use of the cold key because:
On the other hand, arguments for using the VRF key were already discussed as part ofCIP-0022:
We originally opted for a hybrid solution (as visible in input-output-hk#5050) but later decided to drop the VRF option to rely solely on cold key signing (see input-output-hk#5132). The reason for that regards the possible uncertainty of promoting (ab)use of VRF proving in the cardano-cli on such a short time period (see alsoInsecurity of secret key re-usage).
This has the unfortunate effect of making this participation procedure harder for SPOs relying on cold storage but we are open to the idea of proxy-keys authenticated off-chain through a challenge similar toCIP-0022.
There's a third on-chain element which we could use for identifying SPOs which is a digital signature from their KES credentials. It is however a bit more annoying to leverage mainly because KES are meant to expire and are only loosely tied to pools by operational certificate. Thus, verifying KES signatures on a survey requires a more complex setup and monitoring to keep track of operational certificates and their validity at the time of the survey.
If this CIP was meant to NOT be an interim solution, this is something we would likely consider. However, given the timeframe we're looking at and the overall trade-offs in complexity, we have opted out of using the KES as an authentication mechanism in this iteration.
Another possible alternative to what's described in the CIP would be to have SPOs register a proxy Ed25519 key and use that proxy key onward. The validity of the proxy key registration would be conditionned to the production of an associated VRF proof or a digital signature from the cold key (very much like it's done for operational certificate).
Yet, like the KES alternative, this option is in conflict with some of the design goals of this CIP: simplicity. All the more so given that we want to maximise participation of SPOs to the various surveys. We aim to make the process of participating to the survey as simple as possible, without compromising on security.
Note Both alternative options for KES Signing and Proxy Keys may be re-considered in a future version of the survey. Especially if the solution turns out to be notas temporary as intended. Fortunately, the current design decisions do not preclude this from happening as it shall be possible to introduce two new witness types
for those purpose. The KES registration can be handled through a separate on-chain event.
Questions are meant to be unique, achieved using an optional nonce. It is up to the genesis entity conducting the poll to ensure the formulated question is unique. If the same question is asked several times, the nonce provides non-replayable protection.
Then, because every answer contains a (unique) hash of the question, answers are unique too. Yet, it still means that the same answer can be recast multiple times (possibly, by another system actor), so we do not allow answers to be changed/cast multiple times. The only exception is when answers are authenticated again using a cold key.
Exposure to SPOs' secret credentials must be limited, and their manipulation shall be done carefully. This potential attack vector is why we propose to extend thecardano-cli
and have support for these features scrutinised by existing core maintainers and other open source actors.
Other tools are then free to replicate the approach taken in the cardano-cli, but we recommend that SPOs proceed with extreme caution when using third-party tools. In particular, any tool should be able to work fully offline to produce the required metadata. Final transaction construction and submission shall be made in any suitable environment, yet the metadata's production shall be done only in air-gapped systems.
Provide a reference implementation for the signing method
has been updated to provide support for constructing and signing relevant transactions.Possibly add support for KES signing as an alternative to EdDSA from the cold key and the VRF proving.
has been updated with similar supportCardanoScan
now lists available and past polls directly on their web UI.AdaStat
now lists available and past polls directly on their web UI.cardano-signer
might be updated with similar supportThis CIP is licensed underCC-BY-4.0.