



User-Facing Asset Fingerprint

Created on  by Matthias Benkort,  and Rodney Lorrimar


This specification defines a user-facing asset fingerprint as a bech32-encoded blake2b-160 digest of the concatenation of the policy id and the asset name.

Motivation: why is this CIP necessary?

The Mary era of Cardano introduces the support for native assets. On the blockchain, native assets are uniquely identified by both their so-called policy id and asset name. Neither the policy id nor the asset name are intended to be human-readable data.

On the one hand, the policy id is a hash digest of either a monetary script or a Plutus script. On the other hand, the asset name is an arbitrary bytestring of up to 32 bytes (which does not necessarily decode to a valid UTF-8 sequence). In addition, it is possible for an asset to have an empty asset name, or, for assets to have identical asset names under different policies.

Because assets are manipulated in several user-facing features on desktop and via hardware applications, it is useful to come up with a short(er) and human-readable identifier for assets that user can recognize and refer to when talking about assets. We call such an identifier anasset fingerprint.


We define the asset fingerprint in pseudo-code as:

assetFingerprint := encodeBech32  ( datapart = hash    ( algorithm = 'blake2b'    , digest-length = 20    , message = policyId | assetName    )  , humanReadablePart = 'asset'  )

where| designates the concatenation of two byte strings. Thedigest-length is given inbytes (so, 160 bits).

Reference Implementation



Haskell (GHC >= 8.6.5)

{-#LANGUAGEOverloadedStrings #-}{-#LANGUAGEQuasiQuotes #-}{-#LANGUAGETypeApplications #-}
-- package: base >= 4.0.0importPreludeimportData.Function    ( (&) )-- package: bech32 >= 1.0.2importqualifiedCodec.Binary.Bech32asBech32-- package: bech32-th >= 1.0.2importCodec.Binary.Bech32.TH    (humanReadablePart )-- package: bytestring >=    (ByteString )-- package: cryptonite >= 0.22importCrypto.Hash    (hash )importCrypto.Hash.Algorithms    (Blake2b_160 )-- package: memory >= 0.14importData.ByteArray    (convert )-- package: text >=    (Text )
newtypePolicyId=PolicyIdByteStringnewtypeAssetName=AssetNameByteStringnewtypeAssetFingerprint=AssetFingerprintTextmkAssetFingerprint::PolicyId->AssetName->AssetFingerprintmkAssetFingerprint (PolicyId policyId) (AssetName assetName)= (policyId<> assetName)& convert. hash@_@Blake2b_160&Bech32.encodeLenient hrp.Bech32.dataPartFromBytes&AssetFingerprintwhere    hrp=[humanReadablePart|asset|]

Test Vectors

:information_source:policy_id andasset_name are hereby base16-encoded; their raw, decoded, versions should be used when computing the fingerprint.


Rationale: how does this CIP achieve its goals?

Design choices

  • The asset fingerprint needs to besomewhat unique (although collisions are plausible, see next section) and refer to a particular asset. It must therefore include both the policy id and the asset name.

  • Using a hash gives us asset id of a same deterministic length which is short enough to display reasonably well on small screens.

  • We use bech32 as a user-facing encoding since it is both user-friendly and quite common within the Cardano eco-system (e.g. addresses, pool ids, keys).

Security Considerations

  • With a 160-bit digest, an attacker needs at least 2^80 operations to find a collision. Although 2^80 operations is relatively low (it remains expansive but doable for an attacker), itis considered safe within the context of an asset fingerprint as a mean ofuser verification within a particular wallet. An attacker may obtain advantage if users can be persuadedthat a certain asset is in reality another (which implies to find a collision, and make both assets at the reach of the user).

  • We recommend however that in addition to the asset fingerprint, applications also show whenever possible a visual checksum calculated from the policy id and the asset name as specified inCIP-YET-TO-COME. Such generated images, which are designed to be unique and easy to distinguish, in combination with a readable asset fingerprint gives strong verification means to end users.

Path to Active

Acceptance Criteria

  • Asset fingerprints as described have been universally adopted in: wallets, blockchain explorers, query layers, token minting utilities, NFT specifications, and CLI tools.

Implementation Plan

  • Reference implementations available in both Javascript and Haskell.
  • Public presentation with confirmed interest in adopting this standard in advance of Mary ledger era.


This CIP is licensed underCC-BY-4.0.

