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Watch Our Getting Started Series

Create New Worlds
Watch the official cinematic trailer for Ben Mauro's HUXLEY™, a post apocalyptic sci-fi universe a decade in the making. Mauro and his talented independent team walk you through how they used ZBrush and Redshift for their cinematic trailer for his IP.

Flowing Cloth Simulations
Watch as E.J. Hassenfratz shows you how easy it is to use the new cloth and rope dynamics in Cinema 4D 26 to create beautiful simulations.

Wonderful World of Particles
Lionel Vicidomini shows a variety of methods you can use natively in Cinema 4D to create and manipulate particles, including standard particles, forcefield, particles on a spline, and clever ways to use the MoGraph tools.

Bringing Stories to Life
Follow along as Gustaf Fjelstrom walks you through the entire process of bringing the story of Jonah to life. Learn how he used an ACES workflow with Cinema 4D to setup the scene, X-Particles to create simulations, Redshift to create multi-passes, and Magic Bullet Looks for the final grade.

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Have an idea for an educational series, or have you seen a great tutorial or resource you think we should be sharing? Please take the time to fill out our content suggestion form and we’ll look into it.