About Me

Hello, I'm ChenChih
- Experience as a QA engineer in Network and Telecommuncation
- Experience withNetwork,Python,WebDevelop, andLinux
- 20052009Bachelor of Management - Information ManagementTamkaing Unversity , Taipei, Taiwan
- Current2022FAE Senior EngineerAlpha Network, HsinChu, TW
5G End To End Product
- Support SW and HW Team setup Envirnoment
- OnSite Debug on vendor and customer side
- Stability and Performancer Test with different condition
- 20222021DQA EngineerSSSTC, HsinChu, TW
SSD Validation FW test on Regression, stability, and Compability test
- 20212016Software QA EnginnerHitron Tech, HsinChu, TW
Cable Modem Software Function valiadation which include:
- Router
- Wifi
- Performance
- Stability
- Bug Fix and customer issue
- APP/API/Cloud
Python Script for automation
- 20162014Reliability EngineerMitac , Hsinchu/Taipei, TW
Reliability Server related product as a Project Leader
- 20142013SIT(System Integration Engineer)Compal Broadband Network, Zhubei, TW
Cable Modem Function testing and sample test for cusotmer.
My Technical skills
- Python
- Web Crawling (Selenium)
- Linux and Shell Script
- Developement tool: docker/git
- FrontEnd: HtmL/JS/CSS
- BackEnd: Java/JSP
- Database: MySql
QA Technical skills
- environment setup
- Bug reproduce
- Network & Analysis
- Security & vulnerability Test
- Automation Script
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