You playas a doomed soul trapped in the underworld, destined to wander thecatacombs of the dead for the remainder of your sanity's length. Notall hope is lost however, as death is rumored to dwell in thedeepest darkness, awaiting a challenger strong enough to wrest backtheir mortality.
In yourcurrent state however you would be no match for death. Your bones areflimsy and weak and your fighting knowledge that of a frightenedorphan. You must seek out and gather bones of great power to replaceyour own, as well as learning how to fight like a champion beltwrestler from the other denizens of the afterlife.
Thechallenge will be tough, but hope will bring you to it's completion.
-Innovativedamage system, where different parts of your body take damage andcollapse as the fight progresses.
-Intelligentenemy AI that explores the level and collects items as you do,creating interesting emergent situations.
-Collectdifferent bones to increase the strength of your body, to eventuallyovercome death itself.
-Learnunique and varied attacks from the defeated skulls of your opponents.
-PermaUNdeath- the only fail state is losing hope.
-Significantmouse integration, integral controls of the game can be conductedusing just your mouse.
-Simultaneousstrategic combat.
Made for7DRL2018 with Löve.
Thank youto for their great font.
***Unlike most roguelikes, a mouse is required to get details on various different aspects of the game. Be aware of this before playing.***
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Hello. I am having a lot of trouble understanding anything about this game, and while a number of these questions were answered in the HELP menu, they aren't actually working within my game. I am playing the desktop version of the game, only because I am unable to open the '' folder after I unzip the download (On a Mac computer). Anyways, onto the questioning::
1) How do I pick up items from the ground, and then place them in by bag? I.E. Lungs, Femurs, Plush Dolls, etc.
2) How do I select a bone on my characters body, and then how would I either drop it or replace it?
3) I am pressing theqwerty buttons for my death attacks, but am unable to actually do anything other than 'bump' into my enemies.
I may have more questions, and if so I will update this comment.
Wow, I can't believe I left out the pickup control from the help menu all this time.
1) Press G.
2) Press S to start socketing, press the number that lines up with the bone in your bag, then if its a bone that can fit in multiple spaces, any other than the ribs, press the number that corresponds to that space (it shows up in the chat log).
3) When you press a button to start an attack, the next movement key you press will select the direction of that attack. All starting attacks are one tile range.
It's incredible looking back at this and seeing how terrible at user interface design I used to be.