


Software Consultancy

I have co-founded multiple startups, manage agile teams, andspecialise (can and havetaught courses) inPython,C++,CUDA,MATLAB, and a wide range of tooling:Git,Docker,CMake,Bash, and CI/CD (GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, Bitbucket Pipelines). I also regularly wrangle with cloud orchestration (AWS, Azure, GCP), and use various markup flavours (Markdown, ReST, LaTeX, HTML+(S)CSS) alongside the chimera that is JavaScript.

While personally more inclined towards UNIX (I have a Debian phone), most of my work has a strong emphasis on cross-platform compatibility.

I would describe myself as a Computational Physicist who appreciates the importance of user accessibility (the latter includes ease of installation, robustness, keeping breaking API changes to a minimum, and most importantly impeccable documentation & metadata – including release notes, versioning and licensing).At the moment I’m more involved in project/product management than engineering.

Here’s a breakdown of the number of lines ofopen source code I’ve written:


Projects I have worked on include:

  • Physics simulations
  • Real-time machine vision for:
    • localisation
    • object tracking
    • augmented reality
  • Machine learning for:
    • image denoising and artefact reduction
    • classification (natural language processing as well as more esoteric)
    • predicting data warehouse usage patterns
  • Performance optimisation
    • converting script prototypes into compiled – optionally GPU-executable – code
  • Creating and maintaining software frameworks, including:
    • testing
    • continuous integration
    • software which does version control (because Git isn’t perfect)
    • system administration (user accounts, network security, managing publicly accessible servers)

Professional Affiliations


Some organisations which I’ve worked with to release software.

Open source & open core:

Closed source & proprietary:

Free and Open Source projects

A fewopen source projects which I maintain or co-maintain.

Click here if you are interested in funding my efforts.


A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

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With millions of daily downloads, this is one of the most popular Python packages worldwide

Python CLI GUI Jupyter Keras Pandas Tkinter Slack Discord Telegram Docker


Data Version Control

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Git Shell Python


Continuous Machine Learning

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Git Shell JavaScript


Unifying Python/C++/CUDA memory

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Python buffered array ↔ C++11std::vector ↔ CUDA managed memory

Python C++ CUDA SWIG


Core Imaging Library

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Python C++ CMake Visualisation Medical Imaging


High-throughput Neuro-Image PET reconstruction

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Python C++ CUDA CMake Medical Imaging


Neuro-Image Processing and Analysis

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Python C++ CUDA CMake Medical Imaging


Multimodal models of 20 normal brains

Python MATLAB Visualisation Medical Imaging


Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework

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Python C++ C MATLAB Jupyter Medical Imaging


Medical imaging utilities


Basic functionality needed forAMYPAD andNiftyPET

Python MATLAB Medical Imaging Build Tools

