



Slides, videos & supplementary material

When not otherwise engaged in singing, flying, sailing, cycling, or reading… I sometimes deliver talks, dumping static HTML slides below in advance to avoid hassling with USB storage and presentation software compatibility (i.e. this in an uncurated ad-hoc list).

Cloud Infrastructure for the Positron Emission Tomography Rapid Image Reconstruction Challenge (PETRIC) 2024

Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), Florida

Why I switched to Windows

PyData London,

The State of Open Source AI

LLMs in Production,

Open Source is Technically Illegal

PyData London,

Open Source is Bad

PyData London,

Painless Cloud Experiments without Leaving Your IDE

MLOps Summit, London

Debian on Android

Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction: Software Aspects

24th CCPPETMR SM, Hull

GPU Deployment

22nd CCPPETMR SM, London

Wrapping C/C++ for Python

