


Flaut of Control

"Our kingdom has finally attained Pan's Flute! We must get one of our three flautists to the center of the battlefield for it to effect the enemy.  Beware: the enemy has innumerable flautists of their own; we must not allow them to reach the center of the battlefield or all will be lost. Good luck, Commander."

Goal: Get your flautist (troop with the purple shirt) to the center of the battlefield (marked by a white line) while preventing the enemy from doing the same. You're ONLY allowed to send 3 Flautists, you LOSE if at least one does not reach the middle!

This game was created by Peter Wang and Jake Miller for the GMTK Game Jam 2020: Out of Control

We were inspired by games like Art of War and Cartoon Wars, so we tried to make a tactical wargame with our own twist. Pan's Flute is a mythical instrument said to drive mad anyone who listens to it. A flautist is someone who plays the floot and has the root word 'flaut', which spelled differently is 'flout', which means refusing to show respect to authority.

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