


Harvest Tataki - Whac-a-carrot

Collect a large harvest of carrots with the help of your cute rabbit friends! Don't scare the rabbits away! How many can you get before the day is done?

This game was made in 24 hours for Ludum Dare 52! Theme: Harvest.


  • UseA,S,D,W or↑↓←→ to hit the carrots at the different holes.
  • You need to hit them when they are at the top of their jump.


  • Hit the carrot using the correct button for each hole.
  • You get 1 point for each carrot that you hit.
  • Every 10 points the game gets a little bit faster.
  • Every rabbit you hit, you lose one life. Lose 4, and the game is over.
  • The game also ends when the night arrives (after about 2 minutes)

Why this game exists?

In 2023, I made the following "Happy New Year" card using pico-8:

A few people who received this card said that it looked like a "whac-a-mole" game. When the theme of Ludum Dare 52 (harvest) was announced, I saw the chance to make the game.



harvesttataki_linux.zip739 kB
harvesttataki_osx.zip3.2 MB
harvesttataki_windows.zip979 kB
harvesttataki_raspi.zip2.1 MB

Development log


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Hi! We played your game on stream and really enjoyed it!

Thank you! XD

Hey, nice! It gets hard near the end, I like it ^^”I also feel so guilty when I hit a bunny by accident ;;Very clever with changing the color of the sky to indicate the length of the game.

Late Reply, but one of the childhood games that always stayed in my memory was “Enduro” for the Atari, a very simple racing game that also has this thing of the color of the sky indicating how close you are to the end of the game.

I’m pretty sure I was unconsciously inspired by that when I made this mechanic for this game too.·View all by Claus·Report·Embed

