


Fantasy Card Assets

A downloadable asset pack

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6.17.2023 Update: CARD BACKS

These new card backs were to be used for "Wizards Wits".
Icons used were created bySnoopethDuckDuck
These assets are Royalty-Free. You may use them in any of your commercial and non-commercial project(s) or edit them. Attribution would be appreciated for both SnoopethDuckDuck and myself, but not required.

Coding Quests uses these for their Godot tutorial here: link 

Get the assets you need to get started on your card game. All assets come as one sprite sheet for you to slice or edit together in Photoshop.
*not included: character art and font


No card fx

4/09/2021 UPDATE: Card Backs and Card Rip FX

Cards come in: 

*all cards come with a black border

2 stone/brick versions to choose from or use them as the ‘face’
*4/09/2021 Update
Several back backs and frames were added.


Wood, Stone & Gold
Each has a Name Bar and Description Box

Portrait Borders / Circle or Square, you choose from wood, stone or gold.

A must for every card game.
Gems, Potions, Scrolls, Books, Shields and even some weapons and shields.


These assets are Royalty-Free. You may use them in any of your commercial and non-commercial project(s) or edit them. Attribution is appreciated but not required.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment and I'll get back to you.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

pixelCardAssest.png31 kB
pixelCardAssest Update v0138 kB
cardbacks4092021.png36 kB
cardripFX_spritesheet.png18 kB
squareCircle_vector.png3 MB
cardRIPfx Sprites & Sheet21 kB
cardSHEENfx.7z6.1 kB
cardBacks 2023165 kB

Development log


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Thanks for this awesome asset pack. I used it in my project for an undergraduate teaching assistantship test at my university. Let’s just say… I got the position. So big big thanks! Here’s the final product if you want to check it out.Cards of the Abyss

On the "Slug" card that showcases what it could look like, there is an awesome looking little brick that he is standing on. Am I blind or is it not in the downloads?? Could you add more little platforms like this for them to stand on?

Also could you include a file where each sprite is separated from the sheet? 

The tile the slug is standing on is in this free asset pack

I will check through my files after I get back from my summer vacation to see if I can separate everything properly.

these are great!

small inconvenience: the sprite sheets are all misaligned

Hi there, thanks for sharing your content, I've used these in a demo I've recently updated:

The card tearing effect looks amazing, but I don’t understand how to use it in Unity, can anyone tell me?

Divide it by yourself and pour it into Unity as sprite

Do you have an .svg version of the files?

What is the license?

These assets are Royalty-Free. You may use them in any of your commercial and non-commercial project(s) or edit them. Attribution is appreciated but not required.

SO is it CC0 (public domain)?

If yes, you should add the license into metadata for the asset packs:

"Edit asset pack->Metadata->Release Info->License for assets" It will increase the size of audience that will be able to find your art

I used the base card in my game-jam submission. Thanks so much! (

I enjoyed playing Sword Saint. Thanks for sharing and using my art. 

I have created a clicker game using your asset, thank you very much

These are incredible! Wish I had seen these before I switched focus for my game away from cards! But now I have to find a game idea to use these with!

Thank you for the feedback.  I added some card fx last month and will be adding more assets by the end of the month.
When you do find a project to use them in, leave the link and I'll share it on my sociables.

your assets are really cool,
will you make a card back in future updates?

Thank you for the comment. 

I do intend to make more card backs. There's only two backs at the moment (the brick textured cards) on the right of the sprite sheet.

I'm open to suggestions if you have any  for the card backs.

Thanks for the reply!!If I have any ideas I will write to you =)

Here's what I've been working on for borders...

Really interesting, the ones I prefer are the first above and the one below, even the golden one is fantastic!!

I've made an update. Card backs and these borders. ;)

Thank you kindly!

There will be more card designs (colors, text holders, card borders), items, icons, ect coming in a few days. I will probably make a few prefabs as well.·View all by cafeDraw·Report·Embed
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