



Heyhello, welcome to my page where I share my TTRPG publications. I have written supplements for a lot of games and in a lot of settings. I'm currently mostly writing for Eco Mofos!!, but in the past I've written some modules for The Lost Bay, Mörk Borg, Ultraviolet Grasslands and Cairn. Feel free to take a look around and download. It's all PWYW!

Thank you for your attention and interest in my publications

- Caelin Araven

Some Eco Mofos ideas for your game
A walk towards the afterlife
A Megafaction of Corpos for Eco Mofos
d66 table of small events throughout a year for Eco Mofos!!
A pocketzine for Eco Mofos!!
A small location for Eco Mofos!!
An Eco Mofos dungeon about making psuedo-Essence from human remains
An upgradeable homestead for an Eco Mofo's game jam
A theatrical adventure for Cairn
An adventure module for The Lost Bay
A steamy encounter for The Lost Bay
Five districts for the Emerald City in Luka Rejec's Ultraviolet Grasslands
Scribbles and notes for tRPGs
Four Mörk Borg encounters for Misery 4:3
A secret society of transhumanists
6 prisoners, compatible with Mörk Borg
Prison for the Medusa-Reversed; written for Jennell Jaquays Memorial Jam ·Community profile

