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Brad Mehldau

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Plantilla:Infotaula personaBrad Mehldau
Brad Mehldau en un concert el 20-7-2001Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Naixement(en)Bradford Alexander MehldauModifica el valor a Wikidata
23 agost 1970Modifica el valor a Wikidata (54 anys)
Jacksonville (Florida)Modifica el valor a Wikidata
NacionalitatEstats Units
FormacióBerklee College of Music
The New School
Hall High SchoolModifica el valor a Wikidata
Activitat1993Modifica el valor a Wikidata -
Membre de
GènereJazz ijazz fusióModifica el valor a Wikidata
ProfessorsJunior Mance,Fred Hersch,Kenny Werner iJimmy CobbModifica el valor a Wikidata
InstrumentPiano iinstrument de teclatModifica el valor a Wikidata
Segell discogràficWarner Bros. RecordsModifica el valor a Wikidata

Lloc webbradmehldaumusic.comModifica el valor a Wikidata
IMDB: nm0576418Spotify: 2vI9KFm0fwSfPrpEgOeIbqApple Music: Brad+MehldauMusicbrainz: (compositor): 22430Discogs: 256057Allmusic: mn0000934305
Facebook: BradMehldauX: bradmehldauInstagram: bradmehldauofficialYoutube (canal): UCf-QhVNMqeqO2_em7Bz1iFgVimeo: bradmehldauModifica el valor a Wikidata

Bradford Alexander Mehldau, conegut com aBrad Mehldau (nascut el23 d'agost de1970) és un pianista de jazzestatunidenc. A més de liderar el seu propi grup (el trio de Brad Mehldau), ha tocat amb molts artistes de renom, comPat Metheny,Wayne Shorter,Larry Grenadier,Peter Bernstein,Jeff Ballard,Joshua Redman,Christian McBride,Michael Brecker,Chris Potter,Kurt Rosenwinkel,Brian Blade,Jimmy Cobb, les cantants clàssiquesRenée Fleming iAnne Sofie von Otter i elscantautors Chris Thile i John Mayer.



Com a líder

  • Introducing Brad Mehldau (1995)
  • The Art of the Trio, Vol. I (1997)
  • The Art of the Trio, Vol. II — Live At The Village Vanguard (1997)
  • The Art of the Trio, Vol. III — Songs (1998)
  • Elegiac Cycle (1999)
  • The Art of the Trio, Vol. IV — Back At The Vanguard (1999)
  • Places (2000)
  • The Art of the Trio, Vol. V — Progression (2001)
  • Largo (2002)
  • Anything Goes (2004)
  • Live in Tokyo — solo piano (2004)
  • Day is Done (trio) (2005)
  • House on Hill (trio) (2006)
  • Live (trio) (2008)
  • Highway Rider (2010)
  • Live in Marciac (solo 2CD+DVD) (2011)

Com a co-líder

  • New York-Barcelona Crossing Volume 1 (1993) Mehldau, Rossy, Rossy, Sambeat
  • New York-Barcelona Crossing Volume 2 (1993) Mehldau, Rossy, Rossy, Sambeat
  • When I Fall In Love (1993) Mehldau & Rossy Trio
  • Consenting Adults (1994) Mehldau, Turner, Bernstein, Grenadier, Parker
  • Alone Together (1997) Mehldau, Haden, Konitz
  • Another Shade of Blue (1999) Mehldau, Haden, Konitz
  • Close Enough For Love (1999)Fleurine
  • Don't Explain (2004) Joel Frahm, Brad Mehldau
  • Love Sublime (2006) Brad Mehldau,Renée Fleming
  • Metheny/Mehldau (2006) Brad Mehldau,Pat Metheny
  • Metheny Mehldau Quartet (2007) Mehldau,Metheny, Grenadier, Ballard
  • Love Songs (2010) Brad Mehldau,Anne Sofie Von Otter
  • Live at Birdland (2011) Mehldau, Haden, Konitz, Motian

Com acompanyant


Bandes sonores

  • Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil (1997)
  • Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
  • Space Cowboys (2000)
  • Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
  • Ma Femme Est une Actrice (2001)
  • "Unfaithful" (2002)
  • Mehldau's "When It Rains", the opening track onLargo (2002), and "Young at Heart" appear in the 2006 filmThe Lake House but not on the accompanying soundtrack itself.

Aparicions a la TV com a actor


SOLOS: The Jazz Sessions (2004)

Enllaços externs

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