California offers services for your business through licensing, permitting, verification, and more.
Popular related services

Register for permits, licenses, or accounts
Register for new business permits, licenses, and accounts or add business locations.

Apply for a seller’s permit
Obtain a seller's permit online, required for sales subject to sales tax.
0 servicesfound
Apply for a horse racing license
by California Horse Racing Board
Download and fill out applications for horse racing licenses: Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, Grooms, Agents, Officials.
Launch service: Apply for a horse racing licenseBusiness and Acquisition
by Department of General Services
Advocates for small businesses and disabled veteran business enterprise suppliers.
Launch service: Business and AcquisitionBusiness Incentives
by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
California consistently creates more business and economic opportunity than any other region in the world. If your business is considering expanding or relocating to California, our office provides no-cost, confidential services for site selection and incentive navigation. Our team of regional and statewide business specialists will guide you through the array of programs to connect private sector needs to public sector resources.
Launch service: Business IncentivesCA Clean Truck Check
by Air Resources Board
The California Clean Truck Check uses the Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) program to regularly ensure vehicles have proper functioning emission control systems.
Launch service: CA Clean Truck CheckCertified Payroll Reporting
by Department of Industrial Relations
Contractors and subcontractors on most public works projects are required to submit certified payroll records (CPRs) to the Labor Commissioner using DIR's Public Works Website Services. Use this service to report online to the DIR.
Launch service: Certified Payroll ReportingChange Home Address
by Department of Motor Vehicles
To change your address on your driver’s license (DL) or identification (ID) card, or on your vehicle/vessel online – it’s fast and easy from the convenience of your MyDMV account.Before you begin: 1. Be ready to login to your MyDMV account or create one. 2. Have your old and new addresses handy. 3. If changing the address for your vehicle or vessel, you will also need your most recent registration card and the address where your trailer coach or vessel is located (if applicable). A new driver's license, identification card, or registration card is not issued when changing your address. Temporary mailing addresses are not allowed.
Launch service: Change Home AddressChange your Name or Gender
by Department of Motor Vehicles
There are four steps to changing your name on your driver’s license and/or identification card and there are 3 steps to change your gender. Please select the Launch service button to be taken to our Driver’s License or ID Card Updates page for more information.
Launch service: Change your Name or GenderCheck Contractor Application
by Contractors State License Board
Please have your Application Fee Number and your PIN (Personal Identification Number) ready when checking your application.
Launch service: Check Contractor ApplicationCommunity & Place Based Data Tool
by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
The Community & Place Based Data Tool is an interactive web-mapping data tool containing up-to-date demographic, industry + business, education, consumer expenditure and occupation data for the cities, counties, and economic regions across California.
Launch service: Community & Place Based Data ToolDesign and Construction Oversight for Schools
by Department of General Services
Provides design and construction oversight for K-12 schools and community colleges.
Launch service: Design and Construction Oversight for SchoolsEnroll in Employer Services
by Employment Development Department
This is an online service offered by the Employment Development Department (EDD) for employers to manage claims related to their business. It is a fast, convenient, and secure way for employers to manager payroll tax accounts and unemployment insurance claims online.
Launch service: Enroll in Employer ServiceseVQ - Electronic Verification Questionnaire
by Department of Toxic Substances Control
The eVQ System is how hazardous waste handlers file the required ID Number Verification Questionnaire to maintain the active status of their ID numbers.
Launch service: eVQ - Electronic Verification QuestionnaireFile Complaint Against Contractor
by Contractors State License Board
File a complaint about a construction contractor, conveniently online.
Launch service: File Complaint Against ContractorFile Complaint Against Professional or Business
by Department of Consumer Affairs
You may use this page to initiate a complaint against company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Launch service: File Complaint Against Professional or BusinessFind a Consumer Affairs License
by Department of Consumer Affairs
Look up a company or individual who has a license issued by the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Launch service: Find a Consumer Affairs LicenseFind a Fair
by Department of Food and Agriculture
Find a local fair via the Department of Food and Agriculture website, which provides fair dates and information.
Launch service: Find a FairFind Business Resources
by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
Whether you’re starting a brand-new business, expanding or relocating, avoid expensive mistakes by making sure your entity is registered and permitted as required by State laws.
Launch service: Find Business ResourcesForm a Business
by Secretary of State
Form/Register a business entity in California. Depending on the business, there can be multiple steps and required forms. The Secretary of State website can help.
Launch service: Form a BusinessGet a Fishing or Hunting License
by Department of Fish and Wildlife
Buy a fishing or hunting license in person or online. Online customers must be at least 18 years of age and provide a Visa or MasterCard to make a purchase.
Launch service: Get a Fishing or Hunting LicenseGet Copies of Business Entity Documents
by Secretary of State
Request copies of filed business entity documents, or a Certificate of Status or a Certificate of Filing.
Launch service: Get Copies of Business Entity DocumentsGet Permit Assistance
by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
This service assists you in finding appropriate permit information for your business. It also provides contact information for the various agencies that administer & issue these permits.
Launch service: Get Permit AssistanceHazardous Waste Tracking System
by Department of Toxic Substances Control
The Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS) is the California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC) data repository for hazardous waste manifest and ID Number information.
Launch service: Hazardous Waste Tracking SystemLook up an acohol license
by Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Your can learn more about an applicant, licensed individual, or licensed business that is regulated by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Use this service to locate records by license number, licensee name, business address, or business name.
Launch service: Look up an acohol licenseLook Up Contractor License
by Contractors State License Board
Look up a contractor license or Home Improvement Salesperson (HIS) registration to verify information, including complaint disclosure.
Launch service: Look Up Contractor LicenseLook Up Tax Rates
by California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
When using this service, please ensure the address information you input is the address you intended. The tax rate given here will reflect the current rate of tax for the address that you enter.
Launch service: Look Up Tax RatesManage Your Real Estate License
by Department of Real Estate
The California Department of Real Estate (DRE) offers expedited processing of license and examination transactions through the easy to use, paperless, interactive eLicensing online system.
Launch service: Manage Your Real Estate LicensePermits
by San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Permits are required for most projects and activities in the following areas:-San Francisco Bay, including its open waters, marshes, and mudflats-Most creeks, rivers, sloughs, and other tributaries that flow into the Bay and are subject to tides-The first 100 feet inland from the shoreline around San Francisco Bay and its tidally influenced tributaries (an area called the “shoreline band”)-Certain areas of the Bay that were diked off in the past, including salt ponds, duck hunting preserves, game refuges, and other managed wetlands-Large areas within Suisun Marsh, including levees, waterways, marshes, and low-lying grasslands
Launch service: PermitsProcurement
by Department of General Services
The DGS Procurement Division certifies small businesses.
Launch service: ProcurementRegister for Permits, Licenses, or Accounts
by California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
Register for new business permits, licenses, and accounts or add business locations. Use your online account to pay sales and use tax and most of the special tax and fee programs.
Launch service: Register for Permits, Licenses, or AccountsRegulatory Assistance Office
by Department of Toxic Substances Control
The Regulatory Assistance Office provides informal guidance regarding the management of hazardous waste, including compliance assistance, information, and research services. This is available to the generators, transporters, and facilities managing hazardous waste, as well as other government entities and the general public. If you can’t find answers to your questions, please contact us for assistance.
Launch service: Regulatory Assistance OfficeRenew a Consumer Affairs License
by Department of Consumer Affairs
BreEZe is an online licensing system for the Department of Consumer Affairs. Licensees/applicants can submit license applications, renew a license and change their address. The following are using the system: Board of Barbering & Cosmetology, Board of Behavioral Sciences, Dental Board, Dental Hygiene Committee, Naturopathic Medicine Committee, Medical Board of California, Board of Occupational Therapy, Board of Optometry, Osteopathic Medical, Board of California, Physical Therapy Board, Physician Assistant Board, Board of Podiatric Medicine, Board of Psychology, Board of Registered Nursing, Respiratory Care Board, Bureau of Security & Investigative Services, Veterinary Medical Board and Veterinary Technician Examining Committee, and Board of Vocational Nursing & Psychiatric Technicians.
Launch service: Renew a Consumer Affairs LicenseRenew Appraiser License
by Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers
This renewal system is not for licensees with an out of state address. It is not for those who have a temporary license or those whose license has been suspended, resigned, revoked, or those who have had their right to renew revoked. Those who are subject to Enforcement monitoring are also ineligible to use this system. The existing license must be current and in good standing. Renewal may not occur more than six months prior to the existing license expiration date.
Launch service: Renew Appraiser LicenseReview of licensing decisions
by Cannabis Control Appeals Panel
The Cannabis Control Appeals Panel is responsible for appeals of any decision by state cannabis licensing authorities relating to the order of any penalty assessment, issuing, denying, transferring, conditioning, suspending or revoking any license provided under the Medical and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA).
Launch service: Review of licensing decisionsRisk and Insurance Management
by Department of General Services
Provides risk management and insurance services to state agencies and other public entities.
Launch service: Risk and Insurance ManagementSearch for Personnel Licensing
by California Department of Public Health
This service will allow you to search by license/certificate number, last name, or full name of all clinical laboratory scientists, specialists, and phlebotomists be licensed or certified by the Department of Public Health Laboratory Field Services Branch (LFS) in order to seek employment in California
Launch service: Search for Personnel LicensingSearch for Unclaimed Property
by State Controller's Office
California's Unclaimed Property Law requires corporations, businesses, associations, financial institutions, and insurance companies (referred to as "Holders") to annually report and deliver property to the California State Controller's Office after there has been no activity on the account or contact with the owner for a period of time specified in the law - generally (3) three years or more. This search page will allow you to locate Unclaimed Property that already has been sent to the State for safekeeping, as well as property that is about to be sent to the State by a business as required by law. If you feel you may have other accounts that did not appear in your search, please return to this site at a later date as names are continually added to the Unclaimed Property database.
Launch service: Search for Unclaimed PropertySmall Business Assistance Centers
by Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development
Quickly locate a center and connect with a local advisor. The network of centers provide free one-on-one consulting and no-cost or low-cost trainings, in over 30 languages
Launch service: Small Business Assistance CentersUnclaimed Property Reporting Resources
by State Controller's Office
Holders of Unclaimed Property include business associations, banking and financial organizations, life insurance corporations, and other entities holding property belonging to another person. By law, holders are required to review their records each year to determine if they hold any property, whether tangible or intangible, that has remained unclaimed for the required dormancy period. Once property has remained unclaimed for the required dormancy period, it becomes reportable.
Launch service: Unclaimed Property Reporting ResourcesWorker Rights and Employer Responsibilities
by Department of Industrial Relations
California’s labor laws protect all workers, regardless of immigration status. The Department of Industrial Relations serves all workers in multiple languages and our team does not ask about/track immigration status. If you need to leave California or the United States, you can still contact our office to file a claim. If you are employed in California, your employer must provide a safe workplace and pay all the wages you are owed. If you think an injury or illness is work-related, you may be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits from your employer to pay for medical care and partial wages. Your labor rights allow you to ask your employer about your pay and working conditions. When you exercise your labor rights, it is against the law for your employer to retaliate against you.
Launch service: Worker Rights and Employer ResponsibilitiesWorker Safety Wildfire Cleanup and Rebuilding
by Department of Industrial Relations
The work to cleanup and rebuild after wildfires must be done in compliance with California's labor laws and workplace safety and health regulations. California's robust worker protections apply to every workplace in the state:- Cal/OSHA workplace safety and health standards requiring employers to identify hazards, train workers on how to prevent unsafe working conditions, provide proper personal protective equipment and injury/illness prevention planning.- Labor laws including minimum wage, overtime, prevailing wage on public works projects, meal & rest breaks, and unfair immigration related practices.- Workers' compensation for work related injuries & illnesses including paid medical treatment and benefits for temporary/permanent disabilities.
Launch service: Worker Safety Wildfire Cleanup and Rebuilding