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Assistance and social programs

Find services that help improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities in California. Benefits support

  • obtaining food
  • health coverage
  • vehicle and education costs
  • income assistance when unemployed or on disability

Popular related services

An Asian man is in a grocery store with his young son, who sits in a shopping cart.

Apply for food stamps

Add to your food budget and get help putting healthy food on the table with the CalFresh Program.

A tan middle-aged doctor uses a stethoscope on a baby as the baby sits on his mother’s lap.

Apply for Medi-Cal

Get free or low-cost medical care. Medi-Cal provides health coverage for qualified individuals.

The hands of a man with tan skin and a checkered button-down shirt work on a laptop.

File for unemployment

File and manage unemployment claims to receive financial support while you are looking for a job.

A blue CalABLE prepared card

Get a CalABLE Visa prepaid card

Pay for disability-related expenses (tax free) with a CalABLE card.

0 servicesfound

Access Self Service Website

by Department of Child Support Services

Customer Connect is a self-service platform to provide you 24-7 access to information you need about your child support situation. It is a secure website that allows you to contact your child support professional, receive reminders/updates, see payment history, and update contact information at any time, from anywhere.

Launch service: Access Self Service Website

Adult Day Health Centers

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with centers providing day programs for older adults and adults with disabilities as an alternative to institutional care. Centers provide an array of activities and services.

Launch service: Adult Day Health Centers

Apply for a Cal Grant

by California Student Aid Commission

Apply for a Cal Grant, a financial aid program administrated by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) providing aid to California undergraduates, vocational training students, and those in teacher certification programs.

Launch service: Apply for a Cal Grant

Apply for Loan Repayments, Scholarships, Grants

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

HCAI improves healthcare access by providing scholarships, loan repayments, and grants to students, graduates, and institutions providing direct patient care in areas of unmet need. Learn about the loan repayment programs, scholarships, grants, and more.

Launch service: Apply for Loan Repayments, Scholarships, Grants

Apply for Medi-Cal

by Department of Health Care Services

Medi-Cal offers free or low-cost health coverage for Californians who meet eligibility requirements, regardless of immigration status. Most applicants who apply and enroll in Medi-Cal will receive care through Medi-Cal health plans.

Launch service: Apply for Medi-Cal

Apply for Medical Insurance

by California Health Benefit Exchange

Apply for Medical Insurance via Covered California

Launch service: Apply for Medical Insurance

Apply for the California Dream Act

by California Student Aid Commission

The California Dream Acts allows California students who cannot get financial aid from the federal government and meet other specific requirements to apply for state financial aid so they can attend some California colleges, universities, and Career Education Programs.

Launch service: Apply for the California Dream Act

Attend a Student Financial Aid Workshop

by California Student Aid Commission

Attend a student financial aid workshop with the Cash for College program. The Cash for College program offers free, hands-on workshops across the state. From October 1 to March 2, families can get help to complete the California Dream Act Application or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can also learn about scholarships and other forms of financial aid.

Launch service: Attend a Student Financial Aid Workshop

CA COVID-19 Rent Relief

by California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency

Whether it’s a health-related event or a significant financial hardship, COVID-19 has affected us all. As our state continues to recover, we are committed to keeping families housed and recognize that California renters and landlords have enough to worry about. We want to make sure that past due rent isn’t one of them.

Launch service: CA COVID-19 Rent Relief

CA Meals For Kids App (Android)

by California Department of Education

The CA Meals for Kids mobile app helps you find, save, and share nearby California meal sites by searching on a variety of criteria.

Launch service: CA Meals For Kids App (Android)

CalABLE Visa Prepaid Card

by California Achieving a Better Life Experience

Sign up for tax-free treatment on earnings and withdrawals to pay for disability-related expenses

Launch service: CalABLE Visa Prepaid Card

Calculate Child Support

by Department of Child Support Services

The California Child Support Guideline Calculator is based on the same child support legal guidelines used in California courts, and can be used to estimate the amount of child support that may be ordered in your case.

Launch service: Calculate Child Support

Calculate Your Earthquake Insurance Premium

by California Earthquake Authority

Use the CEA Premium Calculator for a free CEA California residential earthquake insurance premium estimate. To purchase a CEA policy, you must contact a participating residential insurer.

Launch service: Calculate Your Earthquake Insurance Premium

CalEITC is bigger and better

by Franchise Tax Board

Find out if qualify for CalEITC and the new Young Child Tax Credit.

Launch service: CalEITC is bigger and better

California Low Cost Auto

by Department of Insurance

California’s Low Cost Automobile (CLCA) Insurance program was established by the Legislature in 1999 and exists (pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 11629.7) as a program designed to provide income-eligible, good drivers with liability insurance protection at affordable rates as a way to meet California’s mandatory auto insurance law.California’s Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance Program is a state-sponsored program that makes insurance affordable for California residents who meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of immigration status.The CLCA Insurance program is brought to you by the California Department of Insurance and is administered by the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP).

Launch service: California Low Cost Auto

California Senior Gateway

by Department of Insurance

The Senior Gateway is a one-stop website intended to provide seniors, their families, and caregivers with the information they need to connect to helpful services and resources, to find answers, and solve problems. Find information on such topics as:-Avoiding and Reporting Abuse & Neglect-Preventing Fraud, Financial Abuse & Common Scams-Health Care Information-Your Rights-Other ResourcesSenior Gateway is sponsored by the Elder Financial Abuse Interagency Roundtable (E-FAIR) and hosted by the California Department of Insurance. For more information about E-FAIR please visit the "About Us" page.

Launch service: California Senior Gateway

Child Support Payments

by Department of Child Support Services

Today, child support payments are collected and processed by a single entity, the State Disbursement Unit. Required by federal law, the State Disbursement Unit processes 100% of child support payments in California.

Launch service: Child Support Payments

Disability Access

by Department of General Services

Promotes disability access through dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, including the disability and business communities.

Launch service: Disability Access

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

by Department of Social Services

The Federal and California Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs) are special tax breaks for people who work part time or full time. If you have work income, you can file and claim your EITC refunds, even if you don’t owe any income tax.

Launch service: Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Enroll Your Kids in Technology Programs

by California Workforce Development Board

If you want your child to learn more about computers and technology, contact the “Hack the Hood” program. This six-week program teaches low-income youth how to improve search engines, build better websites, and how to get information listed in local internet maps and directories. It also helps youth learn leadership, entrepreneurship, and life skills.

Launch service: Enroll Your Kids in Technology Programs

Family Caregiver Services

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with the local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) that coordinate a variety of services for older adults, adults with disabilities, informal caregivers, and family caregivers. Caregivers can access services such as respite care and training.

Launch service: Family Caregiver Services

File for Disability

by Employment Development Department

The California State Disability Insurance (SDI) program provides short-term Disability Insurance (DI) benefits to eligible workers who need time off work. You may be eligible for DI if you are unable to work due to non-work-related illness or injury.

Launch service: File for Disability

File for Unemployment

by Employment Development Department

This is an online service offered by the Employment Development Department (EDD). It is a fast, convenient, and secure way for customers to file and manage claims.

Launch service: File for Unemployment

Find a Job

by Employment Development Department

Find a Job, look up job openings, find information about applying for jobs in California

Launch service: Find a Job

Find an ESL/English Class

by California Department of Education

Find a class to learn English near you with this Directory of Adult Education Programs. These classes are sometimes called “ESL” classes because they teach “English as a Second Language.”

Launch service: Find an ESL/English Class

Find CCC Undocumented Student Resources

by California Community Colleges

Find resources for undocumented CCC students.

Launch service: Find CCC Undocumented Student Resources

Find Child Care

by Department of Social Services

Find Child Care Services via the Department of Social Services website. Select your desired facility type and one of the following: street, city, zip code, county. Or, you can search via facility number.

Launch service: Find Child Care

Find Foster Care

by Department of Social Services

Find Foster Care Services via the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) website. Select "Foster Family Agencies" on the CDSS website to begin.

Launch service: Find Foster Care

Find Recycling location

by Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery

Find out where to recycle beverage containers, electronic waste, and other recyclables.

Launch service: Find Recycling location

Find Refugee Services

by Department of Social Services

Find information about services offered to refugees. You can find places to learn English, get jobs and training, and learn about education, citizenship, and legal help.

Launch service: Find Refugee Services

Find Substance Use Disorder Services

by Department of Health Care Services

Find Substance Use Disorder Services

Launch service: Find Substance Use Disorder Services

Find UC Undocumented Student Resources

by University of California

Find resources for undocumented UC students.

Launch service: Find UC Undocumented Student Resources

Food & Nutrition

by Department of Aging

CDA contracts with partners providing free group meals in congregate settings such as senior centers and with others that deliver free nutritious meals to older adults in their homes. The service also provides nutrition education, nutrition risk screening, and nutrition counseling. Voluntary contributions are welcome but not required.

Launch service: Food & Nutrition

Food stamps

by Department of Social Services

The CalFresh program helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing them a means to meet their nutritional needs.

Launch service: Food stamps

Get a CalVet Home Loan

by Department of Veterans Affairs

Any veteran can apply for a CalVet Home Loan when purchasing an owner-occupied home in California.To be eligible, you must (1) Have served on active duty for at least 90 days during wartime or peacetime (excluding training), (2) Have a discharge under honorable conditions, and (3) Not have a current CalVet Home Loan.Apply online so you can start making offers on your next home.

Launch service: Get a CalVet Home Loan

Get Citizenship Services

by Department of Social Services

Get access to citizenship services via the Department of Social Services website. Citizenship services can include information on eligibility requirements and application assistance with the naturalization application. Knowledgeable service providers exist throughout California; select your region to find a provider near you.

Launch service: Get Citizenship Services

Get DACA Legal Help

by Department of Social Services

Find immigration legal services for DACA via the Department of Social Services website. There are service providers throughout California.

Launch service: Get DACA Legal Help

Get Disaster Relief Assistance

by Office of the Governor

Every Californian, regardless of age, ability, income or language, deserves culturally competent education to prepare for wildfire, flood, earthquake, drought, heatwave and other disasters. Thanks to a continuous investment of public funds by Governor Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers, Listos California engages a statewide network of community-based organizations, Tribal Governments, and Community Emergency Response Teams across the state to boost resiliency, provide accessible in-language information and advance a new culture of disaster preparedness.

Launch service: Get Disaster Relief Assistance

Get Updates on DACA

by Office of the Governor

Find updated information on DACA.

Launch service: Get Updates on DACA

Get Workforce Capacity Education and Training

by Department of Health Care Access and Information

HCAI collects, analyzes, and publishes data about California’s healthcare workforce and health professional training, as well as identifies areas of the state in which there are shortages of health professionals and service capacity. Find information on areas of unmet need, healthcare workforce data, grants, and more.

Launch service: Get Workforce Capacity Education and Training

Get Your UI Claim Status

by Employment Development Department

You may need to update eligibility or verify your identity. Use this service to check your claim status.

Launch service: Get Your UI Claim Status

Home & Community Services

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with partners providing a variety of services for older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers. These include caregiver assistance and help at home, adult day centers, assisted transportation, legal assistance, and information assistance.

Launch service: Home & Community Services

Human Resources

by Department of General Services

Provides services in the areas of recruitment and hiring.

Launch service: Human Resources

Learn to Read and Write

by California Department of Education

Find a class to learn how to read and write in English with this Directory of Adult Education.

Launch service: Learn to Read and Write

Legal Services

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with partners providing legal services to older adults and adults with disabilities on a variety of legal problems including housing, consumer fraud, elder abuse, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Medicare, Medi-Cal, age discrimination, pensions, nursing homes, protective services, conservatorships, and other matters.

Launch service: Legal Services

Meals For Kids (iOS)

by California Department of Education

The CA Meals for Kids mobile app helps you find, save, and share nearby California meal sites by searching on a variety of criteria.

Launch service: Meals For Kids (iOS)

Medicare Counseling

by Department of Aging

The California Department of Aging contracts with partners coordinating HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program), whose volunteers provide free one-on-one information and counseling to older adults and their families on complex Medicare and health insurance related issues.

Launch service: Medicare Counseling

Regulatory Assistance Office

by Department of Toxic Substances Control

The Regulatory Assistance Office provides informal guidance regarding the management of hazardous waste, including compliance assistance, information, and research services. This is available to the generators, transporters, and facilities managing hazardous waste, as well as other government entities and the general public. If you can’t find answers to your questions, please contact us for assistance.

Launch service: Regulatory Assistance Office

Report a Hate Incident

by Civil Rights Department

All victims and witnesses of hate incidents and hate crimes can report and are eligible for free hotline support services. California vs Hate is not affiliated with law enforcement, and you can report anonymously.

Launch service: Report a Hate Incident

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

by Franchise Tax Board

Get free tax help at a location near you

Launch service: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

by California Department of Public Health

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) helps families get healthy food and a lot more. WIC helps families by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy foods, and referrals to healthcare and other community services. WIC serves babies and children up to age 5, pregnant women, and new mothers. Dads, grandparents, foster parents of young children, and working families are welcome at WIC too!

Launch service: Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
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