


Learn CSS with 🎓 online interactive courses,📺 educational videos, and 🧑🏻‍💻project-building tutorials.
CSS Variables
Dart Sass
Open Source
Smart Grid
Auto Color
The most beautifully written framework I've ever had the pleasure of working with.
Avatar of Per AxbomPer Axbom
Bulma CSS by @jgthms is just perfect.
Avatar of Alejandro Barrera A.Alejandro Barrera A.
After 5 minutes I have #bulmaio working. It's a miracle!!!! @jgthms
Avatar of JamieJamie
Bulma, I think I'm in love.
Avatar of Jesse SchoffJesse Schoff
We're very happy that @jgthms created the Bulma CSS framework.
Avatar of Infinity SearchInfinity Search
With Bulma, I was able to make each one of my pages on my website’s templates in one single day with no prior knowledge on how to use it.
Avatar of BruhBruh

The Modern
CSS Framework

Bulma is a free, open source framework that provides ready-to-use frontend components that you can easily combine to build responsive web interfaces.

No CSS knowledge required!
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CSS Variables
Dart Sass
Open Source
Smart Grid

100% Responsive

Designed mobile-first


Flexbox + Grid + CSS Variables


Download. Customize. Done.


Open Source on GitHub

Alejandro Barrera A. @ale_codes
Bulma CSS by@jgthms is just perfect. Simple, easily customizable and doesn't impose Javascript implementations.

After experimenting with@tailwindcss and finding that utility first css is just not my thing, Bulma felt like a breath of fresh air.


3:33 PM - 10 May 2019

Jamie @MyTopSecretName
Omg I've been fighting with bootstrap and foundation, trying to get them to work with my rails app, for days. After 5 minutes I have#bulmaio working. It's a miracle!!!!@jgthms

4:15 PM - 16 Dec 2020

Jesse Schoff @jesseschoff
Bulma, I think I'm in via@jgthms

9:10 PM - 29 May 2017

Per Axbom @axbom
I've spent a few hours now with the Bulma CSS framework and I have to say it's the most beautifully written framework I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Nice work@jgthms 👊

5:48 PM - 22 Feb 2018

@[email protected] (Bruce Tate mastodon) @redrapids
One of the main contributors to our success the Bulma framework by@jgthms.

His work is brilliant. It’s very low JavaScript, and it plays very well with@elixirphoenix#liveview.

In short, Bulma provides its value and gets out of the way. Thanks!

3:11 PM - 25 Apr 2020

Infinity Search @InfinitySearch1
We're very happy that@jgthms created the Bulma CSS framework. It has saved us a ton of time and made our site responsive on all devices!

6:41 PM - 18 Mar 2020

Bruh @bruhandle
Okay so with@jgthms’s Bulma, I was able to make each one of my pages on my website’s templates in one single day with no prior knowledge on how to use it, the docs are super easy to understand and it’s a great library.#css

5:30 AM - 18 Jun 2019

scottgallant 💙💛 @scottgallant is an impressive CSS framework. Flexbox grid, no JS, modular components (use what you need), Sass.


12:51 PM - 26 Feb 2017

Alejandro Barrera A. @ale_codes
Bulma CSS by@jgthms is just perfect. Simple, easily customizable and doesn't impose Javascript implementations.

After experimenting with@tailwindcss and finding that utility first css is just not my thing, Bulma felt like a breath of fresh air.


3:33 PM - 10 May 2019

Jamie @MyTopSecretName
Omg I've been fighting with bootstrap and foundation, trying to get them to work with my rails app, for days. After 5 minutes I have#bulmaio working. It's a miracle!!!!@jgthms

4:15 PM - 16 Dec 2020

Jesse Schoff @jesseschoff
Bulma, I think I'm in via@jgthms

9:10 PM - 29 May 2017

Per Axbom @axbom
I've spent a few hours now with the Bulma CSS framework and I have to say it's the most beautifully written framework I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Nice work@jgthms 👊

5:48 PM - 22 Feb 2018

Dark Mode

Choose a dark theme automatically or by user preference
SeeDark Mode docs


Modern CSS framework based onFlexbox

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<divdata-theme="dark"><h1class="title">Bulma</h1><pclass="subtitle">    Modern CSS framework based on<ahref="">Flexbox</a></p><divclass="message is-success"><divclass="message-body">      Changes successfully saved</div></div><divclass="field"><inputclass="input"type="text"placeholder="Your Name"></div><divclass="field"><divclass="select"><select><option>Select dropdown</option></select></div></div><divclass="buttons"><aclass="button is-link is-soft">Save Changes</a><aclass="button is-danger is-soft">Cancel</a></div></div>

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Thesimplest grid system

Just add columns, they willresize themselves
Seecolumns docs

Better on desktop

This interactive tool works better on larger screens! That's because Bulma columns arevertical by default. I recommend revisiting this page later when you're on desktop. 😉













Add columnRemove

While it's possible to add as many columns as you want, it is recommended to stick with12 columns.
If you want smaller divisions, you can alwaysnest columns.

Soeasy to learn

Get a designstarted withinminutes
Seemodifiers syntax
Francisco Cruz @atFranCruz
So, I was making an exam and in a matter of 30 minutes I had my structure complete with responsive, Bulma is crazy. Thanks@jgthms

3:01 PM - 28 May 2017



button is-primary


button is-primary is-large


button is-primary is-large is-loading


Soquick to customize

Simply set your own Sass variables before importing Bulma
Seecustomization docs
Lars @LarsPeterke
Wanted a dark mode and discovered that in my build steps for@bulmaio inverting the values for$black,$white and greyscales and setting a bg-color for the html element is 90% of the work done. Relly great work by@jgthms to make stuff like this SO easy!

2:13 PM - 5 Dec 2018

@use"sass:color";// Set your brand colors$purple:#8a4d76;$pink:#fa7c91;$brown:#757763;$beige-light:#d0d1cd;$beige-lighter:#eff0eb;// Path to Bulma's sass folder@use"path/to/bulma/sass"with($family-primary:'"Nunito", sans-serif',$grey-dark:$brown,$grey-light:$beige-light,$primary:$purple,$link:$pink,$control-border-width:2px,$input-h:color.hue($beige-lighter),$input-s:color.saturation($beige-lighter),$input-background-l:color.lightness($beige-lighter),$input-border-l:color.lightness($beige-lighter),$input-shadow:none);// Import the Google Font@importurl(",700");



Modern CSS framework based onFlexbox



Modern CSS framework based onFlexbox

NoJavaScript required

CSS only, so it integrates inany JS environment
Seeinstallation docs
Robert Stuttaford @[email protected] @RobStuttaford -- a CSS framework by@jgthms -- is lovely! No JS included, which means no JS opinions included!

4:53 PM - 6 May 2017

Beautified byeveryone

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Loved by thecommunity

See what Bulma fans aretweeting
See morelove
Chris Sev @chris__sev
Want a change of pace from Bootstrap? Try Bulma. It's my BFF right…

9:00 PM - 21 Sep 2017

KwesForms @kwesforms
Rebuilt our entire frontend in Bulma! Loved every minute of it. Our dashboard is next 😁.@jgthms


10:55 PM - 5 Oct 2020

Luca Crea @Luca_Crea
Just dropped for my next project PureCSS – which I love – to try#Bulma by@jgthms 🤝 I'm already 100% in 💚 with it.
So many classes. Super cool#UI elements. A complete documentation.#Opensource
I mean, if you didn't try Bulma#css yet, check it out 👉

10:29 PM - 26 Nov 2018

Thomas Dubosc @Repraze
I've been working on some@reactjs layouts components along with some#CSS extensions to#bulmaio from@jgthms - Featuring side panels, collapsible/flexible boxes and popout window that stay in sync through react portals! I can create desktop like web apps now 👍

6:25 PM - 15 Mar 2019

Raid Boss Killer Prance (She/Her) @pranceTheDeer
Building a new site right now that I can't wait to show off soon.@jgthms makes it easy thanks

Loving working with it on this project.

11:53 PM - 8 Jul 2019

gebsystems @gebsystems
Bloody hell.... To think that I was using my own simple framework for all of the#Frontend#webdevelopment. Here is a my old login page vs#bulmaio framework... Me so dumb. Why reinvent the wheel? Amazing

11:29 PM - 13 Aug 2019

@[email protected] (Bruce Tate mastodon) @redrapids
One of the main contributors to our success the Bulma framework by@jgthms.

His work is brilliant. It’s very low JavaScript, and it plays very well with@elixirphoenix#liveview.

In short, Bulma provides its value and gets out of the way. Thanks!

3:11 PM - 25 Apr 2020

Martin Verbic @martin_verbic
The Bulma (@jgthms) and@Ghost for building a blog is so remarkable. Bulma takes care of the design and Ghost of writing. And both can be/are minimalistic - exactly what you need for simple blogging without design restrictions.#Bulma#blog

2:08 PM - 25 Sep 2019

scottgallant 💙💛 @scottgallant is an impressive CSS framework. Flexbox grid, no JS, modular components (use what you need), Sass.


12:51 PM - 26 Feb 2017

ninan kara @ninankara
thanks Bulma for saving my day.

8:26 AM - 28 Sep 2020

Amir Azimi @azimidev
Still like#bulma, more than#bootstrap. Even the syntax is cleaner.@jgthms

3:45 PM - 1 Sep 2017

Jeroen Coussement @coussej
Spent months comparing frontend frameworks for both#css and#javascript. Settled on@jgthms's#bulmaio for CSS and@Rich_Harris's@sveltejs for Javascript. Works great, there is a clear separation of look and function, and the resulting code is super clean. Perfect combo ! 🚀

4:35 PM - 24 Oct 2017

And somuch more

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