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Family Hippoboscidae - Louse Flies

Utah Hippoboscid - Pseudolynchia canariensisLouse fly - Lipoptena depressaLouse Fly - Lipoptenalouse flyOrnithoica vicina - female6 legged unknown Icosta species ?Olfersia fumipennis
KingdomAnimalia (Animals)
PhylumArthropoda (Arthropods)
SubphylumHexapoda (Hexapods)
ClassInsecta (Insects)
OrderDiptera (Flies)
No Taxon (Calyptratae)
FamilyHippoboscidae (Louse Flies)
Other Common Names
Louse Flies, Bird Ticks, Tick Flies
Explanation of Names
Hippoboscidae Samouelle 1819
3 subfamilies, with 31 spp. in 13 genera in our area and >210 spp. in 21 genera of total(1)(2)
the only member of the nominate subfamily recorded in NA,Hippobosca longipennis, may not be established(3)
1.5-12 mm(3)
worldwide and across NA
blood of birds/mammals; host records in(4)
Life Cycle
Print References
Bequaert J. (1942) A monograph of the Melophaginae, or ked-flies, of sheep, goats, deer and antelopes (Diptera, Hippoboscidae). Entomologica Americana 22: 1-220.
Bequaert J.C. (1957) The Hippoboscidae or louse-flies (Diptera) of mammals and birds. Part II. Taxonomy, evolution and revision of American genera and species. Entomologica Americana 36: 417–611.
Works Cited
1.Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume 2
Varies for each chapter; edited by J.F. McAlpine, B.V. Petersen, G.E. Shewell, H.J. Teskey, J.R. Vockeroth, D.M. Wood. 1987. Research Branch Agriculture Canada.
2.Checklist of World Hippoboscidae (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea)
Dick C.W. 2006.
3.Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Gary Mullen, Lance Durden. 2002. Academic Press.
4.A revised Checklist and Concise Host Index of Hippoboscidae (Diptera).
Maa, T.C. 1969. Pacific Insects Monograph 20: 261-299.
Contributed byJoel Kits on 21 March, 2005 - 11:03pm
Additional contributions byBeatriz Moisset,Keith Bayless,Mike Quinn,Aaron Schusteff,v belov
Last updated 29 July, 2019 - 5:00pm

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