



Hi! I'm Bug and I write and draw comics! My most well-known comics areMessenger andFollower, which take place in the same pre- (and post!) apocalyptic universe. I've drawn comics for inclusion in anthologies likeGamera vs. Zine-ra,Earthbound Party,Banjo-Partie, and others! I am also working (very slowly) on a couple of games that I might release here eventually, someday. Maybe.

You can read more of my comics and other stuff

7 themed sketchbook PDFs
6 years of monthly wallpaper images
6 cartoony magic effects brushes for Clip Studio Paint
a story about ghosts, cats, and moving
A story about why I love Pokemon
little comics about a little cat
Get 3 full comics plus 3 short comics!
You're either with us, or against us.
A mini comic about NASA’s Juno mission!
2 Messenger Minicomics
Every friendship has to start somewhere.
Before you can lead, you must learn to follow.
Never take anything for granted.
A traditional creation story passed down among the desert Chios. ·Community profile

