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What Makes Biden So Pugnacious?

What Makes Biden So Pugnacious?

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When Biden left for the day, Corn Pop was waiting for him, with three gang members, and holding a straight razor… Whatever the reality of that event, 60 years ago, Biden has issued, in his 18 months in office, a remarkable number of warnings and threats as to what he …

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Stress Test for a Fading Superpower By Patrick Buchanan

Stress Test for a Fading Superpower

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And as we went crusading for a new world order, Vladimir Putin’s Russia gradually recovered from its crushing Cold War defeat, and China began to move out of America’s shadow to become the most powerful rival modern America had ever faced. Because America entered both world wars of the 20th …

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How We Forfeited the Fruits of Cold War Victory

How We Forfeited the Fruits of Cold War Victory

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These, then, are three of the historic blunders that have forfeited for us the unique position America held at the close of the Cold War. As 1991 turned into 1992, America appeared to have arrived at the apogee of its national power and world prestige. President George H.W. Bush had …

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Has America Lost Its Faith?

Has America Lost Its Faith?

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If we were a Christian nation under Wilson and Truman, when exactly did America cease to be a Christian nation? Here we are on the eve of Christmas, that day of joy set aside for celebrating the birth of Christ who came down to earth 2,000 years ago to show …

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Biden's Full Plate -- Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran

Biden’s Full Plate — Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran

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As Putin may see his destiny and legacy as returning Ukraine into a closer union with Russia, so Chinese President Xi Jinping seems to see his crowning achievement in the return of Taiwan to the motherland after almost a century of separation. One day after warning Russian President Vladimir Putin …

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Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

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What is Bush saying here? That Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force veteran shot to death trying to enter the House chamber on Jan. 6, and Mohamed Atta, who drove an airliner into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in a massacre of close to 3,000 people, are “children …

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20 Years after 9/11 -- Are We Better Off?

20 Years after 9/11 — Are We Better Off?

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Looking back at the half dozen Mideast wars in which we have engaged since that first 9/11, where are we better off now than we were then? Al-Qaida, ISIS, Boko Haram and their variants have established a presence in Arab, Asian and African countries far beyond Afghanistan. Looking forward, where …

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Cacophony and Confusion in Foreign Policy

Cacophony and Confusion in Foreign Policy

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All these stories, photos and videos are indelibly fixed in America’s mind and inextricably linked to Joe Biden. They will forever define his legacy. And they have created a coalition of opponents and critics that may be sufficient to block or impede any bold foreign policy decision Biden chooses to …

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