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In the 1990s, the GOP Got a Hard Push to the Right

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By Michael Bobelian – The Washington Post In the long run, history will validate Donald Trump’s stand on a border wall,” Patrick Buchanan, the former Nixon and Reagan White House aide and Republican presidential candidate, wrote in 2019. “Why? Because mass migration from the global South … is the real …

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New York Times to Biden -- Time to Go!

New York Times to Biden — Time to Go!

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Democrats will not miss the message that the Times is ready to bolt on Biden, and if Democrats wish to win and keep Donald Trump out of the White House, they need a new horse to ride. This one is lame. When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on …

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Latest Symptoms of a Disintegrating Nation

Latest Symptoms of a Disintegrating Nation

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To love one’s country, Edmund Burke said, one’s country ought to be lovely. It would appear that 1 in 3 Americans, more than 100 million of us, no longer see our country as truly lovely. In Stephen Vincent Benet’s “The Devil and Daniel Webster,” the tale is told that if …

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Are All Men Created Equal? By Patrick Buchanan

Are All Men Created Equal?

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Where is the historic, scientific or empirical proof of the defining dogma of American democracy that “all men are created equal”? Ideology is political religion, said the conservative sage Russell Kirk. And what is the defining dogma of the political religion, or ideology, of America in 2022? Is it not …

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Alito 5 Must Stay the Course By Patrick Buchanan

Alito 5 Must Stay the Course

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Pro-abortion Democrats say a woman’s “right to choose” must remain paramount and sacrosanct. But the “right to choose” what? As President Joe Biden just described it bluntly this week, it is the right to choose to “abort a child.” In February, five Supreme Court Justices voted in camera to overturn …

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Are Biden Democrats Holding a Losing Hand? By Patrick Buchanan

Are Biden Democrats Holding a Losing Hand?

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The wild card in Biden’s poker hand is the war in Ukraine… But dissent is rising. Why, it is being asked, are we so focused on the Eastern borders of Ukraine when the Southern border of the United States is being breached illegally by 200,000 invaders every month… some of …

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Are Democrats Kicking Away Their Future? By Patrick Buchanan

Are Democrats Kicking Away Their Future?

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The latest bad news came out of the Golden State, where three progressives on San Francisco’s school board were recalled in an election where more than 7 in 10 voters cast ballots to be rid of them. The problem for Democrats is that the issues for which the three were …

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By the Numbers, a Failing President By Patrick Buchanan

By the Numbers, a Failing President

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Indeed, when one considers the political situation one year after Biden’s inauguration and 10 months before the 2022 elections, how Biden turns things around for himself, his presidency and his party is not easy to see. If the left believed that draping the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, around …

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