Godišnja nagrada Helen Hayes, koje od 1984. priznaju izvrsnost u profesionalnom pozorištu u širemWashingtonu, D.C, je nazvana po njoj. Godine 1955. nekadašnji teatar Fulton u 46. ulici u pozorišnoj četvrti New Yorka preimenovan je u "Helen Hayes Theatre". Kada je taj prostor srušen 1982, obližnje Malo pozorište preimenovano je u njenu čast. Helen Hayes se smatra jednom od najvećih vodećih dama pozorišta 20. stoljeća.[3]
^"Miss Hayes and Films".The New York Times. 15. 3. 1931. Pristupljeno 28. 11. 2015.I'm afraid my former career in the movies doesn't mean much, but when I was 8 years old and had just made my first stage appearance, in a Lew Fields musical show, 'Old Dutch', my mother took me over to the old Vitagraph studio in Brooklyn. I had long curls and they let me play the juvenile lead in two pictures in support of Jean, the collie. Jean was the most famous dog of the day and I was very thrilled.