Survive 1 week harvestingkelp on Mars while providing for your hungry Martian family by collecting the tips of the kelp and fixing the kelp harvesting nets with the kelp "blades"
You need 40 tips a day to nourish your family and 10 blades of kelp to repair each broken net—and if you break all three nets in a day that's the end of your run.
What you don't use on one day rolls over into the next.
Tend well to your farm—what you harvest one day will be reflected in the next. A sprout will grow into a tip on the following day but if you harvest theholdfast
the kelp won't grow again.
This is an entry for the eighteenthEggjam #18 where the theme is "Sourcing Locally 🏡🌱". The source for the cart can be be found in thispico8-carts repo.
This is the sixth game I've completed and released, I hope you enjoy it!
Huge thanks toGruber for the beautiful game music which is the "Pastoral" track fromPico-8 Tunes Volume 1.
Thanks toLexaloffle for makingPICO-8, it was a pleasure to work with, as always.
A big thank you to theEggplant Show community who inspired me to make another game and have given great feedback along the way.
All source and assets are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International