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About Us

Breeding Insight (BI) is a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) initiative hosted at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York

The Breeding Insight initiative was launched in 2018 to level the playing field in the genomics era, specifically for USDA-ARS specialty plant and animal species. BI assists USDA-ARS breeders by creating new opportunities in assimilating data-driven tools, technologies, and methods to remove barriers and more easily allow for the use of genomic insights. We integrate phenomics (trait analysis), genomics (genotypic data), data management, and software tools to help breeders increase the rate of genetic gain and create more healthy and nutritious specialty crops and animals. These gains improve on-farm production for many of America’s favorite specialty crops and animals.

William Rutter, USDA plant pathologist, is shown examining his sweet potato seedlings. Dr. Rutter and other scientists in the USDA Vegetable Program in Charleston, S.C. are working with Breeding Insight to develop fast, affordable genotyping for sweet potato and sweet potato weevil.

Our Mission

Breeding Insight at Cornell University will leverage recent improvements in genomics and open source informatics components, and in partnership with small breeding programs, will enable these programs to harness powerful digital tools to accelerate their genetic gains.

The Challenges

Today’s specialty crop and animal breeders face a numerous hurdles, including logistical, technical, biological, and environmental challenges.

What We Do

Breeding Insight levels the playing field for specialty breeders who are ready to join the genomics revolution.

The Solutions

We address breeding challenges by integrating phenomics (trait analysis), genomics (genotypic data), data management, and software tools to help breeders increase breeding efficiency while keeping program costs low.

Have a Complex Challenge?

No challenge too big; no species too small! Let us know what kind of breeding challenges you’re up against.

Contact Breeding Insight


119 CALS Surge Facility
525 Tower Road
Ithaca, NY 14853-2703

USDA-ARS website
Cornell University website

Breeding Insight is funded by USDA through Cornell University

Breeding Insight is funded by USDA through Cornell University.

Copyright © 2023 Breeding Insight All rights reserved.

