Dre ma oa bet levezonet-bras gant skridoùHerbert George Wells (1866-1946) e voe beskadoriad anH. G. Wells Society ; kadoriad arBritish Science Fiction Association e voe ivez[2], ha kengadoriad arBirmingham Science Fiction Group (BSFG)[3].
D'an 18 a viz Eost 1925 e voe ganet Brian Wilson Aldiss e Derenham, eKontelezhNorfolk, eBro-Saoz. Ken abred ha1928, hag eñ oadet tri bloaz, e stagas da skrivañ istorioù a veze strobet gant e vamm ha klenket war ur stalenn[6].
E1943, oadet 18 vloaz, ec'h emezelas erBritish Army hag e voe kaset daIndia,Myanmar haSumatra gant an unvezRoyal Corps of Signals a oa e-karg eus arpellgehenterezhioù war an tachennoù-emgann[8]. Diwar e bredad el lu e skrivas eromantHothouse (1962)[9] ha div levrenn eus ar stiradHoratio Stubb :A Soldier Erect (1971) hagA Rude Awakening (1978)[10].
Goude bezañ bet disoudardet e1947 ec'h eas da levrdiour en Oxford. E-tro ar mare-se e krogas da skrivañ da vat, istorioùfantasy ha skiant-faltazi dreist-holl, hag e-pad tremen 60 vloaz e chomas unan eus skrivagnerien bennañ ar skiant-faltazi er bed a-bezh.
Adalek1954 e voe embannet istorioù berr skrivet gantañ, ar re gentañ o vezañA Book in Time eThe Bookseller (kelaouenn al levrdiourien) e miz C'hwevrer1954 haCriminal Record er gelaouennScience Fantasy e miz Gouhere 1954 ivez[11]. E 1954 bepred e voe aozet gant argazetenn-SulThe Observer eLondrez ur genstrivadeg skrivañ un istor berr a c'hoarvezfe er bloaz 2500 ; en trede lec'h e voe renketNot For An Age Brian Aldiss gant al lennerien, hag embannet e voe enObserver d'an9 a viz Genver1955. En hevelep miz e voe embannetOutside er gelaouennNew Worlds, a oa renet gantMichael Moorcock (1939 —) hag e penn al luskadNew Wave science fiction.
Meur a istor a skrivas evitThe Bookseller, ha diwar e amzer levrdiour e savas e levr kentañ, un deizlevr anvetThe Brightfount Diaries (1955) a-zivout buhez un implijad en ul levrdi. Istorioù all sinet gantañ a voe embannet er bloaz-se. E1956 e voe embannetThere is a Tide haPsyclops eNew Worlds[10].
Daoust ma oa bet klouar an degemer daThe Brightfount Diaries e c'houlennas an embanner Faber & Faber ouzh Brian Aldiss hag-eñ en devoa skridoù all a vefe mat evit an embann ; laouen-bras e voe Faber pa glevas e oa mennet ar skrivagner da chom war dachenn ar skiant-faltazi, peogwir o devoa arvalien bouezus hag a vourre allennegezh-se, hag embannet e voe kentañ levr skiant-faltazi Brian W. Aldiss, un dastumad istorioù berr anvetSpace, Time and Nathaniel (1957). Kevatal goude-se e voe e gorvoderioù evel skrivagner hag e c'hopr evel levrdiour, neuze e tivizas mont da skrivagner a-vicher.
Er bloaz1958 e voe dalc'het 17vet kendivizadeg arWorld Science Fiction Convention (WSFC, Worldcon) e (California) ; war ar renk kentañ edo Brian W. Aldiss evit bout anvet da wellañ aozer nevez 1958 gant e istorNon stop, hogen kazeg a reas[12] – div wech e voe pedet er Worldcon avat : e1965 eLondrez hag e1979 eBrighton[13].
Adalek 1958 betek1969 e voe skridaozer rann lennegel ar gazetennOxford Mail. E1960 e voe dilennet da gadoriad arBritish Science Fiction Association. E1964, gant e vignon ar skrivagner stadunanatHarry Harrison, ec'h embannas ar gelaouennScience Fiction Horizons, ar gelaouenn gentañ o plediñ gant ar skridvarnouriezh war dachenn ar skiant-faltazi ; div niverenn hepken a zeuas er gouloù[14].
E1967, ar skrivagner S-FAlgis Budrys (1931-2008) a lakaas Roger Zelazny, J. G. Ballard, Brian Aldiss ha Samuel R. Delany da "ur c'hrendouar a-fet skrivagnerien nevez" pa oant "a-stok ouzh an traoù a zo ken direnk er renkad etre a-vremañ", ar pezh a laka da zisheñvel-bras diouzh an holl remziadoù a zo bet en o raok[15].
A-du gant al luskad nevez e savas Brian Aldiss, dre embann lod eus e istorioù arnodel eNew Worlds ha dre glask ur yalc'had evit ar gelaouenn digant anArts Council of Great Britain e 1967[10].
Berzh bras a reasPenguin Science Fiction, un dastumad istorioù bodet gant ar skrivagner hag embannet e1961 ; meur a wech e voe adembannet, ha heuliet e voe gantMore Penguin Science Fiction (1963) andYet More Penguin Science Fiction (1964). Bodet e voe an tri zorkad e1973 dindan an titlThe Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus, a voe adembannet meur a wech ivez. Meur a dorkad bras savet gant Brian Aldiss a voe embannet erbloavezhioù 1970 :Space Opera (1974),Space Odysseys (1975),Galactic Empires (1976),Evil Earths (1976) haPerilous Planets (1978). E 1975 e lakaas embann ul levr mentet-bras,Science Fiction Art (1975), m'en devoa bodet skeudennoù tennet eus kelaouennoù S-F.
Goude klevet a-zivout disoc'hoù ergerzhadenn ar sonterezsoviedel Венера-4 /Venera-4 tro-dro d'ar blanedennGwener (1967-68)[16], a ziskouezas ez eo yen ha krin ar blanedenn en enep d'argoadeg trovanel c'hleb a veze deskrivet en istorioù S-F, ec'h embannas B. Aldiss ha H. Harrison e1968 un torkad anvetFarewell, Fantastic Venus! a vode 5 istor berr, 6 tamm eus istorioù hiroc'h ha 17 arnodskrid, an holl a-zivout Gwener ha sinet gant tremen ugent skrivagner ha skrivagnerez.
Brian W. Aldiss a ijinas evit ar gazetennThe Daily Telegraph un doare istorioù berr-berr a anvermini-saga, dik 50 ger enno dindan un talbenn 15 lizherenn ennañ ; aozet e voe ur genstrivadegmini-saga gant ar gazetenn, gant B. Aldiss da varner, a zo bet dalc'het e-pad meur a vloaz[17] Meur a dorkadmini-saga a-douez ar re wellañ zo bet embannet gantañ[18].
E deroù ar bloavezhioù 1960 e veajas ar skrivagner daYougoslavia, ma kejas ouzh e lennerien eLjubljana (a zo kêr-bennSlovenia hiziv) ; goude-se ez embannas ul levr-beaj anvetCities and Stones (1966), a zo e oberenn nemeti war an dachenn-se. Daou vloaz diwezhatoc'h ec'h embannasThe Day of the Doomed King (1968) diwar-benn rouanedSerbia erGrennamzer, hag e 1976 e voe ur romantfantasy damistorel,The Malacia Tapestry, a c'hoarvez en ur vro a c'hellfe bezañ unDalmatia all[19].
En deiz war-lerc'h e 92vet deiz-ha-bloaz, d'an 19 a viz Eost 2017, e varvas Brian Wilson Aldiss en Oxford[20]
Ul livour e oa Brian W. Aldiss ivez. En Oxford e2010 e voe dalc'het e ziskouezadeg kentañ war e anv hepken, anvetThe Other Hemisphere ("An Hantervoul All"), savet tro-dro d'e bennoberennMetropolis.
1985 :Bristish Science Fiction Association Award evit ar romantHelliconia: Winter[23].
1986 ha1999 : Kouviad a Enor anInternational Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA)[27].
1987 :Hugo Award evitTrillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction (ur gentel astennet eusThe True History of Science Fiction, kenskrivet gantDavid Wingrove)[28].
Locus Poll Award evitTrillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction[29].
1967 :Ultimate Construction (sinet "C. C. Shackleton").
1970 :The Hunter at His Ease •The Secret of Holman Hunt and the Crude Death Rate •The Weather on Demansky Island.
1971 :The Day Equality Broke Out.
1972 :Manuscript Found in a Police State •The Ergot Show.
1973 :Strange in a Familiar Way •The Planet at the Bottom of the Garden • 'Serpent Burning on an Altar •The Young Soldier's Horoscope •Woman in Sunlight with Mandolin •Three Enigmas I (#1The Enigma of Her Voyage, #2I Ching, Who You?, #3The Great Chain of Being What?) •Three Enigmas II: The Eternal Theme Of Exile (#1The Eternal Theme of Exile, #2All Those Enduring Old Charms, #3Nobody Spoke Or Waved Goodbye).
1974 :I dreamed I was Jung last night •Melancholia has a Plastic Core •Three Enigmas III: All in God's Mind (#1The Unbearableness of Other Lives, #2The Old Fleeing and Fleeting Images, # 3Looking on the Sunny Side of an Eclipse) •Diagrams For Three (Enigmatic) Stories (#1The Girl in the Tau-Dream, #2The Immobility Crew, #3A Cultural Side-Effect) •Three Songs for Enigmatic Lovers (#1A One-Man Expedition Through Life, #2The Taste of Shrapnel, #340 Million Miles from the Nearest Blonde).
1975 :Always Somebody There •Excommunication •Three Enigmas IV: Three Coins in Clockwork Fountain (#1Carefully Observed Women, #2The Daffodil Returns the Smile, #3The Year of the Quiet Computer) •Three Deadly Enigmas: V: Year by Year the Evil Gains (#1Within the Black Circle, #2Killing Off the Big Animals, #3What Are You Doing? Why Are You Doing It?) •The Aperture Moment (#1Waiting for the Universe to Begin, #2But Without Orifices, #3Aimez-vous Holman Hunt?).
1976 :How Did the Dinosaurs Do It?.
1977 :In the Mist of Life •The Bang-Bang (romant berr) •My Lady of the Psychiatric Sorrows.
1978 :Yin, Yang and Jung: Three Galactic Enigmas.
1980 :Modernisation •Three Revolutionary Enigmas (#1The Fall of Species B, #2In the Halls of the Hereafter, #3The Ancestral Home of Thought).
1981 :End Game.
1982 :Call Yourself a Christian •How the Boy Icarus Grew Up and, After a Legendary Disaster, Learnt New Things About Himself and the External World, Until He Was Able to Comprehend the Magic That Had Been His in His Earliest Years, or, Second Flight •Parasites of Passion •The Captain's Analysis.
1983 :An Admirer of Einstein •The Immortal Storm Strikes Again.
1985 :Another Story on the Theme of the Last Man on Earth •Domestic Catastrophe •Operation Other Cheek •Possessed by Love •Silence After the Silence •The Greatest Saga of All Time (sinet "C. C. Shackleton") •The Monster of Loch Awe.
1987 :The Fatal Break •The Hero •The Merdeka Hotel •The Price of Cabbages •Thursday •Tourney.
1988 :Conversation on Progress •Hess •Sex and the Black Machine •Wordsworth Halucinates.
1989 :The Day the Earth Caught Fire.
1990 :Adventures in the Fur Trade.
1991 :People—Alone—Injury—Artwork.
1992 :Kindred Blood in Kensington Gore •Softly - As in an Evening Sunrise •Her Toes Were Beautiful on the Mountains (#1Another Way Than Death, #2That Particular Green of Obsequies).
2001 :A Single-Minded Artist •Happiness in Reverse •Talking Cubes •Supertoys (#1Supertoys: Play Can Be So Deadly, #2Supertoys: What Fun to Be Reborn).
2002 :A New (governmental) Father Christmas, or,A New (governmental) Father Christmas: A Moral Tale for All in Headington •Near Earth Object.
2005 :Ten Billion of Them •Pipeline (romant berr).
2006 :Building Sixteen •Tiger in the Night •Safe!.
2007 :Life, Learning, Leipzig and a Librarian •Four Ladies of the Apocalypse.
2008 :Peculiar Bone, Unimaginable Key •Fandom at the Palace.
2010 :The First-Born •Hapless Humanity •Doctor Who (#1Umwelts for Hire, #2Doctor Who Brilliant Book 2011.
2011Benkoelen •Less Than Kin, More Than Kind.
2013:The Mighty Mi Tok of Beijing.
2016 :Abundances Above.
1957 :Space, Time and Nathaniel — 14 istor berr :T,Our Kind of Knowledge,Psyclops,Conviction,Not for an Age,The Shubshub Race,Criminal Record,The Failed Men,Supercity,There Is a Tide,Pogsmith,Outside,Panel Game,Dumb Show.
1959 :The Canopy of Time — 10 istor berr hag 1 romant berr (RB) :Three's a Cloud,All the World's Tears,Who Can Replace a Man?,Blighted Profile,Judas Danced,O, Ishrail!,Incentive,Gene-Hive,Secret of a Mighty City,They Shall Inherit,Visiting Amoeba (RB) •No Time Like Tomorrow — 11 istor berr hag 1 RB :T,Not for an Age,Poor Little Warrior!,The Failed Men,Carrion Country,Judas Danced,Psyclops,Outside,Gesture of Farewell (RB),The New Father Christmas,Blighted Profile,Our Kind of Knowledge.
1963 :Equator, anvetEquator and Segregation ivez — 2 RB :Equator haSegregation (anvetThe Game of God ivez) •The Airs of Earth — 4 istor berr ha 4 RB :A Kind of Artistry (RB),How to Be a Soldier,Basis for Negotiation (RB),Shards,O Moon of My Delight! (RB),The International Smile,The Game of God (RB),Old Hundredth •Starswarm — 4 istor berr ha 4 RB :Sector Vermilion: A Kind of Artistry (RB),Sector Gray: Hearts and Engines,Sector Violet: The Underprivileged,Sector Diamond: The Game of God (RB),Sector Green: Shards,Sector Yellow: Legends of Smith's Burst (RB),Sector Azure: O Moon of My Delight! (RB),The Rift: Old Hundredth.
1965 :Best SF stories of Brian Aldiss — 11 istor berr and 3 RB :Who Can Replace a Man?,Not for an Age,Psyclops,Outside,Dumb Show,The New Father Christmas,Ahead,Poor Little Warrior!,Man on Bridge,The Impossible Star (RB),Basis for Negotiation (RB),Old Hundredth,A Kind of Artistry (RB),Man in His Time.
1966 :The Saliva Tree and Other Strange Growths — 7 istor berr and 3 RB :The Saliva Tree (RB),Danger: Religion! (RB),The Source,The Lonely Habit,A Pleasure Shared,One Role with Relish,Legends of Smith's Burst (RB),The Day of the Doomed King,Paternal Care,Girl and Robot with Flowers.
1969 :Intangibles Inc. and Other Stories — 5 RB :Neanderthal Planet,Randy's Syndrome,Send Her Victorious or the War Against the Victorians, 2000 A.D.,Intangibles, Inc.,Since the Assassination.
1970 :The Moment of Eclipse — 12 istor berr ha 2 RB :The Moment of Eclipse,The Day We Embarked for Cythera...,Orgy of the Living and the Dying (RB), Super-Toys Last All Summer Long,The Village Swindler,Down the Up Escalation,That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life and Art,Confluence,Heresies of the Huge God,Clement Yale series (#1The Circulation of the Blood (RB), #2...And the Stagnation of the Heart),The Worm That Flies,Working in the Spaceship Yards,Swastika! •Neanderthal Planet — 4 RB :Neanderthal Planet,Danger: Religion!,Intangibles, Inc.,Since the Assassination.
1971 :Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss — 14 istor berr ha 2 RB :Who Can Replace a Man?,Not for an Age,Outside,Poor Little Warrior!,Man on Bridge,The Impossible Star (RB),Old Hundredth,Man in His Time,Shards,Girl and Robot with Flowers,The Moment of Eclipse,Swastika!,Sober Noises of Morning in a Marginal Land (RB),Judas Danced,Still Trajectories,Another Little Boy.
1972 :The Book of Brian Aldiss — 5 istor berr ha 4 RB :Comic Inferno (RB),The Underprivileged,Cardiac Arrest (RB),In the Arena,All the World's Tears,Amen and Out,The Soft Predicament (RB),As for Our Fatal Continuity...,Send Her Victorious (RB).
1977 :Last Orders and Other Stories — 23 istor berr and 1 RB :Last Orders,Creatures of Apogee,Enigma: Three Deadly Enigmas: V: Year by Year the Evil Gains (#1Within the Black Circle, #2Killing Off the Big Animals, #3What Are You Doing? Why Are You Doing It?),Enigma: Diagrams For Three (Enigmatic) Stories (#1The Girl in the Tau-Dream, #2The Immobility Crew, #3A Cultural Side-Effect),Live? Our Computers Will Do That for Us,The Monsters of Ingratitude IV,Enigma: The Aperture Moment (#1Waiting for the Universe to Begin, #2But Without Orifices, #3Aimez-vous Holman Hunt?),Backwater,Enigma: Three Enigmas II: The Eternal Theme Of Exile (#1The Eternal Theme of Exile, #2All Those Enduring Old Charms, #3Nobody Spoke Or Waved Goodbye),The Expensive Delicate Ship,Enigma: Three Enigmas IV: Three Coins in [Enigmatic|Clockwork] Fountain (#1Carefully Observed Women, #2The Daffodil Returns the Smile, #3The Year of the Quiet Computer),Appearance of Life,Wired for Sound,Journey to the Heartland (RB).
1979 :Galaxies Like Grains of Sand — 9 istor berr :The War Millennia,The Sterile Millennia,The Robot Millennia,The Mingled Millennia,The Dark Millennia,The Star Millennia,The Mutant Millennia,The Megalopolis Millennia,The Ultimate Millennia •Brothers of the Head and Where the Lines Converge — 1 romant, 1 romant berr ha 6 barzhoneg (B) :Brothers of the Head (romant),Big Lover (B),Love Is a Forest (B),Bacterial Action (B),Star-Time (B),Just for a Moment (B),I Was Never Deaf or Blind to Her Music (B),Where The Lines Converge (RB) •New Arrivals, Old Encounters — 9 istor berr ha 3 RB :New Arrivals, Old Encounters,The Small Stones of Tu Fu,Three Ways (RB),Amen and Out,A Spot of Konfrontation,The Soft Predicament (RB),Non-Isotropic,One Blink of the Moon,Space for Reflection,Song of the Silencer,Indifference (RB),The Impossible Puppet Show.
1981 :Foreign Bodies — 5 istor berr hag 1 RB :A Romance of the Equator,Boat Animals,Foreign Bodies,Frontiers,The Skeleton,Just Back From Java (RB).
1983 :Bestsellers Vol. 3 No. 9: Best of Aldiss — 10 istor berr ha 2 RB :Oh, For a Closer Brush with God,Appearance of Life,The Small Stones of Tu Fu,The Game with the Big Heavy Ball,A Romance of the Equator,Enigma series : Three Revolutionary Enigmas (#1The Fall of Species B, #2In the Halls of the Hereafter, #3The Ancestral Home of Thought),The Blue Background,A Private Whale (RB),Consolations of Age,The Girl Who Sang (RB).
1984 :Seasons in Flight — 8 istor berr hag 1 RB :The Gods in Flight,A Romance of the Equator,The Blue Background,The Girl Who Sang (RB),Igur and the Mountain,The O in José,The Other Side of the Lake,The Plain, the Endless Plain,Incident in a Far Country ; ouzhpennet en adembannadur 1986 :Consolations of Age,Juniper.
1987 :Science Fiction Blues Programme Book — 3 istor berr ha 2 varzhoneg :Traveller, Traveller, Seek Your Wife in the Forests of This Life,The Ascent of Humbelstein,At the Caligula Hotel (B),"Rhine Locks are Closed in Battle Against Poison" (B),Those Shouting Nights •The Magic of the Past — 2 istor berr :North Scarning,The Magic of the Past.
1988 :Best SF Stories of Brian W. Aldiss — 18 istor berr ha 3 RB :Outside,All the World's Tears,Poor Little Warrior!,Who Can Replace a Man?,Man on Bridge,The Girl and the Robot with Flowers,The Saliva Tree (RB),Man in His Time,Heresies of the Huge God,Confluence,Working in the Spaceship Yards,The Supertoys Trilogy /1:Super-Toys Last All Summer Long,Sober Noises of Morning in a Marginal Land (RB),The Dark Soul of the Night,Appearance of Life,Last Orders,Door Slams in Fourth World,The Gods in Flight,My Country 'Tis Not Only of Thee (RB),Infestation,The Difficulties Involved in Photographing Nix Olympica •Man in His Time: The Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss — 19 istor berr ha 3 RB :Outside,The Failed Men,All the World's Tears,Poor Little Warrior!,Who Can Replace a Man?,Man on Bridge,The Girl and the Robot with Flowers,The Saliva Tree (RB),Man in His Time,Heresies of the Huge God,Confluence,Working in the Spaceship Yards,The Supertoys Trilogy /1:Super-Toys Last All Summer Long),Sober Noises of Morning in a Marginal Land (RB),The Dark Soul of the Night,Appearance of Life,Last Orders,Door Slams in Fourth World,The Gods in Flight,My Country 'Tis Not Only of Thee (RB),Infestation,The Difficulties Involved in Photographing Nix Olympica •Science Fiction Blues — 3 istor berr, 15 barzhoneg (B) hag 11 pezh-c'hoari (P) :Science Fiction Blues (P),Super-Toys Last All Summer Long (P),The Death of Art? (P),The Expensive Delicate Ship (P),Don't Go To Jupiter (B),Star-Time (B),The Cat Improvement Company (B),Progression of the Species (B),Juniper (P),Conversation on Progress (P),Drinks with the Spider King (P),Three Serials (P),Last Orders (P),Bill Carter Takes Over (P),Talking Heads (P),Traveller, Traveller, Seek Your Wife in the Forests of This Life,The Ascent of Humbelstein,Those Shouting Nights,The Lying Truth (B),Destruction of the Fifth Planet (B),The Expanding Universe (B),Bacterial Action (B),To a Triceratops Skull in the British Museum (B),Femalien (B),Space Burial (B),Taking Leave of a Northern Institution (B),Thomas Hardy Considers the Newly-Published Special Theory of Relativity (B),Parting Late in Life (B),Happiness and Suffering (B).
1989 :A romance of the Equator. Best Fantasy Stories — 22 istor berr ha 4 RB :Old Hundredth,Day of the Doomed King,The Source,The Village Swindler,The Worm That Flies,The Moment of Eclips,So Far from Prague,The Day We Embarked for Cythera,Castle Scene with Penitents,The Game with the Big Heavy Ball,Creatures of Apogee,The Small Stones of Tu Fu,Just Back From Java (RB),A Romance of the Equator,Journey to the Goat Star (RB),The Girl Who Sang (RB),Consolations of Age,The Blue Background,The Plain, the Endless Plain,You Never Asked My Name,Lies! (RB),North Scarning,The Big Question,The Ascent of Humbelstein,How an Inner Door Opened to My Heart,Bill Carter Takes Over.
1991 :Bodily Functions — 2 istor berr, 2 romant berr, 2 varzhoneg hag 1 arnodskrid :To Sam (B),Three Degrees Over (RB),A Tupolev Too Far (RB),Going for a Pee,Better Morphosis,Letter on the subject of Bowel Movement (arnodskrid),Envoi (B).
1993 :A Tupolev Too Far and Other Stories — 6 istor berr, 5 roamnt berr ha 2 varzhoneg :Short Stories (B),A Tupolev Too Far (RB),Ratbird,FOAM (RB),Summertime Was Nearly Over,Better Morphosis,Three Degrees Over (RB),A Life of Matter and Death (RB),A Day in the Life of a Galactic Empire,Confluence,Confluence Revisited,North of the Abyss (RB),Alphabet of Ameliorating Hope (B).
1995 :The Secret of This Book — 20 istor berr ha 3 RB :Common Clay,The Mistakes, Miseries and Misfortunes of Mankind,How the Gates Opened and Closed,Headless,Travelling Towards Humbris,If Hamlet's Uncle Had Been a Nicer Guy,Else the Isle with Calibans,A Swedish Birthday Present,Enigma: Three Moon Enigmas (#1His Seventieth Heaven, #2Rose in the Evening, #3On the Inland Sea),A Dream of Antigone,The God Who Slept With Women (RB),Evans in His Moment of Glory,Horse Meat (RB),An Unwritten Love Note,Making My Father Read Revered Writings,Sitting With Sick Wasps,Becoming the Full Butterfly (RB),Traveller, Traveller, Seek Your Wife in the Forests of This Life,Enigma: Her Toes Were Beautiful on the Mountains (#1Another Way Than Death, #2That Particular Green of Obsequies),Enigma: Three Revolutionary Enigmas (#3The Ancestral Home of Thought).
2001 :Supertoys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time — 18 istor berr hag 1 RB :The Supertoys Trilogy (#1Supertoys Last All Summer Long, #2Supertoys When Winter Comes, #3Supertoys in Other Seasons),Apogee Again,III,The Old Mythyology,Headless,Beef,Nothing in Life Is Ever Enough,A Matter of Mathematics,The Pause Button,Three Types of Solitude,Steppenpferd,Cognitive Ability and the Light Bulb,Dark Society,Galaxy Zee,Marvells of Utopia,Becoming the Full Butterfly (RB),A Whiter Mars: A Socratic Dialogue of Times to Come.
2005 :Cultural Breaks — 9 istor berr ha 3 RB :Tarzan of the Alps,Tralee of Man Young,The Eye Opener,Aboard the Beatitude (RB),The Man and a Man with His Mule,Dusk Flight,Commander Calex Killed, Fire and Fury at the Edge of World, Scones Perfect,The Hibernators,The National Heritage,How the Gates Opened and Closed,Total Environment (RB),A Chinese Perspective (RB).
2008 :A Prehistory of Mind — 55 barzhoneg etre treir rann : #1Far Away (The Deceptive Truth,Flight 063,Breugel's Hunters in the Snow,Tien Shan,The Kremlin, Moscow, ca. 1950,Of All the Places,The Moment,Winter,Journeying,Rapide des morts,The Cynar, Istanbul,Exmoor in September,On Passing a Roadside Auction of Featherbeds,April in East Coker,Gaughin's Tahiti,Monemvasia) ; #2Affection (The Heavy Cup,Spinal Metaphors,Comfort Me, Sweetheart,Get Out of My Life,Being a Little Well,This Brown Leaf,Leaving Our Common Bed,Rest Your Weary Head Upon Your Pillow,The Empty Boxes,Greed,The First of March 1998,Margaret's Questions,Song: In Bed She Like a Lily Lay,Jocasta,Lu Tai,Rondeau After Leigh Hunt,A Piece of Cleopatra,Aral Seasons,At the Caligula Hotel) ; #3Observation (The Prehistory of the Mind,Volcano,Perspectives,The Cat Improvement Company,Winter Bites Deep,The Bonfire of Time,Iceberg Music,The Bellowings,Jackie,The Bare Facts,Nocturne,An Interval,Fairy Tales,The Foot Speaks,The Women,Bosom Friends,Colour Contrasts,Uzbecks in London,Antigone's Song,A. E. van Vogt) hag un istor berr :Mortistan.
2013 :The Invention of Happiness — 33 istor berr :The Invention of Happiness,Beyond Plato's Cave,Old Mother,Belief,After the Party,Our Moment of Appearance,The Bone Show,The Great Plains,What Befell the Tadpole,The Sand Castle,The Village of Stillthorpe,Peace and War,The Vintage Cottage,Moderns on Ancient Ancestors,The Hungers of an Old Language,How High is a Cathedral?,A Middle Class Dinner,Flying Singapore Airlines,The Apology,Camões,The Question of Atmosphere,Illusions of Reality,Lady with Apple Trees,Flying and Bombing,Molly Smiles Forever,Days Gone By,The Last of the Hound-Folk,Munch,The Music of Sound,The Silent Cosmos,Writings on the Rock,The Light Really,The Mistake They Made •The Brian Aldiss Collection /1 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s — 57 istor berr hag 8 RB :A Book in Time,Criminal Record,Breathing Space,The Great Time Hiccup,Not for an Age,Our Kind of Knowledge,Outside,Panel Game,Pogsmith,Conviction,Dumb Show,The Failed Men,Non-Stop (RB),Psyclops,T,There Is a Tide,Tradesman's Exit,With Esmond in Mind,The Flowers of the Forest,Gesture of Farewell (RB),The Ice Mass Cometh,Let's Be Frank,No Gimmick,The War Millennia,Out of Reach,The Sterile Millennia,All the World's Tears,The Dark Millennia,O Ishrail!,The Ultimate Millennia,Visiting Amoeba (RB),The Shubshub Race,Supercity,Judas Danced,Ten-Storey Jigsaw,The Pit My Parish] (RB),Blighted Profile,Who Can Replace a Man?,The Carp That Once ...,Carrion Country,Equator (RB),Fourth Factor (RB),The Megalopolis Millennia,Secret of a Mighty City,The Star Millennia,Incentive,The Mutant Millennia,Gene-Hive,The New Father Christmas,Ninian's Experiences,Poor Little Warrior!,Sector Diamond,Sight of a Silhouette,They Shall Inherit,Are You an Android?,The Arm,The Bomb-Proof Bomb,Fortune's Fool,Intangibles, Inc. (RB),Sector Yellow,The Lieutenant,The Other One (RB),Safety Valve,The Towers of San Ampa,Three's a Cloud.
2015 :The Brian Aldiss Collection /2 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 1) — 11 istor berr ha 6 RB :Faceless Card,Neanderthal Planet (RB),Old Hundredth,Original Sinner,Sector Grey,Stage-Struck!,Under an English Heaven,Hen's Eyes,Sector Azure (RB),A Pleasure Shared,Basis for Negotiation (RB),Conversation Piece,Danger: Religion! (RB),The Green Leaves of Space,Sector Green,Sector Vermilion (RB),Tyrants' Territory (RB) •The Brian Aldiss Collection /3 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 2) — 10 istor berr ha 6 RB :Comic Inferno (RB),The Impossible Star (RB),In the Arena,The International Smile,Sector Violet,Skeleton Crew (RB),The Thing Under the Glacier,Counter-Feat,Jungle Substitute (RB),Lazarus,Man on Bridge,"Never Let Go of My Hand!",No Moon To-night! (RB),One-Way Strait,Pink Plastic Gods,Unauthorised Persons (RB) •The Brian Aldiss Collection /4 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 3) — 18 istor berr, 3 romant berr hag 1 arnodskrid :The Day of the Doomed King,The Girl and the Robot with Flowers,"How are they All on Deneb IV?" (arnodskrid),The Impossible Smile (RB),Man in His Time,Old Time's Sake,The Saliva Tree (RB),Scarfe's World,The Small Betraying Detail,The Source,Amen and Out,Another Little Boy,Burning Question,Clement Yale /1 :The Circulation of the Blood (RB)),The Eyes of the Blind King,Heresies of the Huge God,Lambeth Blossom,The Lonely Habit,The O in José,One Role with Relish,Paternal Care,The Plot Sickens •The Brian Aldiss Collection /5 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 4) — 28 istor berr, 7 romant berr hag 1 arnodskrid :A Difficult Age,A Taste for Dostoevsky,Auto-Ancestral Fracture (RB),Confluence,The Dead Immortal,Down the Up Escalation,Full Sun,Just Passing Through,Multi-Value Motorway,The Night That All Time Broke Out,Randy's Syndrome (RB),Still Trajectories,Two Modern Myths: Reflection on Mars and Ultimate Construction,Wonder Weapon,Clement Yale /#2 :...And the Stagnation of the Heart,Drake-Man Route,Dreamer, Schemer,Dream of Distance (arnodskrid),Send Her Victorious (RB),The Serpent of Kundalini,The Tell-Tale Heart-Machine,Total Environment (RB),The Village Swindler,When I Was Very Jung,The Worm That Flies,Jerry Cornelius :The Firmament Theorem,Greeks Bringing Knee-High Gifts,The Humming Heads,The Moment of Eclipse,Ouspenski's Astrabahn (RB),Since the Assassination (RB),So Far from Prague,The Soft Predicament (RB), The Supertoys Trilogy /#1 :Supertoys Last All Summer Long),That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life and Art,Working in the Spaceship Yards.
2016 :The Brian Aldiss Collection /6 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1970s (Part 1) •The Brian Aldiss Collection /7 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1970s (Part 2) •The Brian Aldiss Collection /8 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1980s (Part 1) •The Brian Aldiss Collection /9 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1980s (Part 2)' •The Brian Aldiss Collection /10 :The Complete Short Stories: The 1990s.
1963 :There Are No More Good Stories About Mars Because We Need No More Good Stories About Mars.
1969 :Bridging Hours in Wesciv.
1974 :Drama on the River Cherwell •Epitaph for a Writer •In Another Town: Bologna •Innovation in the Arts •Mon Frère •Taking Leave of a Cold Country •The Lady Literary Agent •Verse in a Country Garden.
1976 :Summer: 1773.
1979 :Pile: Petals from St. Klaed's Computer.
1983 :Sleep.
1994 :Tra La.
1982 :Farewell to a Child — 10 barzhoneg :Found,Lost,The Commitment,When We Were Four,With Vacant Possession,The Child Departs: a dialogue,The Eternal Child,The Frozen Boy,The Haunting,The Malediction.
1992 :Home Life With Cats — 34 barzhoneg :Out of the Night,The Cats' Heaven,Kittens (Two),Slaves,Where Have You Been?,Yum-Yum,Heatwave,Cats' Nerves,Foxie,Jackson,Town-Life,Nickie,The Two-Kitten Problem,Macramé's Lament,Travelling Cats,The Cat Improvement Company,On a Favourite Goldfish Drowned in a Bowl of Cats,Portrait of a Cat with Lady,An Evening at Home,Tatty's Tie-Shop,Snacks,Who Owns the House?,A Riddle,How I Swam Out to Sea with My Cat,A Lion for Tea,The Cat in the Cathedral,The Poor Man's Cat,Mutual Regard,First Birthday,Rules,Relating to the Pet,The Cat Speaks,Michael, the Cycling Cat,The Lost Grave.
1995 :At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems — 74 barzhoneg etre peder rann : I.Imagery? (At the Caligula Hotel, Chinese Exercises (Lu Tai,Nocturne,Interval,Indecision,Journeying,Poems from a Later Dynasty III: Who Hears My Voice?),Exit Aquascutum,While Feeding Parrots,Winter Bites Deep,Breughel's Hunters in the Snow,Anau: The Well,The Cynar, Istanbul,Dawn in Kuala Lumpur,Gauguin's Tahiti) ; II.Everyday? (No, I was Never Deaf or Blind to Her Music,Toledo: Three Ladies,Government,Moonglow: for Margaret,Alfie Cogitates on Life,Memories of Palic,Boars Hill: the Sycamores and the Oaks,All Things Transfigure,Trapped in the Present,The Path,Suburban Sunday,Nature Notes: Early September,Willow Cottage,Cold Snap,Stoney Ground,The Triumph of the Superficial,The Twentieth Camp,Good Fortune,Communication,A Summery Meditation on Money,A Moment of Suspense,Fragment of a Longer Poem) ; III.Literary? (Short Stories,What Did the Policeman Say?,Hamlet Folk,The Poor,On Reading Poetry in Berkhamsted,Poem Inspired by Scott Meredith, Two Painters 1.Francis Bacon, 2.Fernand Khnopff,Light of Ancient Days,Mary Shelley, 1916,Victor Frankenstein on the Mer de Glace,The Shelleys - To a Lady who spoke of their "Mystery",The Created One Speaks,Mary in Italy,Looking It Up,Rice Pudding,Writer's Life) ; IV.Scientific? (Greenhouse Sex,Lunar Anatomy,Monemvasia,Found,Destruction of the Fifth Planet,Femalien,Thomas Hardy Considers the Newly-Published Special Theory of Relativity,"Rhine Locks are Closed in Battle Against Poison",The Cat Improvement Company,The Expanding Universe,To a Triceratops Skull in the British Museum,The Light,Flight 063, Precarious Passions 1.A Brain Pursues its Vanished Dream, 2.A Woman Marries the Southern Ocean, 3.Ascension Island Courts a Whale, 4.A Refrigerator Proposes to a Musk Ox, 5.A Book Falls in Love with its Reader, 6.A Lamp Standard Courts the Stars,Alphabet of Ameliorating Hope •Songs from the Steppes of Central Asia: The Collected Poems of Makhtumkuli, Eighteenth Century Poet-Hero of Turkmenistan.
2000 :A Plutonian Monologue on His Wife's Death — 7 barzhoneg[39].
2002 :At a Bigger House — 48 barzhoneg :Hazards of the Trail,Perspectives,Presentiments of Dawn,Now Showing: "Killing Father",The World of Lost Content,Flight 063,Railway Engine Pulling Slowly,The Deceptive Truth,Colour Contrasts,Fairy Tales,The Women,They Who Waited,The Bonfire of Time,The Foot Speaks,The Ghost Koi,Rapide des Morts,The Teeth of Time,Elizabeth Jennings (Died October 2001),"War and Peace": A Song for Mathilde Mauguiere,Her Beautiful Thing,The Hunters in the Snow,Aral Seasons,Uzbecks in London,Poem from Life in the West,Many Mansions,The Horse Unburied,The Red Pavilion,Blythborough Church, A Hardyesque Dialogue,Insomnia,Awake at Three A.M.,The Start of Something,Retrospection: At the Temple of Aphaia, on the Island of Aegina, Greece,Hors d'Oeuvres for my Lady,The Barney,Dawn in KL,A Funeral Service: Kingsley Amis, 31st October 1995,On Passing a Roadside Auction of Featherbeds, Lake District, 1845,City Scene,The Prehistory of the Mind,April in East Coker,Seeking Love,The New Wing,Xenophilia,Name-Dripping,Dora/Dinah,Volcano,Monemvasia,The Moment •The Dark Sun Rises — 50 barzhoneg :The Dark Sun Rises,Venice and Istanbul,Perspectives,Monemvasia,The Deceptive Truth,The Moment,On Passing a Roadside Auction of Featherbeds, Lake District, 1845,Retrospection: At the Temple of Aphaia, on the Island of Aegina, Greece,Rapide des Morts,Flight 063,Aral Seasons,Uzbecks in London,Poem from Life in the West,Insomnia,Meum Tuumque,Partings from Oedipus on Mars,The Barney,Blythborough Church, A Hardyesque Dialogue,Not Speaking of You,The Silent Love,"War and Peace": A Song for Mathilde Mauguiere,Her Beautiful Thing,Rondeau after Leigh Hunt,Jocasta,Jane Eyre at Elsinore,The Carnivores,The Garden at Number Thirty-Nine,The Horse Unburied,The Garden,In the RA Friends' Room June '95,They Who Waited,Colour Contrasts,The Red Pavilion,The Women,Hazards of the Trail,Many Mansions,The Start of Something,The Prehistory of the Mind,The World of Lost Content,Volcano,Dendrochronology,The Foot Speaks,Fairy Tales,Now Showing: "Killing Father",A Piece of Cleopatra,Cliché Love,"Eatin' Regular Again": A Pop Song,The Cat Improvement Company,At the Caligula Hotel,Untitled (a-zivout mojennSanta Claus).
1975 :Patagonia's Delicious Filling Station: Three One-act Plays, dastumad.
1976 :The Bones of Bertrand Russell: A Tryptich of Absurd Enigmatic Plays (#1Futurity Takes a Hand, #2Through a Galaxy Backwards, #3Where Walls Are Hung with Multi-Media Portraits.
1970 :The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 3, anvetBest SF: 1969 ivez (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison).
1971 :The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 4 (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison).
1972 :The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 5 (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison).
1973:The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 6, anvetBest SF: 1972 ivez (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison) •The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus.
1974 :The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 7, anvetBest SF: 1973 ivez (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison) •Space Opera]]
1975 :Space Odysseys •Decade: the 1940s (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison) •Hell's Cartographers: Some Personal Histories of Science Fiction Writers (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison).
1976 :The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 8 kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison) •The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 9, anvetThe Year's Best SF 9 ivez (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison) •Decade: the 1950s (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison) •Evil Earths •Galactic Empires. Volume One •Galactic Empires. Volume Two.
1978 :Perilous Planets.
1979 :Decade: the 1960s (kenskrivet gant Harry Harrison).
1998:Mini Sagas: From The Daily Telegraph Competition.
2001:Mini Sagas: From The Daily Telegraph Competition 2001.