Сюжет цієї гри є художньою вигадкою. Але наступ на трудові права українців і проект антиробітничого Закону про працю справді існують, на жаль. Дізнатись про них більше можнатут.
Сюжет этой игры является художественным вымыслом. Но наступление на трудовые права украинцев и проект антирабочего Закона о труде действительно существуют, к сожалению. Узнать о них можноздесь (укр).
The plot of this game is a work of fiction. But the attack on the labor rights of Ukrainians and the draft of the new anti-labor law do exist, unfortunately. You can find out more about themhere.
Над грою працювали:
- дизайн, розробка, арт: Valeriy Petrov
- музика: Adam LeDoux,Dahuanna, Valeriy Petrov
- розробка рушія: Adam LeDoux
- юридичні консультації: Віталій Дудін
- окрема подяка плейтестерам: Даші, Каті, Максиму, Івану, Віталію, Лілі, Владу і всім іншим.
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I can't say I "enjoyed" this game exactly but I can say how strongly I appreciated it--both for its ideology and the marriage of mechanics and text. It's really powerfully executed. I played this yesterday and have been thinking about it since.
Standout moments:
Thanks for making and sharing!
Wow, thank you for the detailed feedback!
I'm glad you've liked the contract section, this was literally the first thing I clearly envisioned and implemented in the game.
Also glad you liked the part with the skeletons! This was harder to come up with and took quite a lot of work but was worth it in the end.
As for the language select screen, I have decided from now on to make it a constant feature in my games. It's crucial that Ukrainian and Russian speakers are able to play this game too since it directly concerns them.