2006年の記事だけども However, we soon started realizing that the Finder backend would be useful outside of the Finder. Therefore, a plan was hatched to someday make it available as a public API. Since I had previously been responsible for …
Official Google Blog: Accessible View: An ARIA for web search GoogleがGoogle側でLDRizeを実装したようなもの.元々は目の悪いの人のために使いやすいインターフェースとスコアリングを提供していたものにこれのkeyboard shortcutsを追加したみたい.j,k…
REST APIs must be hypertext-driven » Untangled Roy FieldingがSocialSite REST API(OpenSocial APIの拡張)に対して,これはRestfulではなくRPCだと指摘している.何でもかんでもRESTfulと呼ぶんじゃないと. I am getting frustrated by the number of pe…
Google Testing Blog: Test Engineering at Google Test Engineering's objective is to help improve the quality of the projects we're involved in. We work integrated with the project team, developing test frameworks and setting up test systems.…
404 Not Found $ cat foo | perl -ne 'blah'これは確かについやってしまうし,プロセス起動する分リダイレクトよりも無駄なんだけども,パイプラインでつなげた方が分かりやすいよねという話.はげどう. The purpose of cat is to concatenate (or "catenat…
Hidden features of Perl - Stack Overflow 知らなかったものを抽出してみる. sigil For example, did you know that there can be a space after a sigil? $ perl -wle 'my $x = 3; print $ x' 3 sigilの後の空白は無視される.$に限らず他のsigilでもそう…
The concept of using web-based programs like Google's Gmail is "worse than stupidity", according to a leading advocate of free software. Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder | Technology | theguardian.com Richard StallmanがGmailの…