
Boldly Illinois 2030
Boldly Illinois is a
collective opportunity
Boldness means being fearless, standing out and doing uncommon things, like reimagining the role of a land-grant university in the 21st century. Boldly Illinois connotes doing this work in a way that reflects the unique values and vision that is the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Boldly Illinois challenges us to think differently, take risks, be courageous enough to fail and transcend business as usual.
We become stronger as we align our activities with the values, mission, vision and goals of the university, allowing us to pursue excellence in a uniquely Illinois way. Building on the success of the previous strategic plan, Boldly Illinois grew out of a process to identify what makes our university a special place. Campus conversations involved thousands of people and included two summits, multiple brainstorming sessions and virtual feedback. Three defining qualities of what we value came into focus through these conversations:
We are and aspire to grow as a collaborative, inclusive and empowering community of scholars, educators, students and learners comprised of scientists, artists, leaders, creators, staff and contributors. When we focus our activities on these core values, we amplify the power of our collective impact. We encourage you to explore The Framework and the Align and Plan sections of this website to discover ways to connect these values to your activities.

A truly bold university is one that is determined to use its momentum to move fearlessly forward. It is also unafraid to critically and honestly examine its past in order to shape a more strategic and more equitable future for everyone. This university needs to be bold and imaginative in reshaping research and practice by recognizing that our land-grant educational responsibilities to a 21st century society means rethinking some long-held traditional practices at our university.
–Chancellor Robert J. Jones
Vision & Mission
Boldly Illinois builds on the success and momentum of the previous strategic plan by reaffirming the university’s foundational vision and mission, along with our long-standing overarching goals.
We will be the pre-eminent public research university with a land-grant mission and global impact.
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is charged by our state to enhance the lives of people in Illinois, across the nation and around the world through our leadership in learning, discovery, engagement and economic development.
Foster scholarship, discovery and innovation
Scholarship, discovery and innovation are at the heart of Illinois’ local, national and global impact.
We will drive new frontiers by attracting and retaining a diverse group of faculty, students and staff endowed with creativity and intellectual depth and breadth. Modern infrastructures, streamlined processes and enriched interdisciplinary and convergent work will advance the university’s mission.
Provide transformative learning experiences
Illinois will deliver on the fundamental promise of a public university — to teach students and to pioneer the science and the art of learning. We aim to create transformative knowledge — for the individual and, collectively, for the world in which we live and work.
Make a significant and visible societal impact
When the core foundations of discovery combine with transformative learning and teaching, the outcomes are no longer measured simply in degrees or in citations. They are seen in how the world is changed for the better through contact with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The university lives up to its land-grant mission in many ways, and we will better organize, enrich and value these contributions as we reach out to our local, regional, national and global communities.
Steward current resources and generate additional resources for strategic initiatives
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has stewarded its land-grant mission and accompanying financial, human, technology and infrastructure resources while tackling significant budgetary challenges. We need to continue to refine, coordinate and structure our financial framework to manage all of our resources effectively and develop new lines of revenue to support our human resources, infrastructure, operating budget and strategic initiatives. To create this framework, we must streamline our processes, reduce redundancies and improve the quality and quantity of services throughout campus.

Using the
Boldly Illinois Framework
Being bold requires new ideas and new ways of thinking. As you, your college, department, committee or team begins to identify these ideas and prioritize them, the planning guide, full of templates and other resources, will help you ask insightful questions that will help align your activities with the university’s values and goals.