My sons, husband and I have been attending the Saturday Karate classes at the Vollmer centre for the last few years. This is part of the GKK Canada (Goju‐Ryu Karate‐Do KyoKai) organization under Sensei Pirrone. We enjoy this class very much. It’s a great opportunity to focus on physical fitness and discipline for the whole […]
Without a dedicated media organization for the town, it’s been challenging to find information about candidates for the upcoming municipal election. With both the Mayor (former deputy mayor Crystal Meloche) and Deputy Mayor (former councillor Michael Akpata) being acclaimed because no one ran against them, interest from even Windsor media has been sparce.
It’s not often that I get to write about some transformational changes for me personally. The last time I feel that I really changed myself was when I had children, and happily my youngest son is now 6, so dealing with pregnancies and babies is long behind me. Thankfully! It’s extra surprising to me that […]
It’s that wonderful time of year – when school comes to an end and the freedom of summer stretches full of possibilities in front of our children. Remember those glorious days of summer from your own childhood? I do! With much of the province, and indeed, the world doing school online for the last several […]
Freaking out about online school?… Let me help! My 3 kids (4, 6 & 8 yrs old) have been online since the beginning & I’ve tamed this circus with much hair-pulling & frustration… but we are mostly stable and chugging along at this point. The following is a list of tips that have helped me […]
In the kind of article you’d expect straight from the conductor of the Snowpiercer*, we get this tidbit that asks – do global laws against child-labour apply to African children? Aka… if Africa has a cultural norm of exploitative child labour… should we be ok with that? “Is international concern on child rights relevant to […]
The following is a collection of technical tips and how-tos for parents with children who are doing Online schooling this year, using Google’s suite of tools such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, etc. My children are in a French school, so I have some language switching tips as well.
On August 10, 2020 most Ontario school boards sent to parents their intended plans for the upcoming school year during the Covid-19 pandemic. Parents are expected to make a decision between sending their students to school, keeping them home to use school board provided teacher-led learning resources or to homeschool their children without board support. […]
For parents who have been suddenly thrust into helping their children with their schoolwork at-home, there may be frustration when finding that the Google Classroom website is in a different language than what is spoken at home. In my case, my children are in a French school, but my own French skills are moderate at […]
For a couple of years now I have developed a growing unease about Facebook, and other ‘free’ services which operate with personal data as their true product. Facebook just happens to have hit my fed-up point first. My unease comes from both information coming to light about how these platforms are handling our data, and […]