


The Go Blog

Go's New Brand

Steve Francia
26 April 2018


I am delighted to announce the launch of Go’s new look and logo.

Go has been on an amazing journey over the last 8+ years. Our project, communityand users have evolved through this journey and we wanted the Go brand toreflect where we have been and convey where we are going.

Go’s new brand is about our identity, our values, and our users. Over the pastseveral months we have worked with a brand agency to develop a brand guide forGo. Our agency,Within, coordinated with and built uponthe great foundation that Renee French established. Rest easy, our belovedGopher Mascot remains at the center of our brand.

New Logo

Our logo follows the brand’s core philosophy of simplicity over complexity.Using a modern, italicized sans-serif typeface combined with three simple motionlines forms a mark that resembles two wheels in rapid motion, communicatingspeed and efficiency. The circular shape of the letters hints at the eyes of theGo gopher, creating a familiar shape and allowing the mark and the mascot topair well together.

Our new logo went through an extensive design process. Here are some of therevisions we went through…

New Brand Guide

The brand guide establishes the mission, values and voice for the Go project. Ingeneral terms, a brand guide is a reference tool for establishing a consistentbrand identity. It is sometimes referred to as “brand guidelines” or a “brandbook”. It is a single document that serves as a guide and reference todesigners, writers, and developers to create consistent, on-brand content.

New presentation themes

In addition to our brand guide we have also developed a presentation theme. Thispresentation theme will enable us to have a consistent representation of Go inperson at meetups and conferences as well as online. Go community members arewelcome to use this theme for their own presentations.

The presentations are available as Google Slides presentations. We chose GoogleSlides as it is easy to share and maintain updates. People are welcome to portthem to Keynote, PowerPoint, etc.

Like this blog and all our gopher images,the slide themes are Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licensed.The photos in the slides are all fromunsplash and are released under the unsplash license.

Instructions to use slides:

  • Open theGo Slide Masters presentation on Google Slides.
  • File > “Make a Copy” (you may need to log in first)
  • Create new slides using the layouts provided in the layouts menu.
  • Use the included example slides to help guide the styling and creation of your presentation.


The brand guide, logo and themes are copyrighted by the Go authors.

The brand guide contains the guidelines for acceptable logo use.

Update, June 2023:The guidelines for acceptable logo use are now

What’s happening next

The website will be getting a refresh based on the new design. Since we aremaking significant changes, we are also taking this opportunity to update ourwebsite infrastructure to better serve our global community with internationalizationand multilingual support. The migration will happen in stages over thenext few months starting with this blog.

Next article:Updating the Go Code of Conduct
Previous article:A Proposal for Package Versioning in Go
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