Jas (matanBahasa Walanda:jas) adalahpakaian resmi matanÉropa, dipakailalakian wanbibinian[1], berlengan panjang wan dipakai di luarkaméja, bukaan dipaling muka nang ditutup lawan kima, résléting, kima kait, matikan, sabuk, atawa gabungannya. Hiasan tambahan lain contohnyania wanambinbahu. Berdasarkan jumlah bariskima di palih mukanya, jas terdiri dari jas kima sebaris (single breasted) wan jas kima dua baris (double breasted).
Antongiavanni, Nicholas:The Suit, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 2006.ISBN 0-06-089186-6
Byrd, Penelope:The Male Image, Men's Fashion in England 1300-1970. B.T. Batsford Ltd, London, 1979.ISBN 978-0-7134-0860-7
Croonborg, Frederick:The Blue Book of Men's Tailoring. Croonborg Sartorial Co. New York and Chicago, 1907
Cunnington, C. Willett; Cunnington, Phyllis:Handbook of English Costume in the 19th Century, Plays Inc, Boston, 1970 reprint
Cunnington, Phyllis; Mansfield, Alan:Handbook of English Costume in the 20th Century 1900-1950, Plays Inc, Boston, 1973 reprint
Devere, Louis:The Handbook of Practical Cutting on the Centre Point System (London, 1866) revised and edited by RL Shep. RL Shep, Medocino, California, 1986.ISBN 0-914046-03-9
Doyle, Robert:The Art of the Tailor, Sartorial Press Publications, Stratford, Ontario; 2005.ISBN 0-9683039-2-7
Stephenson, Angus (editor):The Shorter Oxford Dictionary. Oxford University Press, New York, 2007
Unknown author:The Standard Work on Cutting Men’s Garments. 4th ed. Originally pub. 1886 by Jno J Mitchell, New York.ISBN 0-916896-33-1
Vincent, WDF:The Cutter’s Practical Guide. Vol II "All kinds of body coats". The John Williamson Company, London, circa 1893.
Waugh, Norah:The Cut of Men's Clothes 1600-1900, Routledge, 1964.ISBN 0-87830-025-2
Whife, A.A (ed):The Modern Tailor Outfitter and Clothier. The Caxton Publishing Company Ltd, London, 1951