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Recent Replies
Comment: fastq-dump: command not found, what is wrong? bycaidyn.c.j • 0
Hi, I am having this same problem as OP right now. When I do the echo $PATH command, it returns: /Users/chachonos/sratoolkit.3.0.0-ma…
Comment: Feedback Wanted: GenAnalyzer - Web App for Protein Sequence Analysis & Mutation bygenanalyzer24 • 0
You're right, thanks for catching that. Here it is: Let me know what you think :)
Comment: Gene Expression Timeline Analysis for N=1 byATRX ★ 1.2k
Thanks for all the inputs.
Answer: miRNA-seq: QC reports and workflow byGenoMax 150k
Since you have publications associated with this data (based on your last thread and a question before that) don't try to do this analysis …
Comment: Population genetics with mutect2 data byslzr_ • 0
Thank you so much, you were really helpful!Do you think it is possible to do some kind of analysis to evaluate positive selection or mainl…
Comment: Is there too little variation to detect meaningful gene changes? byswbarnes2 14k
I doubt your RNA quality is the issue. It's not likely that poor quality would cause reads to align to the wrong gene. Its far more likely …
Comment: Is there too little variation to detect meaningful gene changes? byMegan ▴ 50
The RIN values for these samples ranged around 6.0-7.0, which I think would suggest RNA degradation. From what I am aware of, I don't think…
Answer: Recommendations for Reference-guided de novo assembly assembly approaches or pip byshelkmike ★ 1.5k
You can do a de novo assembly and then scaffold the contigs using a reference by RagTag ( However, I per…
Answer: Per Base Sequence Content FastQC byshelkmike ★ 1.5k
The difference between (A or T) and (G or C) may reflect the GC composition of the genome. Thus, it is not indicative of some sequencing pr…
Answer: Seeking Advice on Handling Multiple Datasets for Differential Analysis in Transc byjared.andrews07 ★ 18k
What do you mean by "non-raw" data? You're correct in that grabbing arbitrary values on different scales and trying to mash them together i…
Comment: phylogenic analysis byRam 45k
None of the tags you used are relevant to the question you asked - they broadly describe the entire field of bioinformatics. I've fixed it …
Answer: Population genetics with mutect2 data byLauferVA 4.5k
Hi @slzr_In short, no. What I mean is, it’s generally not recommended to use Mutect2 calls directly for classical population genetics ana…
Comment: CPTAC Data analysis byLauferVA 4.5k
Please note also that there are also forums that directly relate to CPTAC (only), which may be more appropriate depending on the nature of …
Answer: ggplot of two data set with different colors byWatermelon • 0
Try ggnewscale package, add new_scale_color() between the plots. Something like this should work ggplot() + geom_line(data = gr…
Comment: ggplot of two data set with different colors byArup Ghosh 3.3k
You are trying to colour the same gene names with two different codes. Either make two subplots for the groups or change the shape of dots …
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