Receiving Help
Call 911 (Fire, Medical, HazMat)
or 865-974-3111 for UT Police
Urgent Needs, Reporting Hazards/Conditions or Requesting General Assistance
- Normal business hours (8a-5p): 865-974-5084
- Outside business hours or if unable to contact the main number: Contact EHS One-Call 865-974-9586 or submit your request through “LiveSafe – Report Other Issue – Lab Safety”
Please continue to followRisk Management protocols for reporting work-related injuries/illnesses and occurrences w/potential property damage. 865-974-5409
In the event that the EHS One-Call number is unanswered please contact:
- 911 foremergencies
- EHS Director and Campus Safety Officer Sandra Prior 757-876-5386 (cell) fornon-emergencies.
IBC Announcements
To view a current schedule of IBC Meetings, go to
Amendments, MTAs, and New Registrations must be submitted by thefirst business day of the month to be considered by IBC and please contact for additional information as we transition to a new compliance system. Submission and prior approval of IBC protocols does not mean future approval, and to please allow ample time for an appropriate risk assessment to be performed by the committee.
The IBC Annual Reports are availablehere.
The primary objective of the UT Biosafety Program is to ensure a safe working environment for faculty, staff and students.
In pursuit of this goal, our office ensures that laboratory facilities and operations conform to the regulatory requirements as set by theInstitutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) of the University of Tennessee, the state of Tennessee and federal agencies such as theNational Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
To mitigate the inherent risks associated with the laboratory setting, we seek to build a culture of safe work practices at the university. To do so, we provide a variety ofeducational opportunities to those involved in the investigation of biological activities in the form of classroom and online training sessions as well as informational modules found within this website.
Our office also seeks to facilitate collaborative outreach between investigators at the University of Tennessee and the larger academic community. To this end, we provide support and training for all areas ofshipping and permitting for the import and export of biological materials.
Finally, our office provides a route to properly dispose of both biologically hazardous and regulated medical wastes through our contracted disposal servicer.