


Nick Mousavi

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Docker + Meilisearch + NGINX + NestJS in production

Discover how to set up a production-ready search engine using Meilisearch, Docker, NGINX and NestJS

How to dockerize Nuxt 3 applications?

A practical walkthrough of Dockerizing a Nuxt 3 application: learn step-by-step how to create a Nuxt project, implement multi-stage builds, optimize Docker images, and set up Docker Compose and NGINX production build.

SWE Fundamental Concepts

A simple guide covering core software engineering principles, from system design and networking to databases and encryption. Bridging theoretical knowledge and practical insights, this resource serves as a fundamental reference for developers at all stages of their career.

Easiest Way to Set Up GitHub Action CI/CD for Vue.js Apps

Learn the easiest way to set up GitHub Actions CI/CD for your Vue.js apps. Automate builds, tests, and deployments - step-by-step guide.

All You Need to Know About Teleport in Vue 3

Vue 3's Teleport allows you to move component templates to different parts of the DOM while preserving their Vue context and reactivity, enabling more flexible and powerful UI rendering across your application.

Preload a route or component programmatically in Nuxt 3

Discover how to preload a specific route when the user is highly likely to navigate to that page, even when the route link isn't currently visible in Nuxt 3.

Understanding Jitter Backoff: A Beginner's Guide

Traditional exponential backoff can lead to a "thundering herd" problem, jitter backoff can help us to address this issue.

How we can handle "failed to fetch dynamically imported module" error in Vue 3 ?

Handle dynamically imported module error with explanation and providing a reusable approach for vue.js applications.

Why you should use both v-if and v-show to toggle heavy components in Vue ?

In here we learn why using v-if and v-show is important to toggle heavy components in vue.

How dynamically lazy load vue 3 components for better performance

Let's see how we can dynamically lazy load vue 3 components by using defineAsyncComponent.

