- XIV.–Observations upon the Habits of Micropus melanoleucus, with Critical Notes on its Plumage and External Characters
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 151, Date 1887
- XV.– On Falco babylonicus and Falco barbarus
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 158, Date 1887
- XVIII.–Notes on the Birds of the Loo‐choo Islands
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 173, Date 1887
- XIX.–A List of the Birds of Portugal
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 182, Date 1887
- XXI.–On a Collection of Birds from Foochow
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 215, Date 1887
- XXIII.–The Polar Origin of Life considered in its bearing on the Distribution and Migration of Birds.–Part I
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 236, Date 1887
- XXIV.–Notices of Recent Ornithological Publications
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 243, Date 1887
- IV.–Observations in the Eastern Pyrenees
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 66, Date 1887
- V.–Notes on Woodpeckers.–No. XIII. On Gecinus gorii, and on the male of Poliopicus ellioti
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 74, Date 1887
- VI.–A List of the Birds of Portugal
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 77, Date 1887
- VII.–On an apparently undescribed Hawk of the Asturine Subgenus Urospizias, proposed to be called Urospizias jardinei
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 96, Date 1887
- IX.–On the Bullfinches of Siberia and Japan
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 100, Date 1887
- I.–A Review of the Species of the Family Ploceidæ of the Ethiopian Region
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1887
- XX.–Notes on Birds in the Western Pacific, made in H.M.S. ‘ Constance’ 1883‐5
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 201, Date 1887
- Notes on Mediterranean Ornithology
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 261, Date 1887
- III.–On Empidonax brunneus and its allied Species
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 64, Date 1887
- X.–Notices of Recent Ornithological Publications
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 1887
- A List of the Birds of Portugal
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 372, Date 1887
- On new Species of Central‐Asian Birds
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 401, Date 1887
- Description of a rare Species of Plover from the Cameroons Coast
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 417, Date 1887
- VIII.–On the Breeding‐plumage of Podiceps occidentalis, Lawrence
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 98, Date 1887
- Some Remarks on Sundevall's Account in the number of Secondaries of Birds
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 286, Date 1887
- Descriptions of new Species and Subspecies of Trochilidse
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 289, Date 1887
- On some new or rare Palaarctic Birds
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 299, Date 1887
- A List of the Birds of Portugal
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 302, Date 1887
- Notes on a Collection of Birds from Kroonstad, in the Orange Free State
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 324, Date 1887
- Notes on the Birds of Natal and adjoining parts of South Africa
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 336, Date 1887
- Notices of Recent Ornithological Publications
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 352, Date 1887
- Note on Baza ceylonensis
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 419, Date 1887
- XI.–Letters, Extracts, Notices, &c
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 1, Page 119, Date 1887
- On the Structure of the Barbs, Barbules, and Barbicels of a Typical Pennaceous Feather
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 420, Date 1887
- XIII.–Notes on some Suriss Birds
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 130, Date 1887
- Notes on the Birds of Teneriffe
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 424, Date 1887
- On an apparently new Species of Zosterops from the Island of Anjuan, Comoro Group
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 369, Date 1887
- Remarks on the Species of the Genus Cyclorhis
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 320, Date 1887
- On Horsfield's Woodcock, Scolopax saturata
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 283, Date 1887
- Letters, Extracts, Notices, &c
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 361, Date 1887
- Notes on a Collection of Birds made by Mr. John Whitehead on the Mountain of Kina Balu, in Northern Borneo, with Descriptions of new Species
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 435, Date 1887
- Notes upon the Northern Limit of the Italian Sparrow (Passer italiae)
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 454, Date 1887
- Notices of Recent Ornithological Publications
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 456, Date 1887
- Letters, Extracts, Notices, &c
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 4, Page 469, Date 1887
- XVI.–On a new Species of Trochalopteron from China
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 166, Date 1887
- XXII.–On an apparently new Species of Zosterops from Madagascar
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 234, Date 1887
- XXV.–Letters, Extracts, Notices
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 258, Date 1887
- XVII.–On Phasianus colehicus and its Allies
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 2, Page 168, Date 1887
- A few Notes on British Guiana audits Birds
Ser 5, Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 315, Date 1887
- II.-A List of Birds collected by Mr. Walter Ayres in Transvaal and in Umzeilla's Country lying to the North-east of Transvaal, between the 23rd and 2Mh degrees of South Latitude and the 32nd and 33rd of East Longitude, with Notes by the Collector
Ser 5, Vol 1887, Page 47, Date 1887
- XII.-Description of a new Species of the Genus Setophaga
Ser 5, Vol 1887, Page 129, Date 1887