- Description of a new species of Cotinga from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Vol 10, Iss 599, Page 1, Date 1887
- Review of Japanese birds. IV. Synopsis of the genus Turdus
Vol 10, Iss 601, Page 4, Date 1887
- Description of a new species of bat, Vespertilio longicrus, from Puget Sound
Vol 10, Iss 602, Page 6, Date 1887
- Some distinctive cranial characters of the Canada lynx
Vol 10, Iss 603, Page 8, Date 1887
- Catalogue of the species of corals belonging to the genus Madrepora, contained in the United States National Museum
Vol 10, Iss 604, Page 10, Date 1887
- List of recently identified fossil plants belonging to the United States National Museum, with descriptions of several new species
Vol 10, Iss 606, Page 21, Date 1887
- Descriptions of new and little known etheostomoids
Vol 10, Iss 607, Page 47, Date 1887-05-17
- A review of the North American species of the genera Lagodon, Archosargus, and Diplodus
Vol 10, Iss 608, Page 65, Date 1887
- Birds of Kauai Island, Hawaiian Archipelago, collected by Mr. Valdemar Knudsen, with descriptions of new species
Vol 10, Iss 609, Page 75, Date 1887
- Notes on the northern Palaearctic bullfinches
Vol 10, Iss 610, Page 103, Date 1887
- Notes on Ardea wuerdemanni Baird
Vol 10, Iss 612, Page 112, Date 1887
- Description of a new species of Ophichthys (Ophichthys retropinnis), from Pensacola, Fla
Vol 10, Iss 613, Page 116, Date 1887-07-02
- Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. No. 7..Revised and annotated catalogue of the birds inhabiting the Commander Islands
Vol 10, Page 117, Date 1887
- Description of a new plumed partridge from Sonora
Vol 10, Iss 617, Page 148, Date 1887
- Notes on the osteology of the spotted tinamou (Nothura maculosa)
Vol 10, Iss 622, Page 157, Date 1887
- Field-notes on the mammals, birds and reptiles of northern California
Vol 10, Iss 623, Page 159, Date 1887
- A contribution to the knowledge of the fishes of Kansas
Vol 10, Iss 624, Page 242, Date 1887-07-02
- Notes on the North American Lithobiidae and Scutigeridae
Vol 10, Iss 625, Page 254, Date 1887
- Description of two new species of Kaup's genus Megascops
Vol 10, Page 267, Date 1887
- Notes on a collection of fishes sent by Mr. Charles C. Leslie from Charleston, South Carolina
Vol 10, Iss 627, Page 269, Date 1887
- Review of Japanese birds. V..Ibises, storks, and herons
Vol 10, Page 271, Date 1887
- On the systematic name of the Kamtschatkan and Japanese carrion crow
Vol 10, Iss 629, Page 320, Date 1887
- List of the myriopods found in Escambia County Florida with descriptions of six new species
Vol 10, Page 323, Date 1887
- Description of twelve new species of Myriapoda chiefly from Indiana
Vol 10, Page 328, Date 1887
- The species of Euerythra Harv
Vol 10, Iss 633, Page 335, Date 1887
- The North American species of Callimorpha Latr
Vol 10, Iss 634, Page 338, Date 1887
- Annotated catalogue of the species of Porites and Synaraea in the UnitedStates National Museum, with a description of a new species of Porites
Vol 10, Iss 635, Page 354, Date 1887
- Notes on a trematode from the white of a newly-laid hen's egg
Vol 10, Page 367, Date 1887
- Descriptions of five new species of fishes sent by Prof. A. Dugès from the Province of Guanajuato, Mexico
Vol 10, Iss 637, Page 370, Date 1887-09-29
- On a collection of birds' sterna and skulls, collected by Dr. Thomas H. Streets, U. S. Navy
Vol 10, Page 376, Date 1887
- Description of a new species of Thalassophryne (Thalassophryne dowi) from Punta Arenas and Panama
Vol 10, Iss 639, Page 388, Date 1887-11-03
- Notes on Psittirostra psittacea from Kauai, Hawaiian Islands
Vol 10, Iss 640, Page 389, Date 1887
- Further contributions to the avifauna of the Liu Kiu Islands, Japan, with descriptions of new species
Vol 10, Iss 641, Page 391, Date 1887
- On Phrygilus gayi (Eyd. & Gerv.) and allied species
Vol 10, Page 431, Date 1887
- List of the Batrachia and Reptilia of the Bahama Islands
Vol 10, Iss 645, Page 436, Date 1887
- Descriptions of the species of Heliaster (a genus of star-fishes) represented in the U. S. National Museum
Vol 10, Iss 646, Page 440, Date 1888
- New genera and species of North American Noctuidae
Vol 10, Iss 647, Page 450, Date 1888
- Note on the "Analyse de la Nature" of Rafinesque
Vol 10, Page 480, Date 1888
- On a collection of birds made by Mr. M. Namiye, in the Islands of Idzu, Japan
Vol 10, Iss 649, Page 482, Date 1888
- A review of the genus Dendrocincla Gray
Vol 10, Iss 650, Page 488, Date 1888
- Descriptions of two new species of the genus Unio, from the Ozark region of Missouri
Vol 10, Iss 651, Page 498, Date 1888
- Description of a new species of Callionymus (Callionymus bairdi) from the Gulf of Mexico
Vol 10, Iss 652, Page 501, Date 1888-08-06
- Descriptions of some new species and subspecies of birds from Middle America
Vol 10, Iss 655, Page 505, Date 1888
- Description of a new species of Thyrsitops (T. violaceus) from the fishing-banks off the New England coast
Vol 10, Iss 658, Page 513, Date 1888
- Descriptions of new species and genera of birds from the lower Amazon
Vol 10, Iss 660, Page 516, Date 1888
- A review of the genus Psittacula of Brisson
Vol 10, Iss 661, Page 529, Date 1888
- Description of the nest and eggs of the California black-capped gnat-catcher (Polioptila californica Brewster)
Vol 10, Iss 662, Page 549, Date 1888
- Notes on a collection of birds' nests and eggs from southern Arizona Territory
Vol 10, Page 551, Date 1888
- Descriptions of new species of parasitic copepods, belonging to the genera Trebius, Perissopus, and Lernanthropus
Vol 10, Iss 664, Page 559, Date 1888
- Catalogue of a collection of birds made by Mr. Chas. H. Townsend, on islands in the Caribbean Sea and in Honduras
Vol 10, Iss 665, Page 572, Date 1888
- The meteoric iron which fell in Johnson County, Ark., 3.17 P.M., March 27, 1886
Vol 10, Iss 666, Page 598, Date 1888
- Review of Japanese birds. VII.—The creepers
Vol 10, Iss 667, Page 606, Date 1888
- The characteristics of the elacatids
Vol 10, Iss 668, Page 612, Date 1888
- Note on the Gramma loreto of Poey
Vol 10, Iss 669, Page 615, Date 1888
- Descriptions of fourteen new species of North American myriapods
Vol 10, Iss 670, Page 617, Date 1888
- Description of a supposed new species of char (Salvelinus aureolus), from Sunapee Lake, New Hampshire
Vol 10, Page 628, Date 1887-09-19
- Description of a new genus and species of fish, Acrotus willoughbyi, from Washington Territory
Vol 10, Iss 672, Page 631, Date 1888-09-19
- Description of a new species of Xyrichthys (Xyrichthys jessiae) from the Gulf of Mexico
Vol 10, Iss 675, Page 698, Date 1888-10-12