- The genus Eucrate (Crustacea: Goneplacidae) in eastern Australia and the Indo-West Pacific
Vol 15, Page 117, Date 1969
- The sub-littoral Goneplacidae and Pinnotheridae (Crustacea: Brachyura) of Moreton Bay
Vol 15, Page 141, Date 1969
- Studies of Queensland Tetranychidae. (Acarina : Prostigmata). 6. A new genus and five new species of spider mites from native plants
Vol 15, Page 165, Date 1969
- Neotetranychus victoriae sp nov (Acarina: Tetranychidae) a spider mite found on Spyndium parvifollum F. Meull. in Victoria
Vol 15, Page 185, Date 1969
- The rediscovery of Hirudo elegans Grube, 1867
Vol 15, Page 191, Date 1969
- A new subspecies of the Western grasswren, Amytornis textilis (Dumont) in north-western Queensland
Vol 15, Page 205, Date 1969
- On the alleged Queensland Moa, Dinornis queenslandiae De Vis
Vol 15, Page 207, Date 1969