- On some Foraminifera obtained by the Royal Indian Marine Survey's S. S. "Investigator" from the Arabian Sea, near the Laccadive Islands
Vol 1895, Page 4, Date 1895
- An enumeration of the Hemiptera-Homoptera of the Island of St. Vincent, W.I
Vol 1895, Page 55, Date 1895
- 3. On the Occurrence of the Barbary Sheep in Egypt. P. L. Sclater, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary to the Society
Vol 1895, Page 85, Date 1895
- Note on the breeding of the Surinam Water-Toad (Pipa surinamenais) in the Society's Reptile-House
Vol 1895, Page 86, Date 1895
- 1. Contribution to the Knowledge of the Breeding-habits of some Tree-Frogs (Hylidae) of the Serra dos Orgãos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. Emil A. Goeldi, Director of the Museum of Natural History and Ethnography of Pará1
Vol 1895, Page 89, Date 1895
- 2. On a Collection of Land-Shells from Sarawak, British North Borneo, Palawan, and other neighbouring Islands. Edgar A. Smith
Vol 1895, Page 97, Date 1895
- 3. On the Long-lost Putorius africanus, Desm., and its Occurrence in Malta. Oldfield Thomas
Vol 1895, Page 128, Date 1895
- 4. On the Visceral Anatomy and Brain of Dendrolayus ben-netti. Frank E. Beddard, M.A., F.R.S., Prosector to the Society
Vol 1895, Page 131, Date 1895
- 1. On the Brain of Gulo
Vol 1895, Page 139, Date 1895
- 2. On the Brain in the Lemurs
Vol 1895, Page 142, Date 1895
- 3. On the Dates of the Parts of Siebold's ‘Fauna Japonica’ and Giebel's' Allgemeine Zoologie‘ (first edition). C. Davies Sherborn, F.Z.S., and F. A. Jentink, F.M.Z.S
Vol 1895, Page 149, Date 1895
- 4. On the Pyrenean Newt, Molge aspera, Dugès. Dr. J. de Bedriaga, C.M.Z.S
Vol 1895, Page 150, Date 1895
- March 5, 1895
Vol 1895, Page 161, Date 1895
- 1. On the Hyoid Bone of certain Parrots
Vol 1895, Page 162, Date 1895
- 2. A Study of the Interual Anatomy of Thyas petrophilus, an unrecorded Hydrachnid found in Cornwall
Vol 1895, Page 174, Date 1895
- 3. On the Nursing-habits of two South-American Frogs
Vol 1895, Page 209, Date 1895
- Preliminary account of new species of Earthworms belonging to the Hamburg Museum
Vol 1895, Page 210, Date 1895
- 2. Description of a new Species of Crab of the Genus Hyastenus
Vol 1895, Page 239, Date 1895
- 3. On the Structure and Affinities of some new Species of Molluscs from Borneo
Vol 1895, Page 241, Date 1895
- 4. On Collections of Lepidoptera from British Central Africa and Lake Tanganyika
Vol 1895, Page 250, Date 1895
- 5. On the Proventricular Crypts of Pseudotantalus ibis
Vol 1895, Page 271, Date 1895
- April 2, 1895
Vol 1895, Page 273, Date 1895
- 1. On the Sensory Canal System of Fishes. Teleostei-Suborder A. Physostomi
Vol 1895, Page 274, Date 1895
- 2. Remarks on some Cranial Characters of the Salmonoids
Vol 1895, Page 299, Date 1895
- 3. On certain Features in the Skull of Osteoglossum formosum
Vol 1895, Page 302, Date 1895
- 4. Notes on several rare Palaearctic Birds
Vol 1895, Page 311, Date 1895
- 5. The Skeleton of Lorius flavopalliatus compared with that of Psittacus erithacus.-Part I
Vol 1895, Page 312, Date 1895
- May 7,1895. Sir W. H. FLOWER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair
Vol 1895, Page 337, Date 1895
- On the structure of the heart of the alligator
Vol 1895, Page 343, Date 1895
- May 21, 1895. Lt.-Col. H. H. GODWIN-AUSTEN, F.R.S., Vice-President in the Chair
Vol 1895, Page 400, Date 1895
- On a new species of the genus Erinaceus from Somaliland
Vol 1895, Page 414, Date 1895
- June 18, 1895. Sir W. H. FLOWER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair
Vol 1895, Page 520, Date 1895
- An Account of the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Dr. A. Donaldson Smith in Western Somali-land and the Galla Country
Vol 1895, Page 530, Date 1895
- On the Mammals of Aden
Vol 1895, Page 542, Date 1895
- A monograph of the Bornean Lycaenidae
Vol 1895, Page 556, Date 1895
- On the complete or partial suppression of the right lung in the Amphisbaenidae and of the left ung in snaks and snake-like lizards and amphibians
Vol 1895, Page 691, Date 1895
- Report on the parasitic Hymenoptera of the island of Grenada, comprising the families Cynipidae, Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, and Proctotrypidae
Vol 1895, Page 742, Date 1895
- December 3, 1895. Sir W. IF. FLOWER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair
Vol 1895, Page 827, Date 1895
- On the Type Specimen of Boulengerina stormsi, an Elapoid Snake from Central Africa
Vol 1895, Page 865, Date 1895
- Descriptions of a new Snake and a new Frog from North Australia
Vol 1895, Page 867, Date 1895
- December 17, 1895. Sir W. H. FLOWER, K.C.B., LLD., F.R.S., President, in the Chair
Vol 1895, Page 868, Date 1895
- On the Orthoptera of the Sandwich Islands
Vol 1895, Page 891, Date 1895
- On the classification of the Schoenobiinae and Crambinae, two subfamilies of moths of the family Pyralidae
Vol 1895, Page 897, Date 1896