- January 12, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 1, Date 1864
- Notes on certain species of tortoises from the Asiatic islands transmitted to the British Museum by Dr Bleeker
Vol 1864, Page 11, Date 1864
- January 26, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 18, Date 1864
- Description of Aspidiotes melanocephalus, a new snake from Port Denison, N.E. Australia
Vol 1864, Page 20, Date 1864
- Descriptions of new species of shells, chiefly from Australia in the collection of Mr Angas
Vol 1864, Page 35, Date 1864
- February 9, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 41, Date 1864
- Third contribution to our knowledge of batrachians from Australia
Vol 1864, Page 46, Date 1864
- February 23, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 68, Date 1864
- Revision of the species of Trionychidae found in Asia and Africa, with the descriptions of some new species
Vol 1864, Page 76, Date 1864
- March 8, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 98, Date 1864
- 7. Notes on the species of sand-moles (Georychus)
Vol 1864, Page 123, Date 1864
- Description of a new species of Staurotypus (S. salvinii) from Guatemala
Vol 1864, Page 127, Date 1864
- On the genera of Chelydidae and the characters furnished by the study of their skulls
Vol 1864, Page 128, Date 1864
- March 22, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 138, Date 1864
- April 12, 1863
Vol 1864, Page 158, Date 1864
- April 26, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 167, Date 1864
- Descriptions of three new species of Australian snakes
Vol 1864, Page 180, Date 1864
- Notes on Australian freshwater fishes, and descriptions of four new species
Vol 1864, Page 182, Date 1864
- May 10, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 185, Date 1864
- Descriptions of new genera and species of Chitonidae from the Australian seas, in the collection of George French Angas
Vol 1864, Page 192, Date 1864
- On the Cetacea which have been observed in the seas surrounding the British Islands
Vol 1864, Page 195, Date 1864
- 4. On Urocyclus, a New Genus of Terrestrial Gasteropodous Mollusca from Africa
Vol 1864, Page 250, Date 1864
- June 14, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 258, Date 1864
- Sur quelques espèces inédites de Squalidæ de la tribu Acanthiana, Gray, qui fréquentent les côtes du Portugal
Vol 1864, Page 260, Date 1864
- Notice sur un batracien nouveau du Portugal (Chioglossa lusitanica, nob.)
Vol 1864, Page 264, Date 1864
- Note sur la Découverte d'un Zoophyte de la famille Hyalochaetides sur la côte du Portugal
Vol 1864, Page 265, Date 1864
- On a new genus of pediculate fish from the sea of Madeira
Vol 1864, Page 301, Date 1864
- Report on a collection of reptiles and fish made by Dr Kirk in the Zambesi and Nyssa regions
Vol 1864, Page 303, Date 1864
- November 8, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 373, Date 1864
- A new species of Grampus (Orca meridionalis) from Tasmania
Vol 1864, Page 420, Date 1865
- Revision of the genera and species of Chamaeleonidae, with the description of some new species
Vol 1864, Page 465, Date 1865
- Descriptions of new species of batrachians from West Africa
Vol 1864, Page 479, Date 1865
- Report on a collection of reptiles and fishes from Palestine
Vol 1864, Page 488, Date 1864
- A revision of the genera and species of Viverrine animals (Viverridae) founded on the collection in the British Museum
Vol 1864, Page 502, Date 1864
- November 22, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 587, Date 1864
- Descriptions of four new species of Australian land shells
Vol 1864, Page 594, Date 1865
- December 13, 1864
Vol 1864, Page 648, Date 1864
- Characters of new species of crustaceans discovered by J. K. Lord on the coast of Vancouver Island
Vol 1864, Page 661, Date 1865
- Appendix
Vol 1864, Page 713, Date 1864