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Biodiversity Heritage Library uses Global Names Architecture'sgnfinder, a taxonomic name finding tool, to search through all of the texts digitized in BHL and extract the scientific names. Searching for a name will return a list of all the individual pages where that name occurs. NOTE: The text is either generated from uncorrected Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program output or is manually produced transcriptions. As such, it is of variable quality for each scanned book.

Here are some examples of scientific names that you can find in the Biodiversity Heritage Library:

Corn:Zea maysGreat white shark:Carcharodon carcharias
Tiger:Panthera tigrisAfrican elephant:Loxodonta africana
Monarch butterfly:Danaus plexippusDomestic dog:Canis lupus familiaris
Strawberry:Fragaria magnaBottlenose Dolphin:Tursiops truncatus
Annual meadow grass:Poa annuaBlue whale:Balaenoptera musculus

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