How to make Vim faster ⚡️

Posted on 📅 February 2, 2021

📌 vim

Apart from not loading shit ton of plugins, there are some other tricks that can be used to make Vim more faster:

Embedding static files in Go

Posted on 📅 February 1, 2021

📌 go

Embedding static files in 2021 has become a bit easier since the release ofGo 1.16. The new release comes with a new packageembed which provides a handy set of interface and methods to attach static file in go binaries

Keep your URLs healthy using Github Actions and Go

Posted on 📅 January 29, 2021

📌 go📌 github

Dead links, huh!. Too many dead links? How do I test a bunch of URLs?Don’t worry I got you, I recently releaseareyouok a nice, portable and easy to use URL Auditor.Its built using Go and leverages go routines (literally the best form of concurrency).

What I have learned from blogging so far - A retrospect

Posted on 📅 January 21, 2021

📌 tech📌 devlife

Yesterday I completed my 2nd anniversary of Tech blogging, Yes my blog is now 2 years old 🎂I started my website (& my blog) in Jan 2019, a few days after I got my first internship as a developer.This post is going to be a reminder for me on how far I have come.

git cake: when is my README's birthday?

Posted on 📅 December 28, 2020

📌 git📌 shell

Do you want to know when was a file/directory committed in your git repo?Well here isgit log at your rescue!

Prettifying JSON using Vim, Python & Bash

Posted on 📅 December 22, 2020

📌 python📌 shell📌 linux📌 vim

So I recently switched my editor to Vim (last month to be exact), I will probably post my experience sometime later on. If you are interested I am documenting my vim journey (or cheatsheet)here.

The unholy way of using virtual environments

Posted on 📅 November 24, 2020

📌 python

I try to explain different ways a python project can be setup in 2020 using virtual environments without relying much on external utilities.Remember the goal is not to discuss about the good or bad practices of using envs but rather to show that there are other ways of doing things which can subtly improve your workflow and productivity as a python developer.

Story behind my first ever pull request

Posted on 📅 October 11, 2020

📌 devlife

It’s the month of opensource so I thought why not share how I made my first pull request in Dec 2017 (& try to remember) what went down for my first ever contribution on github.

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