Automatically remind contributors to update their pull requests

Posted on 📅 March 19, 2022

📌 github📌 shell📌 git

So from my short professional experience, I have realised that if you are working with a small team of individuals a lot of folks end-up authoring multiple pull-requests across X different repositories in an organisation which sometimes leads to managing multiple feature PRs at a time.

Why and How to add changelog in your next CLI

Posted on 📅 December 3, 2021

📌 go

Your CLI application might be good but its not great, you know what would be great. If it had release notes shipped with it. I mean seriously you have

Undo your last git mistake with ugit

Posted on 📅 April 30, 2021

📌 linux📌 git

So I have been working on this little tool calledugit (and was finally able to release a stable version), the goal is to make it easier for beginner to intermediate git users to undo their last (accidental) git command.Because we are not perfect and commit mistakes.

Making grep searches sexier 🌶️

Posted on 📅 March 22, 2021

📌 shell📌 linux📌 awk

grep is a life-saver for many but it is not so good with terminal UX, in this short tutorial I share some tips that can help make your grep experience a bit more pleasant!

Surfing web inside a terminal, because why not?

Posted on 📅 March 2, 2021

📌 linux📌 vim📌 python

I recently wrote a python script tosurf the web (see search results) directly into the terminal.

How to use code snippets in Vim like a cowboy 🤠️

Posted on 📅 February 14, 2021

📌 vim📌 go📌 python📌 shell

Its time to increase your horsepower and write code faster than before. In this tutorial I will cover how to setup and use code-snippets in Vim or NeoVim for Go, Python, Bash and Markdown (since I deal with them everyday)

Converting video to high-quality gif using ffmpeg

Posted on 📅 February 13, 2021

📌 shell

Converting videos to GIFs using ffmpeg is a pain in the ass if you don’t know what’s happening.GIF size getting 10x the size of original video ? Don’t worry, I got you!

Debugging Go in Vim

Posted on 📅 February 8, 2021

📌 go📌 vim

Usingmake in Vim/NeoVim can be a handy utility if you want to quickly build, run & debug programs. The make command is governed by the program set inmakeprg.

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